Intek, zastopanje, trgovina, založništvo in storitve d.o.o.

INTEK Hi-Fi, High-End & Professional Audio

5.0 (134 mnenj)

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Doživite zvočno odličnost z najboljšo svetovno Hi-Fi in High-End opremo v Ljubljani. Vrhunski zvok, prilagojen vašim zahtevam in proračunu.
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

134 mnenj

Pišem, ker bi rad svoje mnenje delil z drugimi. Naj povem, da z INTEKOM sodelujem že več kot 10 let. Dobra reprodukcija glasbe me zanima že od malih nog. Pred nekaj leti sem se odločil, da si kupim prvi resni HI-FI. To je bil PRIMARE DVDI-10 in zvočniki DYNAUDIO EXCITE 16. Ob svetovanju g. Darka in g. Zvoneta, sem počasi gradil sistem in ob tem spoznaval umetnost glasbe same, ter posledično tudi reprodukcije. Naj povem, da z vsako izboljšavo sistema, pa naj gre samo za napajalni kabel (sam imam SHUNYATO) ali pa antiresonančne noge (STILLPOINT) slišiš več podrobnosti in vedno nekaj novega pri določeni pesmi. Največji korak naprej sem naredil z nakupom integriranega ojačevalca AESTETHIX MIMAS in REL-a S510. Če ob poslušanju glasbe spoznaš kako lepa umetnost je to, se za nekaj trenutkov preseliš čisto v drugi svet in to te pripelje do tiste "čarobnosti", ki jo lahko z dobrim sistemom občutiš in podoživiš. Za vse to pa sta v mojem primeru, glede svetovanja in pomoči pri nakupu, odgovorna g. Darko in g. Zvone iz INTEKA. Veselim se nadaljnjega sodelovanja z njimi. HVALA!


If you want the best of the best... there is no other. And I’m not talking about the most expensive. Darko and his team will offer you the best system for your needs and your budget. Highly recommended.


Z Intekom imam izkušnje že kar nekaj let in vse so zelo pozitivne. Svoj posel in produkte poznata dobro kot le malokdo. Osebno pa me je najbolj impresionirala poprodajna podpora - po navadi po nakupu produkta ostaneš sam, Zvone in Darko pa se potrudita, da je stranka zares zadovoljna s kupljenim. Ko se gre za kvalitetno audio in tudi prodajno izkušnjo, je Intek prva izbira.


I came across Intek whilst searching for my first better hifi stereo solution. The whole experience of testing speakers, advice on speaker and amp setup was top notch. Both Darko and Zvone seem to be real audiophile experts and everything they recommended has turned out to be fantastic. I am very happy about the setup we chose together and will not hesitate to return to Intek for my future hifi needs. Would recommend to a friend.


Odlicna podpora in nasvet. Priporocam vsem, ki vam je kvaliteta pomembna. Gospodje vedo kaj delajo. Sicer pa je Revo radio vreden vsakega eura. Hvala.


I can't believe my ears! Thank you for all the information @intek.hifi I had no clue about how much the sound depth and speaker percision improves with a quality power conditioner (I bought PowerGrip). It put's your audio gear in the same phase, eliminates power spikes, power flactuation and filters out the electricity noise (mine droped from 740 to 0.~Audio production related work recomended around 120-0). 999 is max noise you can have and I had no clue how bad it actually is in my studio cause in general my power grid is very reliable and new. But because there's a lot of heavy duty machinery plugged to the same house power grid, those really take a toll on the amount of el. noise I recieve in my studio. Btw JitterBug usb filter is by far the the most cost efficient sound quality improvement you can make. 50€ per one, I got the best result with two, plugged subsequently in my late 2013 Mac pro. Get the most out of your recording/mixing gear, this filters and the jitterbugs will last you for as many years as you'll be working on music and are all compatible and will improve any speaker and computer you might buy in the future. Hearing test: What impressed me the most is the amount of dynamics I now hear specially in the high mid area, like someone turned of a compresor and now the dinamic range expanded from 70% to a 100% ~Great for long mixing sessions cause your ears last you longer-sound is less persistant/sustained and more precise/defined. The other thing i only started noticing when going to different studios with no filter in the house was how much cleaner and life like/natural the high end is. Plugging speakers straight into the wall instantly makes the high end sounding squarish, digital and even unpleasent on loud triangles/cymbals. Nedless to say I realized I would often use a deesser to control the high end although it might have just been the way my speakers were sounding, which is not a problem anymore. I now treat/tame high end only by EQ-ing because I can dissern what frequencies are actually jumping out to much. Before I bought the PowerGrip filter I startet looking into buying a subwoofer because I had trouble hearing what is going on in the low end and was never able to get it quite right although my Adam a7x reach down to 42hz. Bought a subwoofer but once i got the filter barely ever turn it on because my adams now excell at low end. Low end is more precize cause the transients seem to have less tail/ring in the lows. Same goes for high end. You can be a lot more surgical with your EQ edits and compression times because you hear transients closer to what they actualy are. I used to be pretty sceptical about how much of a role does filtered clean power actually play in a production/mixing/recording world. I always assumed that's more of an audiophile thing and does not apply to production. It only took me hearing a good setup on a good power filter once and then comparing the same system with it straight into the wall and I instantly understood what I've been missing(sound wise). But yea, you live you learn 🤸 Rule of tumb: Always trust your ears! If u hear no difference it's probably not worth it 🎶 Thank you Intek! I'll be back 👍


Iskal sem gramofon Technics in tako prišel do podjetja.Intek d.o.o.. Moja izkušnja z njimi je v dveh besedah odlično in profesionalno. V pogovoru z Darkom in Zvonetom sem hitro spoznal da gre za poznavalce in prave audiofile. Izrecno moram izpostaviti njihov artikel :" Audio System Glass" ki so mi ga predstavili in sem ga tudi nabavil. Gre za profesionalni ultrazvočni čistilec Vinyl plošč. Od sedaj vsako ploščo staro ali novo očistim s to izredno napravo. DeeJay Marči V našem lokalu z glasbo : Club Fantasy & Franci na balanci veliko vrtimo zopet na Vinylkah. Hvala firmi Intek!!


Po skoraj treh letih iskanja studijskih monitorjev sem v Intek shopu, končno našel zvočnik ki me je osupnil. Navdušen nad čistostjo in preciznostjo zvočnika, ki ga v tem cenovnem razredu nikakor ne morete dobiti, sem koncno prišel do svojih monitorjev- Hedd type 07! Darko mi je profesionalno in z veliko dobre volje, razkazal tudi ostalo opremo in zvocnike... zelo lepa izkušnja!


Jedna od najupečatljivijih audio prezentacija koje sam imao prilike da vidim i slušam na HI-FILES Audio Show-u 2018. je bila u prostoru u kome je INTEK DOO iz Slovenije, predstavio neke od najboljih audio uređaja i opreme u svetu. Impresivna zvučna slika koja se čula iz ATC zvučnika pogonjenih sa NuPrime STA10 mono blokovima i Resolution Audio Cantata i Aurender ASCR10 je ostavila utisak za pamćenje. Akustika u nesavršenom prostoru hotelske sobe je uspešno kompenzovana sa PSI Audio AVAA C20 bas trap-ovima. Sve ovo je jasno objašnjeno od strane stručnih ljudi iz INTEK DOO koji su očigledno veliki poznavaoci ne samo high–end audio opreme i muzike, već i akustike prostora.


Pohvale za prijaznost, strokovnost in ustrežljivost. Fantje vejo kaj je dober in kvaliteten zvok.


Vrhunski zvuk, vrhunska usluga, ugodan ambijent, najbolja kava. Hvala Darko i Zvone


Informacije in nakup v Inteku toplo priporočam.Strokovnost in odzivnost na visokem nivoju,kot bi si ga želeli tudi v drugih podobnih podjetjih. Še enkrat kakovost in strokovnost 5+.


Strokovno svetovanje, izdelki dobavljeni v dogovorjenih rokih, prava cena. S strani vseh v INTEK ekipi skrb za zadovoljstvo strank na prvem mestu.


Od prvog trenutka kada smo posjetili Intek, znali smo da smo došli na pravo mjesto na kojem se cijeni glazba. Njihova se stručnost ogleda u činjenici da nude hi-fi opremu koju su sami testirali prije nego što su se upustili u distribuciju istih. To znači da njihovo iskustvo i znanje garantira dobar zvuk i puno uzbuđenja pri slušanju glazbe. U svega par riječi: Najbolje od najboljeg!


Professional approach and quality counseling. Would highly recommend!


These people know for sure what they are doing. Many years of experience. I have only good things to say about INTEK. Very friendly and helpul in every way. I bought a pair of speakers and they arrived without any damage. Darko did the packaging very professionally. Very safe shipping on a pallet. I highly recommend this hifi-store. 5 stars in my book. Greetings from Sweden


Dear HiFi enthusiast! Over 30 years, music and music reproduction is more than a hobby for me. It’s my passion in life. During these years I lived in Dubai, Germany, Austria Slovenia, UK and many more countries and even I tried hard I never found a HiFi shop that comes even close to what Darko is able to provide. He is not putting well-known brands together hoping that the sound will be great, he is not looking of how to earn more money. Darko designs a system that provides you goose bumps and create deep emotions. He focusses on an almost Live Experience of music in your living room. I always come back to him and even I am not able to listen of what I order, when it arrives to my home it sounds superb and bring my HiFi system and listening experience on the next level. Thanks for all the years of inspiration! You are an magician of sound!


Darko in ekipa so res strokovnjaki kar se tiče zvoka, priporočam obisk in nakup pri njih.


Odlična specializirana HI FI trgovina


A great and professional experience. Darko and Zvone are knowledgeable, friendly people that are very eager to help and find the best equipment and best sound for your budget. They always find the time to help you, and make you feel like you’re welcome there, and not just a customer. If you need anything for your HiFi system, I would strongly recommend contacting Intek.


Fantje enostavno obvladajo svojo branžo. Super team. Vedno pripravljeni pomagati. Srčno priporočam


Darko and Zvone have succeeded to bring me new and fresh music experience. This wouldn't be possible, without their focus on my wishes and their professional approach to the music. Thank you again for your advice, complete service, and your kindness. See you soon! :)


Obisk Inteka je vedno prijetna izkusnja saj zna prijazno in izkuseno osebje z nasveti in bogatim naborom naprav poiskati pot do dobrega zvoka. Odlicna podpora, priporocam obisk.


Amazing sound from Quad audio. Thanks Intek d.o.o. for all the support and helping me out to choose the best hi-fi system for our new home. Recommend to everyone who are interested in a good sound system. ☺️


Odlično znanje, svetovanje, ustrežljivost... Priporočam za prvi nakup, saj dobiš celoten paket - svetovanje, ponudba - kot tudi za dokupovanje in nadgrajevanje Hi-Fi opreme tekom življenjskega cikla sistema. Dare in Zvone se ne hecata, ko gre za kvaliteto zvoka in slike.:)


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