Their online bank is a freaking disaster. Everytime you try to enter there is somekind of a problem. Then they never ever pick up the phone on their helpline. And to top it off they are only open from 8-16h when I am at work. So how are people even supposed to get help when they need it. It has been like that for years and it will never change because they just do not care about their clients.
I will say this: once you actually take a vacation to go to the actual branch the employees are helpful and nice. That is why I remained their client for years but enough is enough. So I just wrote them an email to give me information on how I can leave them and stop being their client.
Sebastijan �.
Poslovalnica z najslabšim vodjem. Žal ni sposoben pomagati stranki po telefonu,ker niti probal ni.Pa samo ena malenkost je bila za pogledati in dan bi minil brez razburjenja.Eni pač ne znajo delati z ljudmi ker so preveč polni sami sebe...
Simon T.
Možakar na pultu za PRAVNE OSEBE extra prijazen, ustrežljiv, sposoben, odziven -> same pohvale ;)
Pri polaganju gotovine na koencu, bodite pozorni, nad 1.000 €, morate imeti potrdilo o izvoru.
Sicer pa zaposleni zelo prijazni