Cassette Deck Service, Andrej Češarek s.p.

5.0 (20 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Cassette Deck Service, Andrej Češarek s.p., elektronična servisna delavnica v mestu ljubljana.

Cassette Deck Service - Profesionalno servisiranje, popravilo in vzdrževanje

Več kot 30 let izkušenj

Cassette Deck Service je specializiran za servisiranje hi-fi naprav, starejših od 25 let, s poudarkom na kasetofonih. Z več kot 30 let izkušenj vam zagotavlja kakovostno storitev.

Strokovno servisiranje

Vsi potrebni tehnični dokumenti in merilne naprave so na voljo za servisiranje kasetofonov, vključno z osciloskopi, večnamenskimi merilniki DMM, frekvencnimi merilniki, napravami za testiranje hitrosti vrtenja in pritiska ter testnimi kasetami.

Ponudba storitev

Cassette Deck Service ponuja celovito storitev za delujoče kasetofone, vključno s čiščenjem ohišja, čiščenjem mehanizma, zamenjavo vseh gumijastih trakov in obnovitvijo pinč rolerjev ter prilagoditvijo hitrosti in azimuta.

Specializirana orodja

Poleg tega so na voljo tudi posebna orodja za servisiranje naprav Nakamichi in Revox, vključno z merilnimi napravami in orodji za nastavitve, ki so potrebni za kalibracijo kasetofonov.

Kakovostna storitev

Cassette Deck Service zagotavlja, da bo po servisu vaš kasetofon deloval kot nov ali celo bolje, ter vam nudi garancijo za opravljeno storitev.

Posebne storitve in nadgradnje

Poleg tega je na voljo tudi možnost posebnih storitev in nadgradenj, kot so popravila posebnih modelov kasetofonov, nadgradnje delovanja in svetovanje pri nakupu novega kasetofona.

Prodaja in kontakt

Cassette Deck Service ponuja tudi prodajo posebnih testnih naprav in nadgradenj ter je vedno pripravljen sprejeti vaš kasetofon v menjavo. Za več informacij in naročila se obrnite na nas preko e-pošte info(at) ali pa nas pokličite na telefonsko številko +386 41 304 777.

Fotogalerija in opravljeni projekt

Po končanem servisu boste prejeli tudi poročilo s fotografijami opravljenega dela ter možnostjo ogleda vseh meritev.

  • ponedeljek 8. do 17. ure
  • torek 8. do 17. ure
  • sreda 8. do 17. ure
  • četrtek 8. do 17. ure
  • Petek 8. do 12. ure
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

20 mnenj
S storitvijo sem zelo zadovoljen. Moj kasetar Sony zopet deluje tako kakor mora. Profesionalnost in resnost serviserja g. Andreja je na najvišji ravni. Zato je ocena s petimi zvezdicami ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ povsem na mestu.


Vrhunsko, strokovno!

Hvala za pozitivni komentar


I have had two decks serviced by Andrej Češarek. both times I was impressed with the results. He is one of a few remaining specialists in Cassette decks

Thank you Mr. Fenn for positive feedback and kind words.


Wonderful communication and exceptional work!

Thank you Mr. Marcolongo for your great review.


Kasetofon dela kot nov.

Hvala za pozitivno oceno


Vrhunski servis za sve ljubitelje kazetofona



This review is from Jose, in Portugal a very happy returned customer as well as my cassette decks, to Andrej's expert hands! He did marvelous things with many of my decks, specially with my Dragon, but also other nakamichi, like CR4, 680Zx, ZX7. Very professional technician and knowledgeable, it has been a pleasure to have my decks serviced by Andrej, 5 star and BIG thanks!!

Thank you Jose for kind feedback


My cassette player is working perfectly! Now I’m thinking I need to send another for repairs.

Thank you for kind feedback. Sure...send me mail with model and we will agreed all future steps.


Excellent service - very professional, always on time, perfect documentation. I serviced Nakamichi 1000 Tritracer, Marantz 9020SD, Technics RS-9900, Technics RS-1500,...... All perfect !

Thank you for your kind review


I give Andrej and CDS the highest recommendation based on the level of service and accuracy on cassette decks. Recently repaired and serviced a badly damaged Nakamichi, which needed attention electronical, mechanical and even structural repair with parts missing. CDS saved it and brought it back to a very good condition.

Thank you for kind feedback


Very professional service. They are happy to help with any problems you have with your deck and also advise you if your are just looking for information. I would recommend this service to anyone who is looking to get their deck fixed and they value quality work.

Thank you for kind review



Thank you for 5 stars


I sent my Nak CR7 in a defective mode with display not working and general failure. He made a wonderful work and together we have had a good time in deciding the need for repairs and I fully trusted his fair assessment of the machine. Since then it worked flawlessly and I enjoy every of my recordings tapes. The quality of his work is top notch. Well done!

Thank you for your kind review


Very pleased with service/upgrade. Very helpful after service with a few questions I had. Just wish it would be in my country Regards

Thank you for your kind review


Sony TC-K750ES deluje odlično. Zelo sem zadovoljen z opravljenim servisom.

Najlepša hvala za pozitivno oceno


Dear friends! All I can say is it's great! Andrej Češarek is a very good specialist with whom it's great to communicate. My deck Alpine Al 90 had a floating defect and only Andrej was able to detect and fix it. You can safely turn to him for help. Thank you very much!

Thank you for kind feedback.


Perfect job, perfect attitude, also very helpful after job!

Thank you for kind review


g. Andrej ve kaj dela! Zelo zadovoljen!!!

Hvala za pozitivno oceno





S afmm

Thank you👍


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