Ana Gregorič, fotografinja, poročni fotograf, wedding photographer

5.0 (8 mnenj)

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Pozdravljeni! Sem Ana Gregorič, profesionalna fotografinja specializirana za poročno fotografijo. Ustvarjam čudovite spomine na vašo posebno poroko že od leta 2024.

Oglejte si moje delo

Na mojem blogu najdete izbor nekaterih najlepših poročnih fotografij, ki sem jih posnela. Lahko si ogledate fotografije iz različnih poročnih prizorišč po vsem svetu, kot so Slovenija, Nemčija, Libanon in Nizozemska. Imel sem čast, da sem delal s številnimi zadovoljnimi strankami in osvojil prvo mesto na tekmovanju foto natečaja Shoot&Share. Moje delo je bilo tudi objavljeno v reviji PRESS in sem prejel priznanje od Junbijuga, ene izmed najbolj znanih poročnih revij.

Poroke po vsem svetu

Ne glede na to, ali se odločite za poroko v Sloveniji ali v tujini, sem pripravljena posneti vaše najlepše trenutke. Moje izkušnje in spretnosti vam zagotavljajo kakovostne in čustveno nabite fotografije.

Partnerstvo z Dreambookspro

Ponosna sem, da sem partnerica podjetja Dreambookspro, priznanega proizvajalca poročnih knjig. Skupaj vam lahko ustvarimo čudovito spominsko knjigo, ki bo ohranila vaše najlepše trenutke v življenju.

Pridobite ceno in preverite razpoložljivost

Ne odlašajte z rezervacijo! Preverite razpoložljivost za vaš datum in pridobite ceno za moje storitve. Popolnost vaše poroke si zasluži prekrasne fotografije.

O meni

Sem Ana Gregorič, navdušena nad fotografijo že od otroštva. Moja strast se je razvila v kariero kot profesionalna fotografinja. Poročna fotografija me navdušuje, saj mi omogoča, da delam s parom ob njihovem najbolj srečnem dnevu in ujamem vsak čustven trenutek. Moje umetniško oko in tehnično znanje mi omogočata, da ustvarim edinstvene in čarobne fotografije.

Ostanite v stiku

Sledite mi na družbenih omrežjih, da boste vedno na tekočem z mojimi najnovejšimi deli in novicami. Tudi prekličite se na moj elektronski naslov, da mi sporočite vaša vprašanja in želje glede vaše poroke. Veselim se, da vam pomagam ustvariti spomine za vedno.

Avtorske pravice

Vse vsebine na tej spletni strani, vključno s fotografijami, so avtorsko zaščitene.

© 2024 Vse pravice pridržane.

Prikaz na zemljevidu

8 mnenj

Ana and Luka are quite literally the dream team! We had planned our wedding for nearly 2 years, so we knew we wanted a photographer that would capture photos we could cherish forever…we definitely were not disappointed. Ana and Luka were so professional and friendly, but mainly very organised. They captured all of the special moments of the day, but also took lots of candid photos throughout which showed us and our guests off in our natural state perfectly. Seeing the photos made us want to do the day all over again because it reminded us how magical it was. Thank you both so much! Anyone looking for a photographer, please use Ana & Luka! Love Ben & Sophie x


Ana and Luka are amazing photographers and are incredibly well known in Bled/Slovenia. Their team is highly efficient - able to produce the shots we want in a short time. Furthermore Ana was able to show us a good number of photos (30-50, can’t remember exactly) during the afterparty, and even sent them to us the next morning while I was having breakfast. The speed of editing is totally on the next level, and all our guests were extremely impressed with her professionalism and skills. If you pick them, there is no way you can go wrong. On a plus point - Ana is very funny and I liked her sense of humour. They are both fun additions to parties. Ana is an artist through and through - her flair is undeniable! The photos I included in this review required a less than 24 hour turnaround - wow!


Ana and Luka are the photographers you want for your wedding! My husband and I completely trusted them with our special day solely based on their previous work and accolades. We did not need to direct them or ask for specific shots, they just knew! The photos came out STUNNING! We receive compliments on them every time our wedding comes up in conversation :p! We couldn't have asked for a better team!


Ana is the best choice you can make if you need a photographer for your business, wedding or for your branding needs. As a makeup artist I've been working with Ana on numerous occasions, from fashion photoshoots to weddings and personal branding portraits and I can speak only in superlatives when it comes to her work as her personality. She is technically very skilled, detail oriented, has an exceptional eye for finding and capturing beauty in even the most ordinary of spaces, not to mention a great understanding of photography light and her willingness to break the strict photography rules for higher artistic goals - all of that makes her work outstanding, unique in its kind. She is not only absolutely super talented and skilled, she is also the person that will put you at ease in front of the camera, gives you great directions should you need them, is extremely hardworking, professional, kind, warm and super calm. But what I appreciate the most, when working with her, is definitely that she is a great team player. I can always count on her that she will work together with the whole team and make sure to deliver great photos even in the most stressful and hectic situations - which happen more often than you can imagine! All in all, if there would be a sixth star to give, Ana would deserve it! ;)


Ana in Luka sta top fotografa. Profesionalna, odgovorna in zelo talentirana. Vsakemu projektu se sto procentno posvetita. Priporočam vsakemu.




Ana in Luka...bila sta najina prva izbira ze za civilno poroko, kjer sva zal bila prepozna, da bi ujela razpolozljiv datum, za kar sem iskreno povedano bila zalostna :) Ko sva se odlocala za cerveno poroko sva takoj rekla, to je to, Ana in Luka in nihce drug.😊 Ana, spoznati te v zivo in imeti tvoje fotke je bila moja dolga zelja, ki se mi je koncno uresnicila. Pricakovanja so bila vec kot izpolnjena, ne samo da sta profesionalca najvisjega ranga, ampak sta tudi amazing, amazing osebi. Hvalezna sva, ker sta bila ob nama na najin poseben dan in zagotovo bosta ob nama se ob kaksni drugi priloznosti, ker si ob sebi ne predstavljava vec nikogar drugega :) Teja in Denis


Ana Gregorič and Luka, you are amazing. I love, love you. :) You create photographs that are not only inspiring and beautiful but make all my wedding couples look absolute best on the wedding day. Your photographs are timeless, natural, romantic, feminine, and perfectly capturing the enduring story of the couple's wedding celebration. You are playing with luminous during the night photo shooting - amazing. Thank you, for all the great memories and photos. Petra Starbek, a wedding planner from Storija weddings


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