BABAVE - Zeliščna vas I Herbal village

5.0 (20 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za BABAVE - Zeliščna vas I Herbal village, Čajna hiša v mestu gornji grad.
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Prelaz vožnje: Da
  • Dostava: Ne
  • Vzemi s seboj: Ne
  • Kamin: Da
  • Živi nastopi: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Stranišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Organske jedi: Da
  • Vino: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Sedeži: Da
  • Bar na kraju: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Družinam prijazno: Da
  • Skupine: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Brezplačno parkirišče: Da
  • Brezplačno parkiranje na ulici: Da
Hišni ljubljenčki
  • Dovoljeni psi: Da

Prikaz na zemljevidu

20 mnenj





Dober čaj in prijetni zeliščarci.


We didn't have enough time to enjoy in the venue of Babave, so we brought with us the Harmony tea mix. Now, in a cloudy and rainy day, this tea is an excellent way to "make my day". All in one, Harmony is a feast for all senses. Many thanks and all the best!




Don’t miss going on a tour through Maya and Amanda‘s herb garden if you’re passing through Gornij Grad — they’re pure magic! (And they also serve up a great cup of coffee.)


Babave is magic. Every time I visit the herbal house I learn more and want to stay longer. The women here (Maja and Amanda) always serve me a beverage tailored to what I need at the moment and their energy improves my spirit. If you have the opportunity to take their herbal class and attend a tea ceremony, I highly recommend it. The gardens are beautiful, the stories and local history lessons explain some of the local culture, and the tea is a treat for all the senses. An absolutely perfect way to spend my time.


Such a great moment « hors du temps » like we say in French. Learning about the plants, the history of the village while drinking some amazing tea with herbs from the area. Would recommend to anyone to take some quiet time and enjoy this peaceful moment with the 2 really kind owners ✨💐🌻


Babave Herbal Village is the perfect starting point for all your adventures in the Gornji Grad area! The owners are very knowledgable on topics of local tradition, herbology, and folklore. They are really easy going and will take their time to answer any questions you might have on the area. The shop is elegantly designed with many local treasures to be found. And of course one has to try the traditional Slovenian "kombucha", brewed and bottled by the Babave Herbal Villagers themselves.


Odločil sem se da bom svoj eno tedenski dopust preživel v Savinjski dolini. Med drugim sem na spletu naključno našel zeliščno vas - BABAVE. Ob prihodu me je očaral izjemno domač in s stilom opremljen prostor, v katerem se nahaja zeliščarstvo. Najprej sem s solastnico Amando šel na ogled prečudovitega živo-pisanega zeliščnega vrta, ki stoji ravno za največjo (po prostornini) slovensko cerkvijo v baročnem stilu. Vrt je oblikovan v vzorcu križa in razdeljen na različne odseke glede na vrsto zelišč. Kasneje sem spoznal drugo solastnico butične znamke, in sicer Majo, ki mi je razložila vse o pripravi čaja in me postregla z zelo okusno čajno mešanico. Preko zgodbe me je popeljala skozi čuječ način pitja čaja in obenem pripovedovala anekdote o domačih krajih. Celoten obisk sem zaključil s pogovorom v prijetni družbi Maje in Amande. Zelo sem vesel, da ti mladi podjetnici s takim zanosom in energijo oživljata mesto in okolico. Hvala vama za prav posebno izkušnjo! ❤️


If in Gornji Grad check out Babave, a kind of hybrid “herbal house” / cultural hub designed and created from the ground up by enterprising locals Amanda and Maja. On offer are freshly prepared teas, herbs grown in their vast garden behind the cathedral, and other locally sourced products…but that’s not all that they’re up to: they also co-organize an international artist residency program in town—Rezidenca Gornji Grad—which hosts two artists per month during the summer, bringing another level of culture to their local community. Like Babave itself, the residency is run like a labor of love. If you’re in the area, stop by, have a tea, enjoy the atmosphere and good conversation—they deserve your support!!


Vandaag een fantastische ochtend gehad bij Amanda en Maja! In hun mooie en sfeervolle zaak werden we welkom geheten met hun heerlijke eigen gemaakte ijs. Daarna begon een korte introductie over kruiden thee (natuurlijk onder het genot van een vers gezet kopje). Maja verteld daarnaast ook geweldige verhalen over het dorp en (haar lokale familie) historie. Hierna heeft Amanda een zeer leerzame rondleiding gegeven door de prachtige kruidentuin. Met veel proeven, ruiken en plukken weet ze haar passie over te brengen. Als je in Slovenië op bezoek bent is dit een plek die je niet wil missen!


Odličen ambient, prijazni gostiteljici, odlični čaji in prav tako sladoled. Še pridemo.


Prekrasen miren kotiček, kjer te čakajo raznovrstni zdravilni domači čajčki, božanski sladoled, izdelki slovenskih ustvarjalcev in prijetna družba. Zelo priporočam tudi ogled njihovega ljubkega zeliščnega vrta! Definitivno se še vrnem! :)


Pristno, naravno in zelo lepo zasnovano. Veliko več kot le čajnica z omamni čaji, to je zgodba, ki povezuje in izobražuje lokalno skupnost.


Just Perfect! If you won't to buy unique slovenian gift for your family or friends, that can not be bought nowhere in the stores, then this the perfect place to buy it. Gilrs are just amazing.




If you happen to pass through Gornji Grad a stop in the Herbal Village Babave is a must. Have you already tasted their delicious ice-cream? You can even buy some tea not just for you but also for your pet. I am a firm believer in the quality of their fir resin cream and always eager to try out new products. I have visited their beautiful garden behind the village church last July and would love to attend one of their workshops in the nearby future.






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