Center za mentalno zdravje

1.0 (3 mnenj)

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Psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana - Center za mentalno zdravje

Psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana - Center za mentalno zdravje se nahaja na naslovu Chengdujska 45, 1260 Ljubljana. Smo specializirana ustanova za zdravljenje duševnih bolezni in oskrbo bolnikov s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Naša klinika ponuja širok spekter storitev, ki zajemajo različne oblike zdravljenja, rehabilitacije in svetovanja.

Osnovni podatki

Naša klinika je del Univerzitetne psihiatrične klinike Ljubljana in deluje na dveh lokacijah. Večji del klinike se nahaja na Grablovičevi 44a, medtem ko se manjši del, imenovan Enota za zdravljenje odvisnosti od alkohola, nahaja na Poljanskem nasipu 58. Smo psihoterapevtsko usmerjena ustanova, ki se ukvarja tudi z raziskovalno in izobraževalno dejavnostjo.


Naša klinika ponuja številne dejavnosti, namenjene zdravljenju in rehabilitaciji pacientov z duševnimi boleznimi. Imamo enote za krizne intervencije, adolescente, motnje hranjenja, zdravljenje odvisnosti od alkohola ter enoto za psihoterapijo. Poleg tega imamo tudi ambulanto za spolno zdravje, kjer svetujemo in oskrbujemo pacientke in pacienta s spolnimi težavami.

Kakovost in varnost

Pri svojem delu se zavezujemo k zagotavljanju visoke kakovosti in varnosti storitev. Naša ekipa strokovnjakov ima bogate izkušnje in je stalno v stiku s sodobnimi tehnologijami ter strokovnimi smernicami na področju duševnega zdravja.

Strokovne enote

Psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana - Center za mentalno zdravje je organizirana v več strokovnih enot, ki se posvečajo specifičnim področjem zdravljenja. To vključuje enoto za intenzivno psihiatrijo, enoto za prolongirano terapijo, enoto za gerontopsihiatrijo, enoto za rehabilitacijo in še mnoge druge.


Poleg zdravljenja se naša klinika tudi aktivno vključuje v raziskave na področju duševnega zdravja. Sodelujemo pri različnih projektih, ki imajo za cilj razvijanje novih metod zdravljenja in izboljšanje kakovosti življenja naših pacientov.


Za več informacij o naši kliniki in storitvah, ki jih ponujamo, nas lahko kontaktirate preko naslednjih kontaktov:

- Telefon: 386 01 5872100

- E-pošta:

Prikaz na zemljevidu

3 mnenj

Deadass despair. I came because of problems with my personal identity, the doctor reacted aggressively when I told her that I tried to help myself with non-prescribed drugs. She straight up told me "If you're so smart, why do you need me at all? We concluded that if you don't stop taking the medicine and come back when you're clean"... Well, what's the point, someone is suicidal and would they say that it's already too bad to buy a gun and the doctor would straight up tell him yes it's fine and half is no problem, help yourself. Bad uglaunm, I advise against it.


What are the employees doing in here, In here, you don't get help at all, you get trauma. It's supposed to be a safe place here, but it's just wilderness, you come in and you're left to your own devices, but you still come out with depression and trauma because of them. What's going on in there is illegal. They drag the teenagers to the bed and forcefully and roughly tie them up as the teenager screams in shock. At the same time, they are completely cold and don't want to talk to you to calm down, they just say calm down and without any emotions. Teenagers are drugged with drugs. This is happening to us teenagers who still have a long world ahead of us. But because of them, you think about what you experienced every day. We are no longer in the Middle Ages to treat young Bacians like this. If it were possible I would give zero stars, but not yet.


Child abuse and discrimination against children with special needs. I came in voluntarily because I didn't want to die, I wanted actual help and I was ready. there were almost no activities, they wake you up at 7 in the morning, they lock the rooms so that it is not possible to go back to sleep if you are sick or tired, the activities are while we are waiting for them to call us for a visit and nothing more, the visit is more like a commission , even on the make-up exam, the child feels better than with these psychopaths. A very small space and no stimulation in the brain which causes distress in itself, after that we were simply left to these dark thoughts. Once I couldn't take it anymore and because I'm a boxer I started punching the wall, I ran back to my room and started crying... Instead of comforting me, they dragged me to room no. 3 and forced me to tie me to the bed for what to this day I have trauma. I am an autistic person, so I cannot stand certain things or I am hypersensitive to certain things and at certain times. It smells of cigarettes all the time, and there was a patient in that room at the time who was constantly scratching and uttering one and the same deformed word, everything smelled of diapers. They didn't give me my plush handcuffs that gave me comfort, they folded for hugs, calls, etc. If you are a teenager looking for help or a parent looking for help for your child, I do not recommend this location, Maribor is better. I went from a person who wanted to seek help with depression and not so strong suicidal thoughts to a closed person who is afraid of professional help and who almost daily thinks about hanging from a rope in the woods or in a room. To the workers here, please remove yourself from the children and stop extorting and abusing them for your sick pleasure, you're lucky the high school doesn't allow me to put enough energy and time into a formal complaint. It would be necessary to report all of you collectively to the inspectorate for abuse and torture SO THAT THEY STOP YOUR B***H. There's more to talk about, but for the general public, just know that I'm not the only one who has very bad opinions about this location and generally bad experiences.


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