Pisarna - Coworking Ljubljana

5.0 (27 mnenj)

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Coworking Ljubljana vas vabi v popolnoma nove prostore. Spoznaj prednosti dela v coworkingu, pridruži se nam. Nudimo prostoren coworking prostor.
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

27 mnenj





Best coworking space in Ljubljana, great crowd and social gatherings. Great workstations, office rooms and bonus furry friends.




Od trenutka, ko stopite v ta coworking, začutite živahno in dinamično vzdušje, ki takoj poveča vašo produktivnost in ustvarjalnost. Lastnik je vedno na voljo, pomaga in poskrbi, da imamo vsi vse, kar potrebujemo za uspešen delovni dan. Vendar se ne vrti vse okoli samo dela, z rednimi dogodki in priložnostmi za druženje, so se sklenila tudi prijateljstva :).


Have been working here for a couple of months now, and this is hands on the best coworking space I have been working in so far. It’s clean, comfy, spacious, plus we have a rain forest. :) You can really feel and notice the care that has been put into the space, and the wellbeing of people working here. Most importantly the people are so friendly, and the vibe is so nice. I think the culture is also set by the owner. Additionally, we do activities together, like padel, cinema, etc. and I have met many great people that I now call friends. No complaints ❤️


Najbolj kulska pisarna v Ljubljani! Končno imamo nekaj drugačnega, svežega, mladostnega, kreativnega. To je pisarna, ki ni le “delavni kotiček” za vsakega posameznika, ampak je prostor, ki ima skupnost. Vsak, ki se rad mreži, spoznava ljudi in kulture iz drugih koncev sveta in s tem tudi širi svojo poslovno pot mu resnično priporočam Pisarno. Zelo prijetna energija in vidi se, da se trudijo in želijo iz tega ustvariti nekaj, kar pri nas še ne obstaja.


Fantastic space and good vibes! I was looking at multiple co-working spaces in Ljubljana and finally decided for Pisarna. The owners are super friendly, accommodating, and attentive to your needs. The space is bright, comfortable, and there’s a neat community that exist amongst other co-workers (we often organize social activities together outside of coworking) . And location-wise it’s right next to Ludus sports park which is great for after work hangouts. 10/10 would recommend!


Great working space! Best price/value and very good community. Strong wifi connection. Comfortable meeting rooms. Easy to get by bus, car or bike. I’m very glad that I’ve found this coworking.


The atmosphere and the vibe of this place is amazing. You are surrounded by interesting people and it's easy to be productive and inspired! Also the coffee is delicious :) Highly recommend!


The best and the most friendly co-working space in the world!! LOVE working here :)


The best coworking in Ljubljana. Bright modern office with super nice people


Zares čudovita co-working pisarna na super lokaciji izven mestnega vrveža. V pisarni imaš vse kar potrebuješ za nemoteno in učinkovito delo. Čudoviti ljudje, super vibe, zelo priporočam!


Modern office concept, perfect for a small business or those wanting to step away from the home-office environment. It has a great vibe which makes you feel like you're part of a bigger team.


The best coworking office in Ljubljana. The owner and people there are all very friendly and they’ll make sure you feel welcome and included in everything they organize. They also do lots of cool events :) highly recommend!


I’ve been working in this office for about 4 months now and only I can say my work efficiency improved a lot :) I checked a few co-working spaces but I liked that one straight away. I prefer more open space and definitely the vibe here, with a lot of natural light, social and cozy environment. The thing I really like about the co-working office is variety of different people who work in different fields and it’s also very international friendly place :) If you want to improve work efficiency or be more socialised that’s definitely a place to be :) To not forget mention the owner is really helpful either about office stuff or any travel tips :) Highly recommended 🙌


This is one of the nicest coworkings that I’ve been to. The chairs are very comfy, the work tables are great to work from, and the atmosphere is very cozy. The people here are also so sweet! Highly recommend to work from here if you ever visit Ljubljana. I’d definitely come back again!


Have seen a few co-working spaces in Ljubljana and this one is the clear winner. If you're into a fresh, friendly vibe, and having a community, Pisarna Coworking is for you. It's cool (figuratively and literally) without trying too hard. The crowd is made up of people from all backgrounds, from creatives to programmers. Prices are very reasonable for what you get. PLUS, driving to work in the morning and seeing heavy traffic in the opposite direction is a great feeling 🤗 Public transportation, parking, supermarkets, food trucks, the best Roman-style pizza in Ljubljana (Tia's Pizza), Looblanah brewery, the forest, the sava river and Ludus beach park are just a stone's throw away.


Ljubljana finally got a proper co-working space! It has it all: Beautiful high ceiling office space with a lot of light, a small and cute common kitchen space where you get to network with other members, after-work events and hangouts, a lot of good options to eat around the office, as well as a huge sport park where you can go directly after work! If you need a co-working space in Ljubljana - this is the one!


Pisarna is a game-changer in the world of coworking. With its meticulously designed workspace, vibrant community, and top-notch amenities, it offers professionals an ideal environment to thrive. From the moment you step in, you'll experience a seamless blend of productivity, collaboration, and inspiration that will elevate your work to new heights. Last but not least, you will also find some really interesting people here! Definitely recommend


Pisarna je prostor, ki nudi ustvarjalnost in res pozitivno vzdušje. Zelo svetla notranjost, v obliki open space-a in urejeno na zelo sproščen ter topel način, ki ustvarja povezanost med vsemi v prostoru, obenem pa omogoča potreben mir za delo. V bistvu Pisarna ustvarja skupnost, kjer se vsak lahko počuti domače in je pri delu učinkovit.


Beautiful and brand new coworking place in Ljubljana! The vibe is just great and encourages productivity. I love the location at the outskirts of the city, because I can avoid traffic jams. You can also meet some truly genious people here :) Coworking Ljubljana - highly recommended!


Povsem nov coworking v Ljubljani! Imajo vse kar potrebuješ za učinkovito delo 🙌


Pisarna je odlična ima vse kar potrebujete za delo: hiter internet, veliko električnih priključkov, kotičke za druženje, dve sejni sobi, prijetno kuhinjo in prijeten community. Pohvalno! :)


Pisarna je povsem nov coworking prostor v Ljubljani. Delo v coworkingu je zelo prijetno zaradi prijetne družbe. Prav tako ima coworking veliko dnevne svetlobe in vso potrebno infrastrukturo za učinkovito delo.


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