A colleague recommended I&P, where they made available to me their recommended products, securities and services. When I received the draft contract, however, I was quite disappointed. The contract was written with another, quasi "subsidiary" company (ISTRA PLAN d.o.o. or Arggentos d.o.o.). In other words, all promotion and communication took place through Individa & Partners, in the end I get a contract written on another "subsidiary" company. As a lawyer, it quickly became clear to me that they are exploiting a gray zone in Slovenian legislation. I can say that such a practice in the West (mainly the U.S., Germany, etc. stock markets) is not only illegal, but highly criminal. Maybe they're good at I&P, maybe not, but any company with these kinds of bad practices doesn't have good intentions to begin with, and I'd strongly advise against them. I hope they change, but all good..
Nik G.
ada s.
Indivia & Partners were very polite and professional, they know how to persuade people to invest via their company. Eventually when time passed, equities they suggested or sold us with husband, resulted in a big loss in the planned time frame and over it. They don't manage your portfolio unless you have big money and pay fees, which is odd expecting from conventional people. Individa & Partner's is definitely not for small, uneducated people in financials. Based on our results and the 'silence' after the investment, I also highly doubt their honesty towards clients and credibility in the financial markets. There are big known companies in Slovenia with well-know funds, where you can always call advisors and they do advising and portfolio re-balance free of charge.
Miha C.
sasha f.
Maja P.
Produktiven in informativen sestanek. Ustvarjalno reševanje problemov, odlična razlaga možnosti investicij. Priporočam.
Grofina C.
Rok P.
Govorili o samih superlativih naložb, ki jih imajo, ko sem dobil kopijo "pogodbe" pa oj joj. Ne sprejemajo nobenega rizika. Se pravi "Mi upravljamo 100% z vašimi financami, če naredimo dobiček, vzamemo procente, a če vam naredimo izgubo jo 100% prevzamete vi" - hočejo samo tvoj denar z nično odgovornostjo, poden od podna. Podjetje sem malo preveril in niso registrirani (beri nadzirani) iz strani Agencije za trg vrednostnih papirjev. Tako ti predlagajo pogodbe na osebni ravni seveda kot rečeno njim v prid, kar je za stranke zelo nevarno in očitno slabo. Individa & partnerji, hvala NE!!
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Ulica Ambrožiča Novljana 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia