Dragons Dream Hostel

4.1 (165 mnenj)

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More than a Hostel. Dare to awaken the Dragon.
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Brezplačen zajtrk: Ne
  • Bazen: Ne
  • Klimatizirano: Da
  • Fitnes center: Ne

Prikaz na zemljevidu

165 mnenj

The room is really nice and clean. Also, very well equipped. The qr code system is great and looks safe. Although the capsules are one next to another, I did not hear any noice from ones nearby. The staff is extra helpful and nice. I really recommend this hostel.


I'm really satisfied with my stay at this hostel. The capsule (twin bed one) was really cozy and clean. Common showers and bathrooms were also really nice and new. I would highly recommend this place to anyone who is staying in Ljubljana. It is also really affordable and you get a great value for what you pay for! I stayed here one night this week and the week before. If I could rate it twice I would! Also, the receptionist, whom I share the same name with, was a really nice and helpful guy


Really great hostel - I love the concept! You stay in a "den" which is kind of like a box in the wall, super simple and practical. The price was great and really worth it, check-in was easy and I had no complaints. The showers had a bit of mold, which was the only big downside. Location-wise, it is maybe a 30 minute walk from the city center.


Overall I enjoyed my stay. Cabin was clean, private, safe and quite. I definitely didn’t mind it was somewhat further away from the city center. only the bathroom’s could be improved: no soap, sometimes no toilet paper and in all the showers the beginnings of black mold! A last additional note: the “kitchen” is not really a kitchen, if you are planning to cook yourself this is not the ideal hostel ;)


The option with a double bed is a very good option, but I believe that a capsule for one person may be not so comfortable, which is also understandable, but still a very good alternative for usual hostels, there is more privacy and better sound isolation. I really like that everything is digital and there is an option of private bath with you can enter also with a personal qr code, a bit far away from the center, but there is a direct bus, you can reach the center in 15 minutes, but sometimes you may also wait 10 minutes for the bus. The personal was friendly and nice. I like the air conditioning system, the air feels very fresh, everything was clean and the nice jokes on the walls. Also I liked the minimal style of the interior design and the wood quality.




I stayed at Dragons Dream for a week and it was absolutely fantastic. From the facility itself to the staff, everything was good. The beds were very comfortable, the cabins and bathroom clean, the location is a fair walk distance to the center, and the staff was very friendly and welcoming. I highly recommend this hostel to anyone traveling to Ljubljana. Thank you!


Bardzo fajny hotel wszystko w jak najlepszym porządku.


The wandering explorations of the owners are incorporated with genuinity into the offer of Dragon Dream Hostel, which is located in the heart of one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and former Yuga. All spaces in this hostel are clean, tidy and very welcomy, and spacious enough for the needs of all those who like to have basic comfort in their overnight stay during business or private trips. The contents are simply great, original and fun. Guys, thank you for your kind hospitality and see you next time! Cheers




Great location, close to city center with very good public transport connections. Nice ambient, cozy common room, comfortable rooms with enough privacy, especially considering it's a capsule hostel. Super friendly and helpful staff. Highly recommend!


This is a very strange place but not necessarily in a bad way. It’s all automated and you enter via QR. The corridor that goes to the room area is slightly cringe and you wonder if a serial killer will pop up from a corner any moment and rip you in two. The sleeping area is like a wooden morgue. This together with not seeing almost anybody (low season, winter) made the whole experience a bit weird/different. Arriving at night was a bit creepy because you need to go down some stairs and it’s all very lonely. But I also have an active mind. Actually nothing happened in my stay. Still alive. However, the room is very cool. Temperature can’t be regulated but somehow it was pleasant all the time. Bathrooms were clean and I also appreciated those tiny jokes on dragons. For sure owners have a good imagination. I slept very good and not sure why many people complain about movement sensor noise, I think that is being picky. I loved the lighting control. Since room is so small you are forced to be outside and explore the city, which I liked. I think for what it cost you have good value: nice bed and nice hot shower. So in general I liked the place except the QR system that had me stressing out charging my phone in cafes in Ljubljana. For all of these reasons I need to give it 5 stars.


Ostello come descritto online. Io avevo la cabina matrimoniale, dove il materasso era in terra ma comodo. C’era anche un piccolo armadietto, attaccapanni e varie prese anche usb. Le luci si possono regolare. La temperatura era di 17 gradi normalmente, però poi la notte arrivava a 22 e li era esagerato. Però nel complesso tutto bene! Sei Bagni disponibili con wc e doccia. Da quanto ho capito si poteva fare colazione, perché ho visto un microonde e una macchinetta di bevande calde, ma non le ho mai viste funzionanti. C’è una macchinetta di snack. Personale gentile . Parcheggio fuori dalla struttura a pagamento dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 7 di mattina alle 20 la sera mi sembra.




Non un ostello convenzionale. Posizionato un po' fuori dal centro che però è raggiungibile con pochi minuti di autobus, ci sono 2 linee di collegamento. Bagni pulitissimi e personali, ogni bagni ha a disposizione 1 lavandino, un water ed una doccia.




Dobro za prespavati, relativno tiho, lokacija je dobra, procedura rezervacije je OK


Feels like you're in a coffin. No air, slept with a "drawer" opened. Toilet were filthy, there is no personnel there... If you forget your phone in the booth, you're locked outside. It's cheap though, but still, I will never return.


Im Großen und Ganzen finde ich super was das Dream Hostel macht, denn dadurch bekommt man die Möglichkeit günstig und trotzdem sauber mit Privatsphäre zu reisen. Allerdings sollte man paar Dinge wissen, die Lage ist ziemlich außerhalb, es gibt keinen Wasserkocher, man kann seinen Rucksack oder Koffer nach dem Aufenthalt nicht im Hostel lassen, wenn man erst spät abreist, der Check-out ist schon um 10 und alles läuft über QR-Code was einerseits zwar sehr modern ist aber andererseits auch gefährlich sein kann wenn man kein Handyakku mehr hat. Trotzdem muss ich sagen dass die 5 Sterne verdient sind, da es kostengünstig ist, sauber, modern und das Personal sehr nett ist.


Tutto perfetto ,Ambiente pulito ,una Bellissima esperienza ,prezzo TOP, Complimenti per l'idea di copiare i giapponesi con albergo tipo capsula ,letti super comodi e spaziosi




The cubes (rooms) are quite nice and bigger than I first thought. The owner is great, I forgot my stuff in a locker and he was willing to help which I’m very grateful for. The best part was sitting in the common room and I made some amazing unforgettable friends. 100% the best stay in Ljubljana.




Hey guys, this is the latest real review from a solo tourist from Japan.|I was a bit confused and worried by reading some good and terribly bad reviews until seeing a brilliant friendly smile of the owner.|I would say this is a nice, beautiful, functional, and well-organized hostel. The owner said the concept is "affordable". If you are an experienced traveller or backpacker, you can enjoy your stay in here. Otherwise, you would better to visit other three-stars hotels in town, paying double or triple fee so that you can have ordinary comfortable hotel experiences. This is all about a balance of price and quality.|I hope you can get a better understanding of this hostel from my review.


La mia prima esperienza in un Capsule Hostel: cercherò di essere il più dettagliato ed obiettivo possibile. Se siete da soli, e non volete stare in un classico dormitorio, può essere un'opzione relativamente economica da prendere in considerazione per una notte massimo due. In tutti gli altri casi, non vedo reali motivazioni per andarci. Allo stesso tempo, le capsule singole sono le più claustrofobiche, essendo letteralemente dei loculi senza nessuna apertura. L'intera struttura è concepita in maniera molto moderna, e l'accesso ad ogni spazio è assicurato tramite dei QR (cosa che può diventare angosciante nel momento in cui tenete il telefono a ricaricare nella capsula, perché nel giro di pochi secondi potete ritrovarvi chiusi fuori da tutto). La cosa che non mi è molto chiara è perché, nonostante tutto sia così tecnologico, fondamentalmente senza personale non si possa risolvere nulla sul posto. Le aree comuni sono piuttosto pulite e ben tenute. Unica cosa che mi ha lasciato interdetto è che di giorno c'era musica ad abbastanza alto volume nel corridoio, e per quanto insonorizzate, questa si sentiva chiaramente dalle capsule - non ideale per un riposino pomeridiano (dei tappi per le orecchie sono comunque messi a disposizione gratuitamente nel corridoio). Il personale io sinceramente l'ho trovato un po' strano, se da una parte erano molto reattivi via messaggio, dall'altra li ho trovati abbastanza sgradevoli nel complesso. Tra l'altro, a parte questa cosa, gli orari di presenza in loco mi sono sembrati molto casuali. Poco pratico in caso di necessità. Altre cose a cui pensare: essendo tutta la struttura sotto terra e priva di finestre, non è possibile asciugare nulla (asciugamani inclusi), quindi tocca organizzarsi in qualche modo alternativo (o riuscite a darvi asciugamani a sufficienza in anticipo, altrimenti non saprei); non ci sono né sapone né doccia schiuma messi a disposizione; né nei bagni né nelle capsule non c'è nessuna mensola, quindi anche qui, tocca arrangiarsi con l'armadietto, anch'esso comunque molto piccolo e non dotato di nessun ripiano; idem per le scarpe, probabilmente la soluzione più pratica anche se poco elegante è lasciarle davanti alla capsula (sperando non ve le portino via). Per finire, la posizione è abbastanza decentrata, e nel computo totale dei costi è necessario tenere in conto il prezzo del biglietto dell'autobus per andare e tornare dalla città (1,30 euro la corsa), se non avete particolarmente voglia di camminare (circa 3 km per arrivare in centro, mezz'oretta larga di camminata svelta). Ci tornerei? Sicuramente no. Lo consiglierei? Probabilmente nemmeno, a meno che le alternative non si rivelino davvero molto più costose, e il budget fosse una vostra priorità assoluta.


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