Simbol Rooms

3.9 (360 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Simbol Rooms, hostel v mestu ljubljana.
Preprost hostel z opremljeno teraso, TV salonom in skupno kuhinjo ter izposojo koles.
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Zajtrk: Ne
  • Brezplačno parkiranje: Da
  • Dostopno: Ne
  • Bazen: Ne
  • Klimatizirano: Da
  • Storitev pranja perila: Da
  • Poslovni center: Ne
  • Prijazno za hišne ljubljenčke: Ne
  • Primerno za otroke: Da
  • Restavracija: Ne
  • Prevoz do letališča: Da
  • Fitnes center: Ne
  • Brez dima: Da

Prikaz na zemljevidu

360 mnenj





Very Worst place location high price don't visit here

Dear Sajid, thank you for your feedback, we are surprised you decided to stay if it was the worst ever. And the prices are among the lowest in Ljubljana. You also forgot to pay the city tax. We hope your next accommodation will be better and that you will feel good. Kind regards!



Dear Andrii, thank you for staying with us and we are sorry that you were not satisfied with the stay, even though you had 2 bookings and decided to stay with us also after the first night. Best wishes, Simbol rooms staff


Terrible experience, awoid this place!! Že preko telefona je bil gospod, ki se je predstavil z imenom Matej, izredno žaljiv. Rekel je, kako mu je težko delati z nami Slovenci, ker ničesar ne razumemo. Prosila sem ga le za ponovno razlago navodil, da ne bi prišlo do nesporazuma, saj je trdil, da me bo ključ za prihod po polnoči čakal na recepciji drugega hostla, hkrati pa, da se recepcija zapira ob 23. uri. Na koncu me je žalil in poniževal z izrazi, ki so pod nivojem kritike. Katastrofa, kar zadeva odnos do strank, žal mi je za turiste in njihov vtis o Sloveniji, česa takega še nikoli nisem doživela. Gospodu Mateju pa sporočam, da naj razmisli in si poišče drugo delo, primernejše zanj, saj delo z ljudmi ni njegovo močno področje. Pa tudi terapije niso tako cenovno nedostopne, da si jih ne bi mogel privoščiti.

Spoštovana Barbara, žal nam je za opisano izkušnjo in da se z gospodom Matejem nikakor nista mogla uskladiti, kako opraviti prijavo po 23.00 uri (ko je recepcija že zaprta, a izjemoma dovolimo pozno prijavo) na naši drugi lokaciji v centru mesta, kar smo vam ponudili zaradi lažjega dostopa z železniške / avtobusne postaje. Vsekakor to ni izgovor za omenjeno obnašanje. Lep pozdrav


Užas Sobe smrde !! 🤮🤮

Velid, pozdrav. Hvala što ste nas kontaktirali i željeli unajmiti krevet u zajedničkoj sobi. Pokazali smo vam dvije opcije i nijedna vam se nije svidjela. Goste smo već upozorili na miris, ali ponovno naglašavamo da ste odabrali zajedničku sobu i da se nažalost može dogoditi da su ljudi različiti. Također smo vam ponudili privatnu sobu, ali je niste željeli. Žao nam je ako zbog toga zaslužujemo najlošiju ocjenu. Lp


That place is a mess, just pay a bit extra and go to another place to crash for the night. The staff were 2 young rude girls that did not care at all about us as customers. I had a reservation 1 room for 3 people 1 male 2 female. When we got there the staff told me that we need to sleep in a separate rooms because they ( the staff) messed up the reservations. Finally we got to the rooms (dirty and smelly). Instantly i went back to reception to get my refund and get out of there. Shameful

Dear Андреј Милошевски, we talked with all of our employees (also male, not just female) and we honestly don't know what is this incident you are talking about, can you please specify your booking number and name? Also all of our rooms have at least 3 beds so we don't know why we should split you? So we would really kindly ask you for clarification what we did wrong. Best wishes!



Thank you so much, wish you all the best!


Personale cordiale, disponibile e parlava anche italiano. La vera pecca è stata la struttura lasciata un po’ a se stessa. Muri scrostati, porte rovinate e cavi pendenti dal soffitto.

Dear Andrea, thank you for staying with us and for the feedback. We apologise for any inconvenience. Best wishes, Simbol rooms staff



Hvala, Dejan. Se vidimo še kdaj, osebje Simbol rooms



Dear Nick, thank you. Wish you lots of adventures, Simbol rooms staff



Dear Nikhil Tk, thank you very much. Have a nice time, Simbol rooms staff



Dear Avi, thank you for staying with us. We would be happy to hear what went wrong. Best wishes, Simbol rooms staff



Dear Time To Travel, thank you for your feedback and for your stay with us. Best wishes, Simbol rooms staff



Dear Sasa, thank you for staying with us and for your feedback. Kind reagards, Simbol rooms staff


Det er meget dårlige hostel i ligner sletikke på bilde , tøjet bliver tørt i gangen venden dropper fra tager ikke langt fra strømme ledninger , vægen er ikke blive malet i 20 år urent , overvejede finde et anden sted men det blev kun en nat og aldrig igen

Dear Amir, thank you for staying with us and for your feedback. We are very sorry that you were not satisfied. The rooms are as on the pictures and we apologise if you were bothered by our linen drying on the hallway. The walls we will paint soon. Kind regards, Simbol rooms staff


Es el que mejor precio tiene de la ciudad pero se encuentra a unos 20 minutos del centro y 40 de la estación de tren. La ubicación es lo único malo. Hay un supermercado justo enfrente para cualquier compra. Som muy amables.

Thank you sergio for staying with us and for the feedback. Wish you all the best, Simbol rooms staff



Hvala, Sasa. Pozdrav, osoblje Simbol rooms


Nice , clean , good staff , good price ! They also have bikes.The front desk Matevz is the best on this position! Highly recommend

Thank you very much Ricardo, we are very happy that you were satisfied. Best wishes and welcome back again, Simbol rooms staff




Cut my finger on a broken glass in the kitchen and the receptionist started shouting and swearing at me. He also let himself into the room in the middle if the night waking everyone up. Not only that but people were having loud conversations and playing music in the lobby all night keeping us awake. Also when it started raining there were drips coming from the ceiling and a puddle on the floor due to a leaky window.




Fine for a stop over however location is very far out from the city centre, there were a lot of beds in quite a small room which didn’t give a lot of privacy. Even though the room felt quite newley renovated there were wires hanging down from the ceiling, holes in the ceiling and sockets weren’t properly fastened to the walls. There weren’t sanitary bins in the loos either and as there wasn’t a bath mat the shower rooms got very gross very quickly. Cash only is very old fashioned too.


This hostel has very clean and well arranged room and the people at the reception are kind and accommodating. However, a few experiences made our overall stay kind of unpleasant. Firstly, the location is pretty far from the center (30/40 minutes walking) in a residential area. My friend and I were also woken up twice by the cleaning ladies coming into our room working really loudly around 10/11am which is a bit inconsiderate since we pay for a quiet night of sleep. Moreover, as two young women travelling, we found it quiet uncomfortable at times since there are a lot of old men, obviously not travellers that don’t speak a word of English and stare at you when passing. Although they mind their own business it still made us quite uncomfortable at times, especially when they were staying in the dorms. Finally my friend and I booked the same 6 person dorm online and she got put in a separate room with a bunk bed alone with a man. Although she moved back into my dorm room 2 days later, it just proves how this hostel is not fully comfortable for woman travellers. But it’s definitely not the worse place to stay in, the outside area is nice, the kitchen works well and there is a supermarket in front.

Dear louise, thank you for staying with us and for your feedback. We are very sorry that you didn't felt comfortable with us. Yes, there are also some men staying in the rooms but as you said they mind their own bussiness. If not we are more then happy to assist with solving any problems. The cleaning ladies need to clean the rooms and check-out is at 10am, so from 10am on of course they need to come to the room and do their work. Wish you all the best!


pour juste dormir, pas top le reste


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