Svet Print d.o.o.

Svet Print

1.6 (7 mnenj)

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7 mnenj





Never use Svetprint - they have caused us to lose our biggest client and make a huge loss due to taking 6 months to deliver something that should've been completed in November 2017. (Our clients got the books in May 2018). Due to us paying 50% of the fee in advance, we were unable to switch printers... Despite a lot of pleading and frustration, Svetprint did nothing to help speed things up and refused to refund our money to us even though they DID NOT do the job at all. (We had a client event deadline early December. No books.) 6 months later they were suddenly very responsive as the books have been printed, and they want their money. You can understand our hesitation to send them the other 50% of the payment now since these people have been utterly irresponsible and lying throughout our entire experience with them - we wanted to get the books first then transfer the money... but to no avail. They have been absolutely rude to us, holding our books hostage even though they were HALF A YEAR LATE, and telling us our 50% deposit would be forfeited, books burned, unless we paid them the difference. Anyway, we paid them, and got the books delivered. All went fine. If only this happened half a year ago... But.... half a year late makes them useless as these were books specifically designed to accompany events. DO NOT GO WITH THIS PRINTER. They are not going to deliver.


ATTENTION ce fournisseur est un escroc ! SVET PRINT n'est qu'une façade... ne pas contacter




Mit Abstand die mieseste Druckerei im Europäischen Raum. 2015 eine Auflage von 1500 Büchern bestellt, einen Vorabdruck von 100 Stück erhalten, einen Fehler im Druck bemängelt und angemahnt. Die Druckerei erklärte sich nicht bereit, den Fehler zu korrigieren. Daraufhin verlangte die Druckerei die ausstehenden 50 % der Druckkosten, denn vorher würde man den Druck nicht anstoßen. Entgegen jeder Abmachung hat sich die Druckerei 8.000 Euro unter den Nagel gerissen. Der Druck ist nicht erfolgt. Selbst ein Jahr später ist man nicht bereit, den vereinbarten Druck durchzuführen.




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