Reebok CrossFit Ljubljana

CrossFit Ljubljana

4.7 (82 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Reebok CrossFit Ljubljana, fitnes center v mestu ljubljana.

CrossFit Ljubljana - Športni center za funkcionalno vadbo

Če želite poskrbeti za svoje telo na inovativen in zabaven način, je CrossFit Ljubljana pravi kraj za vas. Smo športni center, specializiran za funkcionalno vadbo, s poudarkom na crossfitu in boot campu. Naši člani imajo dostop do centra od ponedeljka do petka med 6.30 in 21.30 ter ob sobotah med 17.00 in 19.00.

Pričnite brezplačno!

Če ste prvič pri nas, vas vabimo, da pridete na brezplačen trening, kjer boste spoznali našo vadbo in se prepričali, ali je to pravi način vadbe za vas. Poleg tega smo pripravili pogosta vprašanja, ki jih imajo naši novi člani, ter blog, kjer delimo zgodbe o uspehu naših športnikov meseca.

Raznovrstne storitve

Poleg rednih treningov crossfita in boot campa ponujamo tudi dodatne storitve za še bolj celostno vadbo. Na voljo so osebno trenerstvo, masaže in nutricistika oziroma prehransko svetovanje. Za vas želimo poskrbeti na vseh področjih, ki so povezana z vadbo in zdravim življenjskim slogom.

Uveljavljena ekipa trenerjev

V CrossFit Ljubljana lahko računate na strokovno in motivirano ekipo trenerjev, ki vas bodo vodili skozi treninge ter vam nudili podporo in nasvete. Verjamemo, da s pravim vodstvom lahko dosežete svoje cilje in presežete svoje meje. Naša ekipa bo poskrbela, da se boste počutili varno in motivirano pri vsakem treningu.

Številne dogodke in dobrodelnost

Poleg rednih treningov organiziramo tudi različne dogodke, kot je na primer 24-urno veslanje z dobrodelno noto. Skupaj s člani in prijatelji CrossFit Ljubljana zbiramo denar za socialno ogrožene družine. Zavedamo se tudi pomena skupnosti, zato vabimo vse, da postanete del naše športne družine.

Kontakt in lokacija

Naslov: Šmartinska c. 106
Telefon: +386 70 658 112
E-pošta: [email protected]
Delovni čas: PON - PET: 6.30 - 21.30, SOB: 17.00 - 19.00

Veseli bomo vašega obiska in vas pričakujemo v CrossFit Ljubljana, vašem #1 CrossFit gymu v Sloveniji!

  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Prijeteljski do LGBTQ+: Da
  • Potrebna rezervacija: Da
  • Potrebno članstvo: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • ponedeljek 6.30 do 21.30
  • torek 6.30 do 21.30
  • sreda 6.30 do 21.30
  • četrtek 6.30 do 21.30
  • Petek 6.30 do 21.30
  • sobota 9 do 11h
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

82 mnenj



I can really recommend this box, especially the boot camp program . It's a bit cheaper than the CrossFit program and the workouts are very demanding . The coaches are always friendly and explain every exercise (also in English) if you ask for it. This box would be a reason for me to come to Ljubljana again.




Crossfit Ljubljana - Odlično mesto za (jutranje) treninge in sproščena druženja. Pravo mesto za aktivnosti in družbeno odgovornost (dobrodelne prireditve).


Best excuse to wake up at 5:20 am 💪…😉

Glad to have you in our family :)


🔝vibe 🔝trenerji 🔝rezultati


Best team! That’s why we keep coming back. Highly recommend!


CFL is a place worth setting the alarm for 5:22am and catching the first workout to start the day energized, not only because workouts you do, but also because of the people you meet and work out with. A gym that you enter tired after a whole day and leave full of energy. A gym that is not just a gym, but a family that motivates us all to support and help each other and awares charity in various events throughout the year. And above all, a gym with the best trainers ever!

THX, Maja.The CFL team loves you and appreciates your contribution to the work and family atmosphere :)


Nice drop in spot if you are visiting Ljubjlana. Too far to walk from the old city but an easy drive, bike or bus. If you drive park in the paid lot and they will validate you inside. Huge facility, English spoken, kind people.

wellcome anytime :)




best crossfit community and the most brutal trainings. If you want to get jacked up and improve your condition, this is right place to go. Pavel



Thx :)



Thx :)



See you Kimmo :)



Hvala :)



Thx, see you :)



Hvala, Janez :)



Thx :)



Thx :)


Odlično, dobri trenerji, lep gym.

Thx :)



Thx :)



Hvala :)



Thx Jure :)


I put one star because I can't put zero. Terrible image for this nice sport, if you search a gym, go somewhere else. It's the first time in my CrossFit life that I want to leave the gym, because of the atmosphere... It's 20€ (not cheap) and : - NO COACH. No explanation, no advice, tips or correction. Crazy thing : they told us "you have 20mn to do gymnastic... Whatever you want". And the "coach" was walking around, saying NOTHING, letting us on our own... Worst coach behaviour in my opinion - no organisation, it's a factory that takes the money but doesn't manage the gym... No check to see if everyone as a space and equipment to workout, super crowded and because of the lack of organisation, it's chaos - athletes were most of them arrogant (except one super nice girl and two others that felt probably that we were really bad there) - showers hot, this is good, but dirty - at the end the "coach" was not here anymore and we could easily leave without paying because noone cared that we were here... They are lucky that we are honest - last but not least, they say you have 2h free parking and it's not true, it's just 30mn. So you end up paying for the additional time. It's not about the amount, but they could at least be honest and say that we have to pay the parking ! I absolutely don't recommend this gym, 20€ is WAY TOO MUCH for what they propose (= the name CrossFit, that's it) and I hope other gyms will open in the area with better mindset to represent this nice sport. I'm super disappointed. I always buy t-shirt and now I didn't even want to pay one more euro for them...

Hi Louise, We are really sorry for your bad experience. This comes as a great surprise to us because as you can see from our other reviews, we are not used to complaints like this and our foreign friends usually have a great time with us. After talking to the Coach about your visit, he explained that he gave you separate instructions for the workout in English, and explained the warmup and WOD specifications. There were several possible options to work on your skills, such as pistol squats, handstand walking or double under practice. Some of the members decided to practice handstand walking on the course which improves your mastery of handstands. The coach asked you to join the group and you looked thrilled to participate and it seemed you were having fun. To be honest the WOD was a very basic grind that does not need a lot of corrections for an experienced athlete like you. We're really sorry you didn't express your negative feelings during the workout because we would be happy to adapt and make it as comfortable as possible for you. The price of the drop-in was communicated to you before your arrival and it's also clearly visible on our web page. We also made sure to direct you to the free parking option on the other side of the building, but you probably used a different parking spot which is unfortunately payable. Showers are cleaned each day by a professional cleaning service, but due to the high volume of people in the afternoon, it is hard to keep it absolutely perfect between classes. We have limited members per class, for space and especially for safety reasons. We are sorry if you felt like you didn’t have enough space. The biggest shock is that you find our members arrogant as we are sure we built one of the best communities in the region. Many foreign members who train with us feel at home and our members always like to meet new drop-ins and chat with them. Thank you for your patience and honesty regarding the payment. Despite your review we would be happy to welcome you back to our gym soon and discuss the misunderstanding regarding the experience you had. Safe travels and keep enjoying this beautiful sport!



Thx Matej, see you :)


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