Čevabdžinica Sarajevo '84 - Koper 2

4.5 (1023 mnenj)

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Obiščite Sarajevo '84 in poskusite naše vrhunske sarajevske čevapčiče in ostale bosanske jedi. Sarajevo '84 - Ljubljana - Koper - Piran
  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
Hišni ljubljenčki
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  • Družinam prijazno: Da
  • Skupine: Da
  • Prijeteljski do LGBTQ+: Da
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  • Kosilo: Da
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  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Prevzem ob robu ceste: Da
  • Dostava brez stika: Da
  • Dostava: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Visoki stoli: Da
  • Brezplačno parkirišče: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Halal hrana: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Hrana pozno ponoči: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Bar na kraju: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • ponedeljek 10. do 12. ure
  • torek 10. do 12. ure
  • sreda 10. do 12. ure
  • četrtek 10. do 12. ure
  • Petek 10. do 12. ure
  • sobota 12:00 do 12:00
  • nedelja 12. do 22. ure

Prikaz na zemljevidu

1023 mnenj


Hvala za vašo oceno s petimi zvezdicami! Vaša podpora in pozitivna ocena sta za nas izjemno pomembni. Veselimo se vašega naslednjega obiska v Čevabdžinici "Sarajevo '84". Če imate kakršnekoli posebne želje ali povratne informacije, nam jih z veseljem sporočite.


Superb and huge portion of cevapcici with a really good lepin and kajmak for an acceptable price.

Thank you for your fantastic five-star review! We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed our superb and huge portion of cevapcici with high-quality lepinja and kajmak.. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to serving you again in the future. If you have any further feedback or requests, feel free to let us know.


Menjar de cerveseria, racions amables i de bon gust. La cervesa també és bona. Preu més que correcte. I amb fil musical de cançons iugoslaves del 1984!

Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari fantàstic i les cinc estrelles! Ens alegra saber que vas gaudir del menjar de cerveseria amb racions amables i de bon gust. També ens satisfà saber que la cervesa era bona i que el preu era més que correcte. Ens esforcem per oferir una experiència agradable als nostres clients. I quina agradable sorpresa que hagis notat la música Yugoslava del 1984; aquesta música forma part de l'ambient únic que volem proporcionar. Esperem que ens tornis a visitar aviat. Amb amistat, L'equip de Čevabdžinica "Sarajevo '84"



Thank you for your fantastic five-star review! Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to serving you again in the future. If you have any further feedback or requests, feel free to let us know.



Hvala za vašo oceno s petimi zvezdicami! Vaša podpora in pozitivna ocena sta za nas izjemno pomembni. Veselimo se vašega naslednjega obiska v Čevabdžinici "Sarajevo '84". Če imate kakršnekoli posebne želje ali povratne informacije, nam jih z veseljem sporočite.


Delicious food, great atmosphere and affordable prices. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely come back here

Thank you for your wonderful five-star review! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our delicious food, great atmosphere, and affordable prices at Čevabdžinica "Sarajevo '84". We look forward to welcoming you back in the future, and if you have any further feedback or requests, please feel free to let us know.



Thank you for your fantastic five-star review! Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to serving you again in the future. If you have any further feedback or requests, feel free to let us know.


Gutes Essen und freundliche Bedienung, Lage nicht besonders hübsch, aber durch die Freundlichkeit der Kellnerin mehr als wettgemacht

Vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihre fantastische Fünf-Sterne-Bewertung! Wir freuen uns sehr zu hören, dass Sie bei uns gutes Essen und freundlichen Service genossen haben. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass die Lage nicht Ihren Erwartungen entsprochen hat, aber es freut uns, dass die Freundlichkeit unserer Kellnerin dies mehr als wettgemacht hat. Wir schätzen Ihr positives Feedback sehr und hoffen, Sie in der Zukunft erneut bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Das Team der Čevabdžinica "Sarajevo '84"


Polecam bardzo klimatyczne miejsce

Thank you for the 5-star review! We appreciate it. 😊



Dear Luka, thank you for choosing to dine with us and leaving us a five star review. We appreciate it!



Najlepša hvala za obisk čevabdžinice Nedim. Želimo vam prijeten dan!


Cíleně jsme hledali v Koperu při naší zastávce Čevabdčinicu v mapách. Lehce jsme ji našli a nebyli jsme zklamáni. Dali jsme si různá jídla a vše bylo výborné. Pleskavica jedna radost. Příjemná paní která nás obsluhovala nám popřála při odchodu všechno dobré. Příště vždycky Sarajevo. Děkujeme.

Thank you so much Milan, for your wonderful 5-star review! We are thrilled to hear that you purposely sought out our Čevabdžinica and that you were not disappointed. We take pride in serving delicious dishes, and it's fantastic to know that you enjoyed them. Our staff aims to provide a pleasant experience, and we're glad our kind lady made your visit even more enjoyable. We truly appreciate your kind words and look forward to welcoming you back for another delightful experience in the future.


Divna basta sa kariranim stoljnjacima nepretenciozna. Motivacione poruke i odlična Ex YU muzika. Osoblje ljubazno. Hrana izvrsna...mmm Pice hladno Sve taman. Mesto gde uvek i jedino jedem u Kopru.

Draga Marijana hvala vam puno na lijepim riječima i odličnoj ocjeni.Drago nam je da ste bili zadovoljni našom cjelokupnom uslugom. Lijep pozdrav!



Puno hvala Mirza na sjajnoj recenziji. Lijepi pozdrav!


Wonderful food, exquisit service. Enchanting!

Thank you so much, Natascha, for your kind words and excellent 5-star rating! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our wonderful food and top-notch service. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're delighted to have charmed you with our offerings. Have a nice day!



Najlepša hvala Marko za odlično oceno. Obiščite nas še kdaj!



Najlepša hvala Brankica za odlično oceno. Prijetne pozdrave od celotne ekipe!



Najlepša hvala za obisk čevabdžinice Simon. Želimo vam lep vikend!


Vynikajúce jedlo, remeselné pivo a veľmi milá a ústretová obsluha. Platba možná len v hotovosti.

Thank you, Lucia, for your wonderful 5-star review! We are delighted that you enjoyed our excellent food, craft beer, and friendly service. We appreciate your kind words!



Thank you so much for visiting our restaurant Edoardo.


Pyszne jedzenie! Najlepsze cevapy w Koprze. Inne mięsa też wyśmienite. Bardzo dobra parzona kawa

Dear Katarzyna, thank you for your fantastic review and for choosing our restaurant! We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our delicious food, especially the čevapi. Your kind words are truly appreciated, and we are grateful for your support. We look forward to serving you again soon and providing you with more delightful dining moments. Thank you once again for your glowing review!


Jídlo dobré, ceny mírné.

Thank you, Milan, for your review and 4-star rating! We're glad to hear that you enjoyed our food and found our prices reasonable. If there's anything specific you think we can improve upon to earn that last star from you next time, please let us know. We appreciate your feedback and hope to welcome you back again soon!


Super miejsce, smaczne jedzenie.

Thank you, Robert, for the fantastic 5-star rating and your kind words! We are delighted to know that you enjoyed your visit and our delicious food. Your support means a lot to us. We look forward to serving you again soon at our place!


Good food, fast & good service. Fair prices. Highly recommend! No POS terminal - only cash money 😀

Thank you, Mihail, for your fantastic review and 5-star rating! We're thrilled that you enjoyed our good food, fast and friendly service, and found our prices fair. Your recommendation means a lot to us!


Die besten Cevapcici die ich jemals gegessen habe. Das Ambiente ist wunderbar. Der Service perfekt.

Thank you so much, Melisa, for your amazing 5-star review! We're thrilled to hear that our čevapčiči have left such a positive impression on you and that you enjoyed the wonderful ambiance of our restaurant. Your feedback means a lot to us, and we look forward to serving you again in the future. Have a great day!


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