Avant Car - Car Rental Ljubljana

4.2 (175 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

175 mnenj

Wanted to rent an electric car with my girlfriend on saturday arond 9am. Called the tel number of the company and the operator said that they have a few electric cars and that we can get it at 10.30, but we first need to send an email. I asked a few basic questions about the price and about the difference of the cars but she didn't know. Also asked for the price of Tesla and if we can get that one but she didn't know. All she knew was that we can not get it the same day but didn't know which day we can get it and what is the price. So we took a walk about 2km to the office in the centre hoping they could give us more information. We waited for about 15 min there bec there were people in front of us where another girl then talked to us. She said that yes they have all these cars we can rent in front of the office Renault ZOE, Nissa Leaf...plus Golf which is not there at the moment. She said we can get it at 11am...but... we have to call the operator again. It was about 10.30 then. So we went for a coffee and called the girl operator again. The tel machine was saying that I am the first in line for the call and have to wait. After about 20min a guy answered and said that I got redirected to the office at airport and that he can not help me that i have to call again. I called again and the girl operator answered again and said that i have to send an email and that i can get a car at 11am. So I sent an email and wrote I want to rent Renault Zoe as there were 3 in front of the office.it was around 11.15am then when I got a confirmation mail. Went back to the office where we waited again for about 15 min as there were people in font of us. Then the girl talked to us and said yes you have the reservation. Filled out the forms and then explained that Renault Zoe has only 15% battery and we have to wait again to recharge. I asked how long and she said 3 hours so we can come back at 2.30pm to rent it. I asked if we could rent some different car that is charged and she said that they don't have any other car available. So we cancelled the reservation and walked the 2km back home ;)


Really bad policies where you end up paying more without being told before reserving. Oh and we waited 30 minutes in line because they only had one staff in.




Отличное место, приятный персонал, никаких проблем. Рекомендую!




Dobra elektrika.


One of the biggest car rental in Slovenia.


Reliable, good value, helpful and friendly staff. One happy customer here :)


Počasnost,dolga čakalna doba za nove avtomobile,visoki stroški.








AvantCar Slovenija zagotavlja dober avto za vožnjo, a je neprijazen do strank pri denarnih zadevah. Pri prevzemu avta zablokira dolocen znesek na kreditni kartici. A deblokada tega zneska se ne zgodi kar tako, tudi ce je z avtom vse v redu. AvantCar se izgovarja na banko, da banka zavlacuje, a banka ne dobi zahteve od AvantCar da lahko sprosti znesek. Podobne cudne konstrukcije z blokiranjem kreditne kartice ne poznam pri drugih Rent-a-car organizacijah.


Super podjetje za najem vozila.




Profesionalci. Vse uredijo.






Отличный сервис, смело можно оформить аренду авто в этой компании. Автомобили на любой кошелёк, разные марки. В отличном состоянии, ездить одно удовольствие.




Best rental car place in SLO.MR.GASPAR perfect job.Highly recommend for rentals




Such POOR poor and dishonest service. Let's start with receiving the car. They take a lengthy half hour per client ,I swear. even if you arrive with all the forms filled as pre requested. So you will have to wait in a cramped corridor with poor AC for over an hour for your car, If you are lucky of course. And then came the STING- uppon return the guy actually crawled under the car to find a scratch under the front hood... Go tell if it wasn't there before. And such a minute one. Even though we had the FULL insutance that is supposed ror be hastle free the charged us 60 euro [yes - sixty!] for "PAPER WORK". Yeah- and my name is Gingis KAhn...The so called "damage" will probably cost less [practically unvisible scratches in plastic]. Saw the same thing happen to another familly so this is obviously some scam. Stay away from Avant car. STAY AWAY. And to top it off when my wife complaind the "guy' there had the audacity to tell her to go rent at Sixt next time. Don't know if we will, we certainely won't with the thieving Avant car...


I rented a car two years in a row, but never again. I was charged 230 euros for a scratch on a bumper because they knew i did not have time to fight it because i was flying out. Very rude and unfriendly, which is sad because other people i came in contact with were much friendlier.


Avant company states on their webpage that they are open on Saturdays in Dunajska street.Actually they are not.I reserved the car,but confirmation email has never arrived so I went to solve it personally.Nobody was there and the only alternative was to go somewhere to the city center,which is far away from me.What kind of service is this?Beware!!


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