Rajhenburg Castle

Grad Rajhenburg

4.7 (903 mnenj)

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Grad Rajhenburg - Uživajte v čarobnosti srednjeveške arhitekture

Grad Rajhenburg je prelep srednjeveški grad, ki se nahaja nad reko Savo občini Krško. Obdaja ga čudovit zelen park in nudi navdušujoč razgled na okoliško pokrajino. Če si želite doživeti čarobnost preteklosti in se sprehoditi po zgodovinskih hodnikih, je Grad Rajhenburg prava izbira za vas.

Poletni festival srednjeveške kulture

V poletnih mesecih se grad prelevi v prizorišče žive srednjeveške kulture. Poletni festival na Gradu Rajhenburg je edinstven dogodek, kjer se obiskovalci lahko popolnoma potopijo v čas srednjega veka. Na festivalu se odvijajo različne predstave, viteški boji, streljanje z lokom, ples in še mnogo več. To je priložnost, da si ogledate pristne srednjeveške običaje in se preizkusite v različnih spretnostih. Poleg tega se lahko okrepčate v srednjeveških gostilnah ter si ogledate razstave in delavnice, kjer spoznate rokodelske spretnosti tistega časa.

Zgodovinski muzej in razstave

Zaradi svoje dolge zgodovine ima Grad Rajhenburg pomembno mesto pri ohranjanju kulturne dediščine. V notranjosti gradu se nahaja zgodovinski muzej, kjer lahko obiskovalci spoznajo bogato zgodovino gradu in njegove okolice. Muzej prikazuje različna obdobja, ki so zaznamovala grad, in predstavlja razstave, ki odsevajo življenje v preteklosti. Obiskovalci lahko občudujejo srednjeveško orožje, pohištvo, oblačila in arheološke najdbe. Ogled razstav je neprecenljiva izkušnja za ljubitelje zgodovine.

Poroke in dogodki v prelepem okolju

Grad Rajhenburg je idealen kraj za poroke in posebne dogodke. S svojo romantično in čarobno atmosfero bo zagotovo ustvaril nepozabne trenutke za vas in vaše goste. Na voljo so tudi prostori za izvedbo poslovnih dogodkov, konferenc in seminarjev. Profesionalno osebje grajskega hotela bo poskrbelo za vse potrebe in želje, da bo vaša prireditev izvedena brezhibno.

Obiščite Grad Rajhenburg in se prepuščajte čarobnosti srednjeveške arhitekture

Zagotovo ne zamudite priložnosti, da obiščete čudovit Grad Rajhenburg. Ta edinstveno ohranjen grad bo očaral vaše oči in srce. Uživajte v raziskovanju zgodovine, občudujte lepoto srednjeveške arhitekture in se prepustite čarobnosti tega kraja. Ne pozabite na poletni festival, kjer se lahko popolnoma potopite v srednjeveški svet. Vsak obisk je nepozabna izkušnja, ki jo boste želeli deliti z drugimi.

Kontaktirajte nas za več informacij

Naslov Grad Rajhenburg, Rajhenburg 1, 8275 Kostanjevica na Krki
Telefon +386 7 498 69 00
E-pošta info@grad-rajhenburg.si
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • ponedeljek Zaprto
  • torek 10:00 do 16:00
  • sreda 10:00 do 16:00
  • četrtek 10:00 do 16:00
  • Petek 10:00 do 16:00
  • sobota 10:00 do 16:00
  • nedelja 10:00 do 16:00

Prikaz na zemljevidu

903 mnenj



Odlično voden ogled. Vredno ogleda.




Lepo,. mir.


Amazing castle. Disappointing side is a closed Cafe.




lepo obnovljen grad in bogate muzejske zbirke




Zelo lepa prenova gradu, dobro označena smer razgleda.


Bodo morali odpreti čokoladnico in dati kaj na gostinko ponudbo.


Zgodovina, ki se ne more prezreti.










Lepa lokacija lep razgled super samo skoda k ni kake rasuracije za kako kavico


Krasno obnovljen grad in lepa razstava.


The castle of Reichenburg stands on a steep rocky pier over the Sava River. It is the oldest certified castle in Slovenia. It is mentioned in the sources as early as September 29, 895. At that time, the king of Arnulf in the East granted the Bavarian lord Valtun the estates in Reichenburg and Krško. The fort, which stood right at the site of the present castle, was demolished in the fighting with the Hungarians in the early 10th century. In the second half of the 10th century, the German state launched an offensive against the Hungarians and the territories they had previously lost were given back. Thus the German Emperor Henry II. donated the former Valtun estate to the Savinja landscape by William, who was tasked with protecting the eastern border. When William died, his wife Hema Pilštanjska went to the monastery and in 1043 donated his estates to the Archdiocese of Salzburg. Nevertheless, the Rheinburg estate remained in the hands of Hema's family until 1141. In 1131 the Archbishop of Salzburg Konrad made peace with the Hungarians, and after that year he rebuilt the castle. He sent a ministerial family to Rajhenburg in 1141, accepting the name of Rajhenburg. This family was on the castle until 1570 when it became extinct. First they were tenants of the castle, and later they became the owners for military merit. The most famous of the Reichenburgs was Rheinprecht II, who was knighted in 1452 and in 1478 became supreme ruler of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola. Lower Turn Castle, for which there is no information, is said to have been built by the Reichenburgs, who are also mentioned by an interesting legend, the legend of two enemy brothers. The Rajhenburgs owned several castles in the Posavje region. Archbishop of Salzburg Eberhard II. established a mint of money at Rhenburg Castle in 1222, which ceased operations after three years. After the extinction of the Reichenburgs, many owners came to the castle. From 1570-1579, the Welzer owners owned it, and from 1579-1591 Baron Volkart Egg owned it. Probably before 1600 the castle was passed into the hands of Galla pl. Gallenstein. There is no information on this, but their coat of arms on the front door portal shows that they gave the castle its present appearance. During the period 1639-1696, Veit Jakob pl. Moscon and Leopold pl. Curti. By 1721 he was the owner of Hannibal Heister and from 1721-1802 the counts of Attemsi. The Attems are said to be the owners who gave the interior yard a paint job. The castle was sold to Alojz Mandelstein, who in 1820 sold it to Countess Petazzi. It was owned by Sidonia Brzowska from 1855 to 1857, and from 1857 to 1875 by Eberhart Waldburg. He sold this castle to Baron Christian Esebeck, who then sold it to Trappist monks in 1881. During World War II, the castle was occupied by the Germans and had the headquarters of a relocation office for the expulsion of Slovenes, as well as other offices. After 1947, when the Order of Trappists was dissolved and the castle was nationalized, it was closed until 1965. Today, the castle houses museum exhibitions about the history of the castle, Trappist monks, Slovenian exiles and political prisoners and interns. The castle is also an important cultural and historical monument. It discovered the oldest Romanesque chapel in Slovenia from the beginning of the 12th century and the oldest preserved castle painting on Slovenian territory from the beginning of the 16th century.


Leuke omgeving






Great local history museum and a caffe with a view.








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