5.0 (4 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za ADRIATIC NAUTICAL ACADEMY, Športni klub v mestu bakar.

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4 mnenj

I took the leap from complete beginner to accomplished sailor with ANA. I started with no experience, then progressed through advanced courses, completed my skipper training and racked up miles with their program. I highly recommend ANA because of the exceptional support I received from the entire team - from the back office to the marina crew and instructors - it was top-notch.


Veliko hvala ANA školi jedrenja ⛵ na prvim samostalnim miljama po lijepom Jadranu 🌊🌊. Nezaboravno proveden tjedna pun aktivnosti, prepun dobre vibracije i odlična ekipa🔝. Svakome tko želi naučiti sigurno osnove upravljanja jedrilicom preporučujem ANA - Školu jedrenja⛵ ⚓. I na kraju, najveća pohvala profesionalnom instruktoru Jadranku 🔝 koji nam je bio cijelo vrijeme na raspolaganju, prepun znanja i vještina, te raznih priča, iskustava i situacija s kojima se susreo na moru. Vidimo se iduće godine ☀️🌊⛵.


Academia Navalis Adriatica is the best sailing school in Croatia. Starting from initial Admin support provided by Vedrana which always provides the best solution for the customer and her email response time is the fastest in universe, to the sailing instructors Tomislav and Zvonimir led by Croatian sailing legend Zivko Matutinovic. I have personally sailed with Zivko on 2 courses one was advanced sailor, and the other one was Otranto and this was one of the best experiences of my life. After these two courses i ended up sailing with confidence over the Atlantic all the way down to Patagonia. If you think about starting sailing or even if you are advanced sailor I can strongly recommend ANA as your first reference point, after that OCEAN will become your ZONE. Safe sailing ya'll,




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