Ant-Bition Gym - Jiujitsu | MMA | Functional fitness

5.0 (5 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Ant-Bition Gym - Jiujitsu | MMA | Functional fitness, Šola borilnih veščin v mestu maribor.
Najboljše mesto za brazilski Jiu-Jitsu in MMA v Mariboru je Antbition GYM. Ne verjameš? Priji se zvit na brezplačen trening in se prepričaj!
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Spletne tečaje: Ne
  • Storitve na kraju: Ne
  • ponedeljek 7. do 9. ure, 18. do 21.30
  • torek Od 7 do 9 zjutraj, od 17 do 21:30
  • sreda Od 7 do 9 zjutraj, od 17 do 21:30
  • četrtek 7. do 9. ure, 18. do 21.30
  • Petek 7. do 9. ure zjutraj, 6.30 do 21. ure
  • sobota 9 do 11h
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

5 mnenj

Very nice and modern gym! As a visitor to the gym everybody was very friendly and kind, and seemed to make a special effort to help me as I was new to the gym. There is a big mat area and also a big area to lift weights, changing rooms, shower, toilet, and everything is super clean. I highly recommend, and am thankful to the coaches and owners for letting me train with them :)






Great coaches and team athmosfere. The gym is very beginner friendly. If you are thinking of getting into BJJ or MMA, they offer free first practice so you can decide if it is the right fit for you.




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