Pivnica VELES

4.2 (91 mnenj)

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Pivnica VELES

Dobrodošli v Pivnici VELES!

Pivnica VELES se nahaja v več kot 200 let stari hiši. Tu najdete svoj prostor za oddih od vsakodnevnega dogajanja, ob odlični hrani in pijači. Pivnica je poimenovana po staroslovanskem bogu gozdov, voda in živine.

Nudimo bogat nabor pijače in hrane, posebej smo ponosni na hišno specialiteto - pečeno in prekajeno kračo. Prav tako imamo dnevno ponudbo pivskih klobas. Za zaključene družbe sprejemamo rezervacije.

Dnevna ponudba pivskih klobas

Pivska klobasa Cena (EUR)
Bela pivska klobasa 12
Kranjska 12
Mini kranjska 12
Prava pečenica 12
Mini pečenice polnjene s čebulo 12
Veles s sirom 12
Veles pikantna s sirom 12

Hišna specialiteta - Krača menu (4 ali več oseb):

  • Pečena krača
  • Prekajena krača
  • Krompirjevi krhlji
  • Pivske klobase mešano
  • Čebula, paradižnik, hren
  • Fižolova solata (porcijsko)
  • Kruh beli in črni

Cena: 12 € na osebo. Ob prihodu postrežemo porcijsko, ostale krače postrežemo na plošči. Potrebno je predhodno naročilo.

Prenočišče - Sobe

V Pivnici VELES ponujamo tudi prenočišča v udobnih sobah.

Dvoposteljna soba

  • Nočitev za 2 osebi: 60 €
  • Nočitev za 1 osebo: 40 €
  • Dnevni počitek 3h: 40 €

Dvoja dvoposteljna soba

  • Nočitev za 4 osebe: 85 €
  • Nočitev za 3 osebe: 75 €
  • Nočitev za 2 osebi: 60 €
  • Zajtrk: 8 € na osebo

Vsaka soba ima svojo privatno kopalnico in WC ter brezplačen dostop do interneta.

Check in: 17:00 - 22:00
Check out: do 10:00

Turistična in promocijska taksa: 1,30 € na osebo na noč. Vse cene vsebujejo DDV.

"Skupne sobe"

  • Nočitev za 1 osebo: 25 €

Rezervacija možna le za skupine (6 ali več oseb). Ne oddajamo individualno.

Zajtrk: 7 € na osebo. Skupna kopalnica in WC. Brezplačen dostop do interneta.

Check in: 17:00 - 22:00
Check out: do 10:00

Vse cene vsebujejo DDV.


Preglejte našo galerijo slik, da dobite vtis o našem prostoru in ponudbi.


Iz naše terase se razprostira čudovit razgled na okoliško naravo. Uživajte v sproščujočem ambientu ob dobri hrani in pijači.

Kontakt in informacije

Kontakt Tel.: 064 231 465
International call number: 00 386 64 231 465
Email info@pivnicaveles.si
Odpiralni čas ponedeljek - četrtek: od 17:00 do 22:00
petek: od 17:00 do 24:00
sobota: od 17:00 do 24:00
nedelje in prazniki: zaprto
Naslov Trg Alfonza Šarha 3, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica

Vse cene vsebujejo DDV.

  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Brezplačen zajtrk: Ne
  • Brezplačno parkiranje: Da
  • Bazen: Ne
  • Fitnes center: Ne

Prikaz na zemljevidu

91 mnenj

Viktor is cool, was a kind host and told us lots of story. The rooms are tiny but cozy, there's a big common area featuring a kitchen and seating space even for bigger parties. Breakfast was excellent and delicious. We had a very pleasant stay and will hopefully come back in the future.



Hvala za vaš obisk. Thank you for your visit.


Domaćin pristojan ali hladan. Naplatio i otišao. Pivnica zatvorena i zapuštena. Soba uredno složena, ali nije bila ugrijana i ima jak miris po vlazi. U odvojenom hodniku gdje je wc i kupaonica kao i u samom wc-u i kupaonici prilično hladno jer nema grijanja. Za cijenu od 70 EUR soba nema ni televizor. S obzirom da smo najavili da dolazimo s malom djecom smatram da bi bilo u redu da je barem sobu ugrijao. Zaključak, loše, ne vrijedi 70 EUR, možda maksimalno 30 EUR. Zaobići, posebno ako ste s djecom. / Host polite but pretty cold. He charged and left. Pub closed and a bit neglected. The room is neatly arranged, but it was not heated and has a strong smell of moisture. In a separate hallway where the toilet and bathroom as well as in the toilet and bathroom itself is quite cold because there is no heating. For the price of 70 EUR the room does not have a TV. Since we announced that we were coming with small children, I think it would have been okay if he had at least warmed the room. Conclusion, bad, not worth 70 EUR, maybe maximum 30 EUR. Pass, especially if you are with children.


Подорожували по Словенії, зайшли для себе чудовий отель. Господар чудова людина. Все прибрано і є все, що треба для комфортної ночівлі. Дуже добре, що присутні місці для паркування автомобіля. Дякуємо за гостинність. Солена випічка була дуже смачна.

Hvala za vaš obisk <3



Hvala za vaš obisk!



Hvala za vaš obisk.


It is a good place to stay for a night. We arrived really late and had no reservation. But the host greeted us warmly, said that there was only a room for one, but he would find a solution. After 10 minutes, he accompanied us to the room, where he brought another bed. In the morning we were fortunate to have a little chat, the host is very nice and interesting person. He also gave us good tips for visiting Maribor. Thank you very much for the warm welcome!

You are very welcome, we always try to help people whenever possible!



Thank you for your stay, come back to visit us anytime! :)


Lepo mesto, dobar domaćin, ugodna atmosfera.

Hvala za vaš obisk!



Thank you, visit us anytime!





Thank you very much, please come again. :)


Staff: 4,Facilities: 4,Cleanliness: 4,Comfort: 4,Value for money: 4,Location: 4


The old House has quite a unique Charme, so does the owner Viktor! He welcomed us warmly and wie even had nice talks in the evening with local wine. If you want to learn about slvenian History/culture - he ist a good adress :)

Thank you for your visit and the kind words, you are always welcome to visit or stay!


Positive: The room was cold so we didnt need climate.. Negative: We came on Sunday and we had to wait for owner for 30 minutes. It was strong moldy smell in the reception and rooms. The shower water was cold so it was not able to take a shower. Towels were old and very small. We paid extra breakfast, but we left sooner and owner didnt return us money for breakfast (he didnt communicate ) For us the worst accomodation in Slovenia..


Staff: 4,Facilities: 4,Cleanliness: 4,Comfort: 4,Value for money: 4,Location: 4


Not pretty good place, also if you consider, that it it as budget place. It was the cheapest place in S. Bistrica, but it is small, it has a lot of moisture in the place. The toilet and the bathrooms is common.||It is clean, I can not say it is not. But all the materials are pretty cheap - I did not felt well in this place.




Positive: Ok for the price.. Negative: It was a moldy smell in the reception and rooms..


Ieftin și prost




Mulțumesc pentru vizită.





Hvala za vaš obisk!


Plusy: bardzo miła i pomocna obsługa, powitalna degustacja wina Minusy: zawilgocone pokoje, trudno było oddychać i zasnąć, wyposażenie tj. meble, pościel, ręczniki z lat 70-80 Drugi raz napewno ominę.

I doubt she stayed at our guesthouse. Best regards




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