In English - Alexander Jordan s.p.

5.0 (15 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

15 mnenj

Alex is an excellent teacher! His lessons were extremely valuable while I was preparing for IELTS. I was stuck at band 6.5 in writing, after taking the exam several times. However, after working with Alex via skype, my writing improved significantly, and I finally got the desired 7.5 score. He is very patient, thoughtful, well-prepared for classes, always available and he gave me useful advice on how to make my writing better. I would recommend him to everyone!


Alex is a great teacher, he is very supportive and patient. His classes are interactive, fun and useful. I enjoyed his lessons and I would recommend it to everyone who wants to learn or improve their English.


I have been learning English for a year and I'm glad Alex is my teacher. He helps me to transform my knowledge from passive to active, step by step, respecting my rhythm of learning. I appreciate that he is always prepared for each lesson with interesting topics and I feel great support in overcoming my language barriers. I can say that I am very pleased with my progress in English and Iook forward to studying further with him.


The universe sent Alex to me when I needed English help the most! I had always had a feeling I would never be able to speak English fluently and was embarrassed about my mistakes. But in class we did relaxed speaking tasks, talking about the specific topics that I liked the most, and this helped me to gain the confidence I needed to speak freely.


I had 1:1 English lessons with Alex, usually after work, and it really felt like spending some relaxed time with a friend, so I always looked forward to it. Alex makes you feel very comfortable while speaking and learning English. He makes the classes interesting and fun, as well as at a highly professional level. I really recommend him as he is also a great person with whom you can discuss lots of different topics.


I met Alex through an English course. Alex is witty, highly instructive, so his classes are always interesting and instructive. His classes are passing too fast! He is also fun and friendly as a person. You can only want that kind of teacher.


Alex is a knowledgeable and a patient teacher. About three years ago I got the opportunity to work in USA. So I had to refresh and upgrade my English in a very short period of time. With his professional, dedicated and patient approach, Alex gave me a lot of knowledge and much-needed confidence to use English at any time and on any occasion. I highly recommend Alex to anyone who’s looking for an amiable, respectful and intelligent teacher. Being a great teacher is a rare talent, and he definitely possesses it.


Great teacher, great classes. Very well organised, I really enjoyed our group classes with Alex. Definitely recommend for all levels.


Alex is great teacher, easy talk to and very flexible with arranging classes


I like online English classes with Alex very much. He always prepares tasks according to your level of English, and on themes you would like to develop (e.g. financial English, in my case). Alex is an open-minded and communicative person, it is always a pleasure to talk to him. If you have any questions, he always explains everything clearly. My level of English has definitely improved since I started learning English with him.


Na inštitutu smo imeli že več učiteljev angleščine, a najdlje vztrajamo z Alexom. Na ure pride dobro pripravljen, vedno se prilagaja našim željam in zahtevam, ki so pogosto vezane na znanstvenoraziskovalno delo. Temelj našega tečaja je konverzacija - Alex pripravi zanimive teme, jim prilagodi učno gradivo zato imam občutek, da od tečaja veliko odnesemo.


I had a great fear of English (of wrong pronunciation etc.) since my school days, and so I usually avoided using English in my adulthood. However, with Alex I have managed to overcome this, because he is extremely positive, knows how to encourage students, and after the first few individual meetings I lost that fear and now I can speak English freely. His individual hours are very relaxed, full of interesting topics and laughter, and the time flies by in each class! I recommend Alex to anyone who needs to improve their English, and I can't wait for our next meeting.


Alex is the best English teacher I ever had. Alex is excellent teacher, who understands immediately the specific difficulties a student has with the English language and who knows exactly how to support him. He prepared all classes with enthusiasm and according to your level. I strongly recommended!!!




Z Alexom na tedenski ravni sodelujem že skoraj tri leta. Najina zgodba se je pričela z individualnimi urami poslovne (IT) angleščine, ki so mi omogočile, da sem se lahko hitro in suvereno infiltrirala na takrat novo delovno mesto. Pred dvema letoma, ko smo v podjetju iskali angleškega lektorja za besedila namenjena mednarodni publiki smo nekaj vsebine posredovali Alexu v test in že naslednji dan smo vedeli, da z njim želimo sodelovati dolgoročno. Alex ne le da besedila lektorira – vedno jih tudi obogati s svojimi predlogi s katerimi nam omogoči, da so naše objave berljive tudi, ko so bolj »tehnične« narave. Pri delu z Alexom najbolj cenim njegovo odzivnost, doslednost in veselje do dela, ki ga opravlja.


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