4.0 (38 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Cabin HOSTEL, hostel v mestu ljubljana.
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Brezplačen zajtrk: Ne
  • Bazen: Ne
  • Klimatizirano: Da
  • Restavracija: Ne
  • Fitnes center: Ne

Prikaz na zemljevidu

38 mnenj

Small cozy rooms(like pods),2 bathrooms with very small showers, Upon arriving, you get a personalized door code that's valid until the end of your stay . There are lockers, but you have to buy the padlocks yourself. As for the rooms themselves, you get a blanket,pillow, and a TV, which you can plug your earbuds into.


It is not okay to turn a 40m2 space into 15 bedrooms with no staff to manage it and make people pay 30€ a night for it. There should be places for backpackers on a budget, but this is not it. Stop giving your money to disrepectful business people. Let's add that the ridiculously small two rooms that serve as both bathroom and toilet are obviously soaked and dirty, the "equipped shared premises" are a scam and there is almost no ventilation.


Left me outside at night in the rain WITHOUT an entrance code even though they accepted my booking and they state they do “check inns until 00:00” No one I could reach I was all alone on the street at night as a FEMALE SOLO traveler. I eventuelly got in because someone other traveler was smoking outside at midnight and opened the door for me. They sent me a code at 02:15 am in the email even though i booked around 22. Shame on you, dont stay here!!! Especially as a female solo traveler. Worst hostel experience ever.


Location- Very walkable from bus and railway station and city centre. It is also safe and not at all isolated. Rooms- The cabins are tiny, meant for just sleeping. Space is just enough. Ventilation is less. I spent quite some time outside which had AC and place to stretch your muscles. Toilets - There are 2 bathrooms with toilets. Bath area is very less and water can easily be all over the floor. So, bathing is problematic. Toilets were initially clean. Common area- Sofa, bar stools, small kitchen area with fridge and tap water(drinkable). Good for relaxing and eating. It was worth the money but suitable only for solo travellers for just 1 night stay.


Pustili ste jednog jako prljavog covjeka danas 21.02.2024 za par sati ja uprljao cijeli hostel Znate vec o kome pricam Crni s kapom na glavi 🤮🤮 stoka prljava




좋았던 점: 1. 숙소 위치 및 접근성: - 류블랴나 핵심 관광지에서 도보로 10-15분에 위치합니다. 크게 불편한 위치는 아니라고 생각합니다. 2. 숙소 시설 및 편의시설: - 숙소 내부 시설에 대한 정보를 포함하여 침대의 품질, 욕실, 주방, 거실 등을 언급합니다. - 침대 및 캐빈 공간은 매우 깨끗했으며 현대적이었습니다. 크지는 않지만 2개의 욕실 겸 화징실과, 1개의 공용 주방 공간 및 식사 바 테이블이 존재합니다. - 와이파이는 잘 작동하며 세탁 서비스는 따로 존재하지 않습니다. - 객실 내엔 공기 청정기가 잘 작동하며, 객실 외부 공용 공간엔 에어컨을 틀어놓아 쾌적한 느낌을 받을 수 있습니다. - 숙소 자체가 매우 작은 편이고 위치한 건물 외관도 낡은 편이라 부정적인 느낌을 받을 수는 있으나 숙박 이라는 목적에서 비추어 본다면 부족함이 없다고 생각합니다. 3. 청결도: - 숙소의 청결도는 매우 좋았으며 관리가 잘되고 있다고 생각했습니다. - 침구류 또한 매우 깨끗했습니다. 따로 수건을 제공 받지는 않았습니다. 4. 숙소 주인 또는 호스트: - 리셉션이 따로 존재하지 않으며 부킹닷컴 메세지를 통해서 체크인을 위해 작성해야하는 링크를 받을 수 있습니다. 해당 링크를 작성하면 비밀번호 및 할당된 캐빈 숫자를 받게됩니다. - 위 과정을 무시하면 숙소를 이용할 수 없습니다. 숙소에 도착 후 위 과정을 거치려고하면 호스트 측의 상황에 따라 꽤나 시간이 걸릴 수도 있습니다. 미리 해당 과정을 반드시 마무리하시길 바라며 미리 완료했다면 이용에 전혀 불편함이 없습니다. 5. 가격 및 가치: - 숙박 요금은 매우 저렴한 편에 속했으며 시설은 그 금액 이상의 가치를 제공했습니다. 6. 주변 환경 및 안전: - 류블랴나 라는 도시 자체가 관광객이 느끼기에 저녁에는 매우 어둡고 한산하게 느껴지기 때문에 숙소에 늦은 시간에 도착하게 된다면 꽤나 부정적인 느낌을 받을 수 있습니다. 이는 숙소의 특정한 주변 환경 및 안전의 문제가 아니라 도시 자체의 특성 때문이라고 생각합니다. 7. 주의사항 및 재방문 의사: - 혼자 방문하게 된다면 재방문 의사는 확실히 있습니다. 하지만 커플이나 가족 끼리 이용하기엔 적합하지 않다고 생각합니다. 아쉬웠던 점: 침대 밑 공간을 락커로 이용하고 있고 이를 개인 자물쇠로 잠글 수 있습니다. 이 부분을 미리 알려주어 자물쇠를 준비할 수 있게 한다면 좋지 않을까 생각합니다.(자판기에서 따로 판매도 하고 있지만 가격이 조금 비싼감이 있습니다.) 그 외엔 비대면으로 운영하는만큼 미리미리 준비를 잘 해놓았다고 생각합니다.




The price is for this hostel is ok. I would recommend if you’re just searching a place to sleep. If you’re searching for a really comfortable, warm place where you can hang out with other persons from the hostel it’s not the right place. It’s just to tiny and sterile.


Très propre, il faisait frais dans la chambre grâce à la clim, les matelas sont très confortables. Un peu excentré mais en 20min de marche vous êtes au cœur de la ville






I organised for my daughter to stay in this hostel. She has just arrived at the hostel with her friend. The location felt vey unsafe even though it is the middle of the day and just before noon. It is difficult to feel unsafe in Ljubljana but they do here. There is a gang nearby who appear to be under the influence of some substance/s. My daughter and her friend followed the instructions to let themselves in using the key code. Once in their room the heat was very intense and it felt as if there was no air. The cleaner came into the room and was incredibly rude and unwelcoming to them and told them off for being early. Both girls are very polite and kind and would have only been polite to the cleaner. They had been travelling since the early hours so hadn't realised that it was not after 12. The cleaner reluctantly allowed them to leave their heavy suitcases. They left the hostel and then the cleaner came running after them and asked them to move their bags again. She was incredibly rude and abrupt. My daughter is fluent in Slovene and English so it is not a language issue. The girls were very upset. My daughter is well travelled and has lived in Asia and Africa so it is not that she is new to traveling or has been sheltered. We have never left an accommodation before. My daughter and her friend are students and are on a very low budget but were so shaken and upset by the area and the welcome that they have now gone to another hostel so have effectively paid twice.


온라인 체크인 링크가 이상해서 문의했더니 자기들은 체크인 폼이 없다고 자기들이 보낸 메세지가 아니라고 함 다시 확인했는데도 늦게 도착하는게 아니면 와서 체크인 하면 된다는 답을 받았다 도착했더니 리셉션 없고 체크인한걸로 입구 비밀번호랑 내 침대 번호를 알 수 있는데 이상한 링크로 체크인을 못했으니 당연히 못들어감 안에 있던 다른 게스트가 문을 열어줘서 들어가긴 했으나 내침대가 뭔지 당연히 모르고 나가면 다시 들어올 수 없는 상황에서 숙소에 문의해도 답이 없음 전화는 자동응답밖에 없도 예약 플랫폼을 통해서 문의하라는 말만 함 류블랴나에서 시간이 충분하지도 않은데 덕분에 하루 통째로 날렸다 여전히 연락 기다리는 중이라서 밥먹으러도 못나가는 중 시설이고 위치고 그런걸 따지는거를 떠나서 리셉션이 없으면 사전에 제대로 안내를 해줘야하는데 두번이나 확인했음에도 그런거 없다면서 체크인 할 방법을 알려주지 않았음


My daughter and her friend I booked and paid for this hostel. She has just arrived at the hostel. The location felt vey unsafe even though it is the middle of the day just before noon. It is difficult to feel unsafe in Ljubljana but they do here. There was a gang nearby who appeared to be under the influence of some substance/s. My daughter and her friend followed the instructions to let themselves in using the key code. Once in their room the heat was very intense and it felt as if there was no air. The cleaner came into the room and was incredibly rude and unwelcoming to them and told them off for being early. Both girls are very polite and kind and would have only been polite to the cleaner. They had been travelling since the early hours so hadn't realised that it was not after 12. The cleaner reluctantly allowed them to leave their heavy suitcases. They left the hostel and then the cleaner came running after them and asked them to move their bags again. She was incredibly rude and abrupt. My daughter is fluent in Slovene and English so it is not a language issue. The girls were very upset. My daughter is well travelled and has lived in Asia and Africa so it is not that she is new to traveling or has been sheltered. We have never left an accommodation before. My daughter and her friend are students and are on a very low budget but were so shaken and upset by the area and the welcome that they have now gone to another hostel so have effectively paid twice.


Muito bom hostel. Tudo limpo e arrumado. A dona é muito simpática e está sempre disponível. Boa experiência!


W tej cenie wszystko było ok. Jedynym minusem był fakt, że suszarka była tylko w jednej łazience, ale to nie powód do obniżenia oceny.


For the low price it was definitely worth it.


Best place for solo staying. Good conditioned, nice, warm and cosy. Cabins are not recommended for claustrophobic people. Grocery store is around the corner, at least 3 fast foods in 10-50 meters close to the place, nice Kraft beer drafting pub "Tektonix" is about 300 meters towards city centre. Local bus station in front of the main entrance, intercity buses and railway station are about 1 km.






O hostel está localizado a 15 minutos do centro da cidade. Não tem receção nem ninguém da staff lá, é self check--in e out (qualquer pessoa com o código pode lá entrar). Por esse motivo, não me senti muito segura lá e não aconselho a mulheres. Além disso, a limpeza não era realizada. Na primeira noite, dormi muito pouco por causa dos outros hóspedes muito barulhentos, além de ter um homem a ressonar altíssimo a noite toda.






Nice hostel but not social and a dirty bathrooms but worth the money. A bit far from the center though. Good for loners.


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