M A R I S | Nekretnine | Immobilien | Istra |

Maris nekretnine

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50 mnenj

Imali smo odlično iskustvo sa agencijom MARIS. I bila nam je čast i zadovoljstvo raditi sa vama. Posebno od srca zahvaljujemo Gospodinu Aljoši Vučetiću na strpljenju, odgovornosti, povjerenju i profesionalnosti. Web Stranica je takođe jednostavna i veoma informativna. Želimo vam puno uspjeha u budućem poslovanju. Po potrebi se opet vidimo. Najbolji ste profesionalci u cijeloj Istri. Hvala najljepše. Wir hatten eine tolle Erfahrung mit der Agentur MARIS. Es war uns eine Ehre und Freude mit Ihnen/euch zusammenzuarbeiten. Von ganzem Herzen danken wir insbesondere Herrn Aljoša Vučetić für seine Geduld, sein Verantwortungsbewusstsein, sein Vertrauen und seine Professionalität. Die MARIS-Webseite ist ebenso sehr informativ und einfach. Wir wünschen Ihnen/euch für die Zukunft viele weitere Erfolge. Wir sehen uns bei Bedarf wieder. Ihr seid die besten in Istrien. Vielen Dank für alles.


Bespoke service, in-depth knowledge of the Istrian property market and high level of professionalism Our family journey to find home in Istria started 5 years ago. We had very specific property in mind and Aljosa was very clear upfront that whilst we are not expecting anything unrealistic, it will take time and effort to identify potential targets and close the deal. And this is exactly how the things evolved. Aljosa did not try to sell us what was available in his portfolio, but was rather searching for what we needed through his extensive professional and personal network in Istria. Since we live abroad, his responsiveness and flexibility in terms of online and physical meetings was much appreciated. As well as his one stop shop service which includes turn-key solution for buying the property. This comprises of dealing with land registry, land surveyors, government officials and lawyers required to sort out title deeds and all associated paperwork. Here we would like to extend special thanks to Darko of Maris, who took over all the heavy lifting with formalities once property was found. Finally, this summer we bought our dream home. Though it was quite a ride to get here, it would have been literally impossible without Aljosa and his team. We are now continuing work on our property and truly hope that once it's over Aljosa, Darko and the rest of Maris team will be among our first guests!


Najbolja agencija koja ce sve moguce i potencijalne probleme provjerit za vas kao buduceg kupca.


Najbolja ekipa za prodaju i trazenje nekretnine na podrucju Istre. Strucni, transparentni, profesionalni, od rijeci. Imaju puno znanja o nekretninama. Za svaku preporuku!


Drugačiji a pozitivan! Kratki opis iskustva sa branšam u kojoj obično nema ljudskosti. Ali, Aljoša je uspio preokrenuti stereotip posrednika u prodaji, u kolegu koji će pomoći. Prodaja ili kupnja nekretnine je vrlo traumatično iskustvo koje je laše preživjeti uz terapeuta Aljošu i Maris ekipu.


Die Agentur Maris kann ich von ganzem Herzen empfehlen. Aljoša und sein Team haben uns die ganze Zeit über total kompetent, super freundlich und toll betreut. Bei Behördengängen vor Ort wurden wir begleitet und gut beraten. Wir haben uns sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt und hatten volles Vertrauen, da jeder Schritt besprochen wurde. Das war für uns besonders wichtig, da wir unser Haus in Pula von Deutschland aus verkauft haben und deshalb nicht oft vor Ort sein konnten. Wer ein Haus kaufen oder verkaufen möchte, hat mit Maris den allerbesten Partner :-).


Ekipa iz Marisa zna posao


Agencija ima posluh za stranke; so profesionalni, odzivni, prijazni in učinkoviti. Vsekakor je bilo sodelovanje z njimi pozitivna izkušnja.


Djelatnici vrlo pouzdani,profesionalni i susretljivi,zato je ocjena 5....samo tako nastavite.


My husband and I found the home we wanted to purchase in Vodnjan, Croatia. We were connected with Aljosa as our agent who was with us throughout the entire process of this purchase. We are American and we purchased site unseen but had every confidence in our purchase as Aljosa was able to provide videos, chats, and emails with every detail we could need. He did a video of the surrounding neighborhood and the street and the parking area for us too. He went above and beyond to make sure we were SURE before purchasing. After the initial contracts were worked up and in motion, we began working with Darko on some of the more minor details. Darko was so kind and thoughtful as well as incredibly knowledgeable. The entire Maris team was a true pleasure to work with and made sure everything was handled for us since we are so far away.


Poštovani svi koji čitate ovu recenziju. Iskustvo koje smo imali koristeći usluge agencije "Mares" može se ocijeniti samo najvišim ocjenama u svakom segmentu. Naše najbolje preporuke.


Sve pohvale za vasu agenciju i vasu procenu moje nekretnine u Puli.,mnogo mi je znacilo!


Sve pohvale za agenciju Maris, vrlo profesionalni i odlični za saradnju. Mnogo su mi pomogli oko procene nekretnine u Puli, naročito gosp. Aljoša. Iskrene preporuke za ovu agenciju, necete se pokajati.


I've had the pleasure of knowing Maris since its establishment, and their performance has consistently exceeded expectations. Their profound knowledge, unparalleled expertise, and insightful advice have made sharing and transaction seamless in every step of our recent acquisition. A testament to their excellence in the real estate industry!


Aljosa helped us in our search for a plot in Istra. He was super responsive and fast, made viewing properties fun and went above and beyond. His dog also rocks. Strongly recommend working with him.



Amazing team & great job in every single step of the process ! Thanks very much !


Zufrieden? Eine Untertreibung! Wir sind glücklich, wie Aljoša, bzw. das Team der Agentur Maris unsere Angelegenheit abgewickelt hat. Sehr kompetent, sehr professionell, freundlich und schnell. Einfach Lobenswert und einzigartige Service. Das beste Immobilien Agentur überhaupt. Absolute Weiterempfehlung. Danke Davor und Dalida


Celotna ekipa Maris je ves čas postopka nakupa nepremičnine delovala izredno profesionalno, transparentno ter angažirano. Komunikacija je bila ažurna, odkrita ter polna koristnih nasvetov. Zaupanja vreden partner, ki zadovoljstvo strank postavlja na prvo mesto. Z veseljem se ponovno obrnem na vas ter toplo priporočam.


Ovom prilikom bih hteo da podelim svoje mišljenje i iskustvo sa Maris Real Estate agencijom za nekretnine… Agenciju su nam preporučili ljudi koji su imali pozitivna iskustva sa njima i na taj način je uspostavljen kontakt, sama komunikacija je bila na visokom nivou i sami predstavnici agencije su bili vrlo otvoreni, profesionalni i dostupni u svakom trenutku za bilo kakvu nedoumicu ili pitanje… Sve je od samog početka bilo jako transparentno i sve sto je bilo dogovoreno je ispoštovano , i zbog toga je posao zavrsen na obostrano zadovoljstvo… U svakom slučaju sve preporuke za saradnju


Very smooth and professional service provided by Aljoša and Maris Agencija za Nekretnine regarding purchase of a stone house in Pula. From super informative website, where all angles were covered to viewing and completion it was an effortless process. Now looking forward to a post sale assistance in helping me manage refurbishment works.


I had a fantastic experience with this real estate agency! Their market overview and applicable comps were top-notch. They went above and beyond to provide a comprehensive analysis that helped me make informed decisions. I truly appreciate their expertise and attention to detail. Five stars without a doubt!


Von Beginn an war unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Aljoša eine außergewöhnlich positive Erfahrung. Es gibt wenige Worte, die gerecht beschreiben können, wie zufrieden wir mit seinem Service waren. Nicht nur war er durchweg geduldig und freundlich, sondern auch überaus kompetent und sachkundig in jedem Aspekt des Immobiliengeschäfts. Seine herausragende Professionalität, kombiniert mit seiner Ehrlichkeit und Transparenz, gab uns zu jeder Zeit ein Gefühl von Sicherheit. Sein großes Herz und seine leidenschaftliche Hingabe an seine Arbeit haben uns zutiefst beeindruckt. Aljoša hat stets darauf geachtet, dass alle Dokumente lückenlos und ordnungsgemäß vorbereitet waren, und er hat uns immer umfassend informiert, sodass keine Fragen offen blieben. Sein Engagement für unsere Bedürfnisse ging weit über das hinaus, was man normalerweise erwartet. Wenn wir in der Zukunft erneut ein Haus kaufen wollen, wissen wir, dass Aljoša unsere erste Wahl ist. Ein großes Dankeschön an Aljoša für seinen unermüdlichen Einsatz und seine exzellente Arbeit!


We are not only really happy, we are grateful with him and his job... Thanks so much!!! hacienda de los olivos


Aljosa was extremely helpful, knowledgeable and responsive as our listing agent. He did an amazing job and we were blessed having him in our corner.


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