RENTY Rent a Car

4.9 (329 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za RENTY Rent a Car, agencija za najem avtomobila v mestu ljubljana. Ljubljana - Letališče Ljubljana-Maribor

Hitro povpraševanje +386 41 514 555

Opis storitve je vodilna agencija za najem vozil v Sloveniji. Pri nas lahko hitro in enostavno najamete avtomobil, ki ustreza vašim potrebam. Ponujamo široko paleto vozil, od modelov A (Mini) do Luxury vozil, ki bodo poskrbela za vaše udobno in varno potovanje.


Pri nas lahko enostavno opravite rezervacijo vozila. Vnesite svoje podatke, kot so ime in priimek, e-pošta, telefon ter želeni model vozila in datume prevzema ter vračila. Naša prijazna in strokovna ekipa vam bo pomagala pri izbiri in potrditvi rezervacije.

Spoznajte floto

Naša flota vključuje številne nove in dobro vzdrževane avtomobile brez skritih stroškov. Ponosni smo na najboljše cene najema športnih in luksuznih vozil. Pri nas boste našli Porsche Turbo S, Porsche Cayenne, Porsche Panamera, Renault Megane RS in druge vrhunske avtomobile.


Poleg najema vozil ponujamo tudi dodatne storitve, kot so poslovni in dolgoročni najemi, prevoz z voznikom ter možnost postati naš Airbnb partner. Poskrbimo tudi za najem ekskluzivnih vozil za posebne priložnosti.


Spremljajte naše akcije in ugodnosti, kjer lahko najamete vozila po posebnih popustih. Vedno se trudimo ponuditi najboljše cene in posebne ugodnosti našim strankam.


Potrebujete pomoč ali imate dodatna vprašanja? Stopite v stik z nami preko telefona +386 41 514 555 ali nam pišite na elektronski naslov Nahajamo se na Cesti Ljubljanske Brigade 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija.

  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • ponedeljek 8. do 17. ure
  • torek 8. do 17. ure
  • sreda 8. do 17. ure
  • četrtek 8. do 17. ure
  • Petek 8. do 17. ure
  • sobota 10:00 do 13:00
  • nedelja 10:00 do 13:00

Prikaz na zemljevidu

329 mnenj



최고의 서비스 자동차 문제가 생겼는데 보상도 확실하게 해주고 문제도 깔끔하게 해결해줬습니다 한국인들 꼭 이용하시길 바랄게요!


It was my 4th time renting a car and in all cases the service was great and I never had any issues. Let me sum up the positive points briefly: + cheapest renting option in Ljubljana + superbe service respond to mails and calls immediately + discount for exchange students + loyalty card bonus (50% off on 5th day, 100% off on 10th day) + price conditions (lower fees after 3 and 7 days) + the cars are in good shape, well furnished in all price classes + clean cars One thing to mention is that the checkpoint opens at 10, thus many renters arrive at 10 to pick up the car. You have to anticipate that it can take some time until you receive your car as some renters arrived before you, but this is just natural behavior and the service still manages to handle it quite fast.


The staff are great, very attentive, friendly, helpful, and most importantly very responsive, both by email and phone. The process for booking the car rental was a bit odd, as you do it by email. Make sure to bring a copy of the email with your final choices as they double check with you in person when the car is picked up. Price wise, these guys were the lowest by a lot with full coverage. If I recall correctly, by at least 300€. All that said, I'd love to give a 5-star rating, but there were a couple things that happened that may have been avoidable. Regardless, I was able to reach the staff quickly and they did what they could to resolve the issue. One of the items being the tire pressure sensor turning on, but tire was fine the entire 2000 km we drove it. This has happened to me with another car in a different country in Europe and completely different company, so may be a common thing in Europe, not sure. The second item, was the car oil level check notice came on. Thankfully, there was some oil in the trunk. I do my own car maintenance, so this was not a big deal for me. I was not sure what the issue at the time was (is car burning oil or was it just not filled properly after service,) so I reached out to Renty. I didn't want to turn back, so I opted to buy an extra liter of oil to bring along in case the level went down again. Europe has many different flavors of 5-30 oil, S2, S3, C3. Being from the USA, I was not savvy to how important getting the exact flavor was, so I ended up going to 3 gas stations until I was referred to an O'Reilly's/Autozone type store, Bartog I think, where I bought the last C3 liter available. Luckily it seemed like the oil was just not topped up at the last service, and I didn't need to add anymore oil after the first liter. It is possible that this issue was not Renty's fault, not sure if they do their own maintenance. A simple oil, and other fluid levels check prior to handing a car out would help avoid this. Not sure if this is the customer responsibility in Europe, but will be doing these checks myself going forward. Regardless, my gf and I decided that this temporary hassle was worth the savings in the price.


Excellent service, great price, Samir was extremely helpful (give him a raise)


Amazing service, 10/10


My experience with Renty was successful, first of all, I was pleasantly surprised with the car's condition, everything was well maintained, car's condition was close to new. The limit of 300 km/day was enough for Slovenia, even though I drove quite a bit. The service while picking up the car and returning the car was excellent. Renty's DNA is definitely to be a transparent, reliable, and customer-friendly company. I have not previously rented a car in my travels as car rentals might be problematic. Renty on the other hand provides clear, well-thought-out, and what is most important - fair contract & general conditions. You can see that they have a customer-oriented mindset, as they are friendly in their manners, even when there are plenty of customers at the site or you ask (even stupid) questions. I love to support companies that provide excellent service, try to be as transparent as possible, and have high reliability. I 100 % would recommend it, and if I ever travel again to Slovenia, will rent a car from them.


La mejor compañía para alquilar coche en Ljubljana. Muy atentos y te dejan dejar el coche aunque esté cerrada la oficina. Además tienen descuento para erasmus. 100% recomendado.


Very good service. The stuff is so charming


They have a great staff very nice and friendly. The car was in perfect conditions (new). I can recommend Renty to everyone that ask me for a car rental in Ljubljana Slovenia




This was the best car rental experience we’ve ever had! Ana is the nicest girl we’ve met! She went out of her way to help us find the car we needed and even lent us her own phone charging cord to use in the car! Everyone else in the office is super friendly and super nice, ready to help when needed! We definitely are going to rent the car with Renty rent a car again if we are visiting Ljubljana again!




Super fantje,res ustrežljivi,prijazni,priporočam, hvala vam.


I had an incredible experience! Everything went smoothly, from picking up the car to the very end. They even provided a complimentary upgrade to a larger vehicle. If I return to Slovenia, I'll exclusively choose their services.


Had a really positive experience with this company. I don’t want to go into details but they took good care of me and really helped out in a tough situation on short notice. I was happy to rent with them and would do so in the future.


Najeli smo avtomobil pri Renty za en tedn, za na počitnice. Bil je zelo ugoden najem avtomobila, imajo široko izbiro kakovostnih vozil z odlično opremo. Enostaven najem in dosegljivo prijazno osebje na voljo za vsa dodatna vprašanja. Poleg tega enostavno vračilo avtomobila tudi izven delovnega časa pisarne. Odlično, res priporočam!


We have rented Ljubljana location Renty cars for the last two weeks and plan to rent again over the next two weeks before returning home to Canada. Easy rental booking, pick up & return and the staff are very friendly and efficient. Clean & well maintained vehicles, I will not hesitate to rent from Renty in any city they are located!


We asked for a small automatic car for 2 people and got a super nice SEAT Ateca instead. The car was super clean and drove very smoothly. We didn't have any trouble at all. My bf is sad when he had to go back to his own car 😂 They also returned our deposit on the same day (we did get the full insurance). Would rent from Renty again


Profesionalni in prijazni!


Great quality car and overall service, I would recommend.


Vous pouvez foncer les yeux fermés sur cette agence de location. J'ai demandé une voiture classe économique, j'ai eu le droit à une Seat Ibiza full options. Payer 255€ pour 8j était bien moins chère que ce que proposait la concurrence (autour de 50€/J pour une voiture similaire). Le personnel est très sympathique. Ils m'ont appelé un taxi pour m'aider à aller ou je devais aller. Merci RENTY !


Une agence certes pas en centre ville mais accessible en transport en commun ou en vélo en libre service. Une très bonne expérience. Pas d'attente pour récupérer la voiture, un véhicule correct. Bon point ils acceptent les carte de débit. Et le surtout très très bon point c'est leur relation client, des gens aimables qui répondent au téléphone en cas de questions. Ils m'ont même gentiment renvoyé mon permis de conduire par courrier, que j'avais oublié dans la voiture de location. Ils ont été super réactifs.


Zelo zadovoljni z najemom Prijazni zaposleni..... Zelo korektni in vedno na voljo Toplo priporocam


Great service, good prices (discount for Erasmus students) and no scam when it comes to giving back the caution. I totally recommend!!!


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