Enterprise Rent-A-Car - Letališče Ljubljana

3.0 (25 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Enterprise Rent-A-Car - Letališče Ljubljana, agencija za najem avtomobila v mestu brnik - aerodrom.
Možnosti storitev
  • Storitve na kraju: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • ponedeljek 7. do 23. ure
  • torek 7. do 23. ure
  • sreda 7. do 23. ure
  • četrtek 7. do 23. ure
  • Petek 7. do 23. ure
  • sobota 7. do 23. ure
  • nedelja 7. do 20. ure

Prikaz na zemljevidu

25 mnenj

I reserved a car in advance and was the last customer of the day. Despite this, the system wasn't working, and I had to wait 45 minutes to get the keys. The person at the desk was extremely friendly and apologized profusely. I received a decent car within the booked range. It was nearly new, with only 5.000 km on it and was clean and spotless.


We were very satisfied with the car we were assigned, a brand new Audi. Unfortunately I forgot a leather jacket in the trunc when we returned it, but the Enterprise rental office took care of it and sent it to my home address in Sweden. I'm so happy for this service!


There's a special place in hell for the employees of Ljubljana airport Enterprise rent-a-car. They will lie to your face and answer every question / request rudely. They have no intent to help you but instead they will do their best to make your life harder. Even after communicating with Rentalcars, they were rude to them as well and Rentalcars made a notice of that. Instead, cross the street and rent from the car companies in the Rent a car building, there you will be treated like a human, by humans. DO NOT rent a car from here, be warned!!!


Very rude staff, we had a very bad experience with them. Never ever rent a car there.


A fuir. Le prix de ma location à quasi doubler entre la réservation sur internet et la réalité. 580€ pour 1 semaine véhicule 8 places. Avec un pb de carte de credit bien que ma.carte soit une carte de credit mais le montant demande avec la caution etait de 2000 €, l'impossibilité de changer de carte (il n'accepte que celle du titulaire) vous êtes obliger de prendre les assurances complémentaire. J'en ai eu pour 986 €....


The worst experience related to rent car in my life. Be careful and take a pictures and movies of car before you rent a car


Everything was as expected, staff was very nice and car provided was in the category that I’ve booked it. The only downside was the car was 6/8 fuel on pick up and plug-in hybrid batter was not charged. Other than that everything was okay.




Very bad customer service, unfortunately! Be aware that you need a credit card to secure a car booking, and no other way is allowed.


Mussten dringend ein Auto mieten und sind zum Enterprice gegangen weil leider keine anderen Autovermietungen in der Nähe waren. Haben ein Renault bekommen der sowie von außen auch von innen stark beschädigt war. Man hat uns gesagt dass das Auto vollgetankt ist etc. Nachdem wir dass Fahrzeug erhalten haben haben wir gemerkt dass der Tank bisschen mehr als die Hälfte voll war. Trotzdem sind wir weitergefahren danach hat dass Fahrzeug mitten auf der Autobahn angefangen zu Qualmen da weder ad Blue noch anti freeze aufgefüllt war. Mussten dann auf eigene Kosten die nötigen Sachen besorgen damit wir unsere Fahrt fortsetzen können!


Dobar dan želim da podelim sa vama jedno loše iskustvo sa rent acar Eneterprise uzeli smo auto da se odvezem do Nemacke zato što smo imali unfal u Sloveniji ADC je prihvatio da snosi troškove i mi smo uzeli auto ali oni su meni tražili KREDITNU KARTICU koju sam im ja dao kao neka garancija navodno da bi posle nedelju dana sa računa nama skinuli 476 EUR i kada sam ih zvao oni se prave ludi zato čuvajte se njih skidaju bez vašeg znanja sa vašeg KONTA NOVAC!!! Vrebaju pogotovo strance da bi ih pljackali kao mene!! Guten Tag, ich möchte Ihnen eine schlechte Erfahrung mit rent acar Enterprise mitteilen. Wir sind mit dem Auto nach Deutschland gefahren, weil wir in Slowenien eine Panne hatten. ADC hat akzeptiert, die Kosten zu tragen, und wir haben das Auto genommen, aber sie haben mich darum gebeten Eine KREDITKARTE, die ich ihnen gab, gab ich als eine Art Garantie, angeblich, dass sie nach einer Woche 476 EUR von unserem Konto abheben würden, und als ich sie anrufe, tun sie so, als wären sie verrückt, also nehmen Sie sich vor ihnen in Acht, sie nehmen GELD von Ihrem KONTO ohne dein Wissen!!! Sie verfolgen vor allem Ausländer, um sie wie mich auszurauben!!




Staff was very professional, the check out was fast and straightforward. We got a Crossland X for Compact category which was a bit old with ~ 130000 kms and a few marks. The service light came up but we didn't have any issue with the car. Dropped off after hours (~6PM) 2 days ago, I haven't received a closed RA since but fingers crossed I'm not getting any surprises..




Très bon service


It was very easy to get the car after I reached the Airport. It just took 5 minutes to get the car. The car was almost brand new and the staff was extremely helpful including Primus. Thanks a lot team and we will surely come back to you.


Personeel was vriendelijk. Auto was oud (rond de 100.000km) maar op zich in prima conditie. Voor het tolvignet werd niks extra's in rekening gebracht. De cross border fee naar Kroatië was redelijk (EUR20/huur). Twee dingen waren minder goed: de openingstijden klopte niet (kantoor gaat pas open om 08.00 ipv 07.00 uur). Je kan wel gratis je sleutel in een brievenbus gooien. Bij ons ging dat fout: we hebben nooit de bevestiging ontvangen dat de auto in goede orde is ontvangen. Ook bij het doen van navraag via het officiële Sloveense e-mailadres en het contactformulier op de website kwam geen reactie. Inmiddels is het bedrag op mijn creditcard wel vrijgegeven..


Top service. After a day of much trouble and least our kreditcard does'nt work the lovely enterprise employee was so helpfully. Thats true customer focus. Thank you very much!


We rented a car there. The car was old. It wasn’t clean. The fuel was not full. And we ended up having a breakdown on our trip. Had to change motor oil. When we returned the car and asked for a reimbursement for the motor oil, they did not even car. Very disappointed in enterprise. We will never rent a car with them again. There are better option.


We recently rented a car for 10 days to drive around Slovenia. The representatives (Primus and Uri) were both very professional, friendly, and efficient during check-in and returning the vehicle. Fortunately, we didn't have any issues with the rental car. I would highly recommend renting from Enterprise at this airport location.


Terrible company. Our breaks broke down on the highway, life threathning situation, were without a working car for 3 full days, got a downgrade (from automatic to manual, which we are not accustomed to) as a replacement car and only got a full tank of gas as ''compensation'' they were thinking very lightly of the situation too. 10/10 would NEVER recommend.








Don't try renting a car here. I've done it a few times and it's rarely not been a pain. From long waiting times to grab or return a car with an understaffed booth; to overcharging for motorway vinjeta; to the worst one - requiring us to use a credit rather than debit card, whilst not accepting Amex, and not telling us ahead of time, and only agreeing to lend us a car after lengthy back and forth. On the plus side, we didn't have problems returning a car, as far as I recall.


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