MOJFLET d.o.o.

5.0 (1 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

1 mnenj

Listening to colleagues, apartment renovation sounded like a nightmare, yet Edis and his team made it near fairytale experience. Their devotion to quality of product and lifting stress of our shoulders were exceptional. Quality of communication and service remained at the highest level, from our first hand shake, all the way until the end of the renovation. If you are unsure of your abilities about handling such a big step in your life, then MOJFLET is the right address for you! Construction is known to be quite handful when it comes to unpredictable problems during a project, but with Edis it all sounded like a fun challenge, which can be resolved in a matter of one phone call. What they offer they deliver and that made our story of renovation fun to tell. If you are looking for a recommendation than look no further. We did a complete renovation and they covered all the work. From demolition to final touches that made the apartment into our dream home. Thanks to Edis and his team!


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