Vila Veselova

3.5 (300 mnenj)

Napiši svoje mnenje
Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Vila Veselova, hostel v mestu ljubljana.
Prijeten hostel s skupnimi in zasebnimi sobami ter opremljeno teraso, kuhinjo in brezplačnim zajtrkom.
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Plačan zajtrk: Da
  • Plačljivo parkiranje: Da
  • Dostopno: Ne
  • Bazen: Ne
  • Klimatizirano: Da
  • Storitev pranja perila: Da
  • Poslovni center: Ne
  • Prijazno za hišne ljubljenčke: Da
  • Restavracija: Ne
  • Kuhinja v vseh sobah: Da
  • Prevoz do letališča: Da
  • Fitnes center: Ne
  • Brez dima: Da

Prikaz na zemljevidu

300 mnenj

One of the best hostels I have visited. The staff is friendly and ready to help to their best of capacity. The rooms are big and bathroom was clean. Well recommended place.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful review! We always try to do our best and your review confirms hard work we put in every day. Thank you again and we hope to see you again!






J'ai passé 2 nuits dans cette auberge et j'en suis satisfaite. Il est facile de discuter avec les autres voyageurs grâce aux pièces communes.

Nous sommes très heureux que vous ayez apprécié votre séjour ici! C'est exactement ainsi que nous voulons que chaque invité se sente ici. Merci pour votre avis!




Abbiamo soggiornato in questo ostello durante il nostro weekend a Lubiana e, tutto sommato, ci siamo trovate bene.|L'ostello si trova nel Center di Lubiana, circondato dai consolati dei vari paesi, in una zona molto signorile, dalla quale ci si sposta con facilità verso il centro, anche a piedi.|La reception è aperta dalle 8,00 alle 20,00.|Noi siamo arrivate verso le 21,30 e ci è stato comunicato un codice per aprire il portone. All'interno, poi, abbiamo trovato la chiave della camera.|Al primo piano, ci sono le camere private con bagno interno od esterno. Noi abbiamo preso una camera con bagno interno ed era davvero molto carina, anche se il bagno era minuscolo ed il letto terribile al punto da distruggerti la schiena.|Si tratta comunque di un vero e proprio ostello, per cui si fa vita di ostello e bisogna essere propensi in tal senso.|Le camere, infatti, non vengono rifatte e gli asciugamani non vengono cambiati.|Inoltre, quando si va via, bisogna inserire le proprie lenzuola nel cesto della biancheria sporca.|La colazione è inclusa nel prezzo e si fa in una sala comune al primo piano.|È molto basic, come si fa a casa, con cereali, latte, pan carré, marmellate, crema spalmabile, formaggini. Tutti gli ingredienti disponibili per la colazione sono a marchio Lidl e, dopo aver mangiato, bisogna lavare i propri piatti personalmente.|Al piano superiore è disponibile una cucina comune.|La cosa più terribile è che gli altri clienti dell'ostello non nutrono il minimo interesse per la città. Non escono mai, infatti, stanno sempre parcheggiati nella sala comune e fanno solo casino, di giorno e di notte.|Nonostante non si possa fare feste, ascoltare musica e far rumore dopo le 22,00, è proprio da quell'ora che si scatenano e passano le notti a ridere, schiamazzare e suonare la chitarra gentilmente offerta dell'ostello e disponibile per tutti coloro che vogliano dare fastidio, senza preoccuparsi minimamente degli altri, che magari vogliono riposare.|Quindi, se non è questa atmosfera che cercate, lasciate perdere, anche perché i prezzi delle camere private sono piuttosto alti


It was my first time in a hostel and I loved it. What a great way to meet other travelers both young and old like me. I was in a four bed room mixed. Go for the six if you can add it is sheltered slightly from the noisy railroad and motorway noises. Great value for money. A walk into the city.

Thanks for leaving us such a wonderful review. We are thrilled that you loved your experience! We put guests experience and satisfaction as our priority that's why we are sorry about the noise and hope that it didn't disturb your sleep too much. Next time come to the reception and we will try to figure something out or at least see if we can relocate you to the room facing the other way. Thank you for leaving a review and we hope to see you again!


Lovely people, very relaxed atmosphere and extremely helpful and kind staff that were always happy to give advice on where to travel. Clean and comfortable rooms, showers and the location is great as well, as it is in a 15 minute walking distance from pretty much everything. Would definetly stay there again. Great value for money.

Thanks for leaving such wonderful review! We are thrilled that you loved your experience; our staff will definitely be happy to read what you wrote. We always try and make our guests as happy and and satisfied as possible. We are always up for a good talk and happy to help. So thanks for your kind words and we really hope to see you again one day!














Very good instructions on check-in, perfect location.

Thank you for nice review! :)


Lovely Place and very friendly staff!

Thanks for wonderful review! Our staff will be definitely happy to read what you wrote. We always try and make our guests as happy and and satisfied as possible. You are always welcome back!


Great hostel. Super helpful and friendly staff!

Thank you so much for such a wonderful review! We always try to do our best and your review confirms hard work we put in every day. Thank you again and we really hope to see you again!




Atendentes super atenciosas, clima muito bom, onde conheci muitas pessoas, de diferentes países

Agradecemos suas amáveis palavras e estamos muito satisfeitos por você se sentir confortável aqui. Obrigado pela sua análise e esperamos vê-lo novamente!




Wonderfully friendly staff, break fast and great location!

Thank you for a short and sweet review! We're really happy that you had great experience! Hope you come back again soon!


Плюсы, Отличное расположение неподалеку от основного достоприма. Легко найти. Потрясающий доброжелательный и “легкий” персонал. За всю историю проживания в отелях/хостелах впервые предложили подготовить завтрак к раннему выселению, при том, что он не оплачивается отдельно и уже включен в стоимость. Завтрак для хостела отличный (хлопья, молоко, чай/кофе/какао/тосты, мед/сахар), кофеварка. Уютное общее пространство, где проводятся завтраки + небольшая прилегающая зона с раковиной, чтобы помыть посуду после еды. Потрясающее фотогеничное зеркало на лестничной площадке. Локеры у кроватей. Есть небольшая кухонка. Компьютеры для общего пользования. В целом норм – ничего выдающегося, но и ничего ужасного, хотя потрясающий персонал оч сильно клоняет в сторону позитива. ||||Минусы. Нет круглосуточного ресепшена. Заранее предупреждают об этом по имейлу после бронирования. Если заселяетесь вне часов работы ресепшена, то присылают код от общей двери + оставляют ключ от комнаты и инструкции в прихожей. Соответственно, все возможные вопросы также необходимо решить в часы работы ресепшеоонистов (фен/утюг и т.п.). В комнату на верхнем этаже багаж придется поднимать по крутой лесенке. Туалеты, раковины и душевые органзованы по типу общежития - как серия кабинок = чистить зубы, писать и мыться будете через перегородку с кем-то. Деления на М/Ж нет. Полотенца не выдают. Зимой холодно, отопления не хватает - спать пришлось под одеялом + пуховиком. Рядом с кроватью была плесень :(


Cozy and very welcoming environment, great location a short walk from sightseeing

We are very glad you liked your stay here. That's just how we want every guest to feel. Thanks for your review and we hope to see you again!


Fuimos 10 amigos un fin de semana de noviembre. La habitación era normal, exactamente lo que se espera de un albergue, ducha compartida con otras habitaciones (en el caso de la orange room). La señora que nos hizo la reserva era realmente amable, a parte de inglés, también sabía español; nos atendió en todo lo referente al hostal y además nos aconsejó sobre sitios que visitar y donde comer en Ljubljana, así da gusto.




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