Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons

4.5 (2380 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons, hotel v mestu ljubljana.
Sodoben hotel s preprostimi sobami in apartmaji ter restavracijo, savno in 24-urno telovadnico.
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Zajtrk: Ne
  • Brezplačno parkiranje: Da
  • Dostopno: Da
  • Bazen: Ne
  • Klimatizirano: Da
  • Storitev pranja perila: Da
  • Poslovni center: Da
  • Prijazno za hišne ljubljenčke: Da
  • Primerno za otroke: Da
  • Restavracija: Da
  • Prevoz do letališča: Ne
  • Fitnes center: Da
  • Bar: Da
  • Brez dima: Da

Prikaz na zemljevidu

2380 mnenj


Dear Zsolt, Our dedicated team of professionals strives to provide exceptional service to all our guests, and we are delighted that you found our staff to be both wonderful and professional. Kind regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Dear Ivan, "It’s the little things that make big things happen." - J.W. Marriott Jr. Thank you for taking the time to share your fantastic review of our hotel following your recent stay in Ljubljana. We are thrilled to hear about your wonderful experience, and we truly appreciate your kind words and recommendation. Kind regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


We had stayed in this hotel before the remodeling, and it was wonderful. Now the hotel is even more impressive, with the beautifully designed lobby, rooms and hallways, fantastic pool and sauna, great spacious rooms, terrific customer service and amazing food. The breakfast is to die for 😀. Everyone at the hotel was friendly and helpful. Special thanks to Rok and Primoz for arranging everything we needed, for sending an item my kid forgot, for going above and beyond. Would love to come back to this beautiful property.



Dear Stefano, "It’s the little things that make big things happen." - J.W. Marriott Jr. Thank you for taking the time to share your fantastic review of our hotel following your recent stay in Ljubljana. We are thrilled to hear about your wonderful experience, and we truly appreciate your kind words and recommendation. Kind regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Dear Mato, "It’s the little things that make big things happen." - J.W. Marriott Jr. Thank you for taking the time to share your fantastic review of our hotel following your recent stay in Ljubljana. We are thrilled to hear about your wonderful experience, and we truly appreciate your kind words and recommendation. Kind regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


Appalling service, waiting staff would rather be on phones than deal with you, no ac in room no bedside cabinets or shelves, paper cups you'd expect in a fast food outlet for drinking in your room, food extremely over priced €20 for a very small half of chicken only anything to go with it is an extra. Find somewhere else

Dear Jay, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback regarding your recent stay at our hotel. I am sincerely sorry to hear about the issues you encountered, and I want to express our deepest apologies for any inconvenience you experienced. First and foremost, I would like to address the concerns you raised about the service provided by our waiting staff. It is disheartening to learn that their attention to guests fell short of our standards. I assure you that we take this matter seriously, and we will be conducting further training sessions to reinforce the importance of attentive and courteous service. Regarding the absence of air conditioning in your room and the lack of bedside cabinets or shelves, we understand how essential these amenities are for a comfortable stay. Please accept our apologies for any discomfort you may have experienced. We are actively working on improving these aspects to enhance the overall guest experience. I also appreciate your feedback about the quality and pricing of our food. We strive to offer a diverse and satisfying menu, and I am sorry to hear that we did not meet your expectations in this regard. Your comments will be shared with our culinary team for careful consideration and necessary adjustments. Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced during your stay. We genuinely appreciate your feedback, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back in the future and provide you with an improved and exceptional experience. If you have any further comments or if there is anything specific you would like us to address, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. We appreciate your patronage and look forward to the possibility of serving you better in the future. Warm regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Spoštovani Jurchek, Hvala, ker ste si po nedavnem bivanju v Ljubljani vzeli čas in delili svojo fantastično oceno našega hotela. Navdušeni smo, ko slišimo o vaši čudoviti izkušnji, in resnično cenimo vaše prijazne besede in priporočila. Prijazen pozdrav, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Spoštovani gospod Lenarčič, Hvala, ker ste si po nedavnem bivanju v Ljubljani vzeli čas in delili svojo fantastično oceno našega hotela. Navdušeni smo, ko slišimo o vaši čudoviti izkušnji, in resnično cenimo vaše prijazne besede in priporočila. Prijazni pozdrav, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


Jaz že več krat sem bila v Four points Ljubljana in čeprav sem se obrnila na recepciji gledr bazena,je še vedno bil isti problem.Bazen je lep,čist in urejen samo temperatura prostora in temperatura vodr bazena je premrzla,ko hočeš iti v vodo treba ti je kar nekaj minut da se navadeš na tisto mrzlo vodo in več kot 10mn ne moreš v bazenu(v vodi)ostaniti ker zacenjas zmrzovato,kaj pa sele ko prides ven iz voda tudi temperatura prostora ni dovolj topla da lahko tam ostaneš in se sprostiš.Na žalost moraš takoj nazaj v sobo it.Res zelo žal mi je ker drgač vse v hotelu je popolno jaz sem tam bila vec kot 4 krat ker prihajam z svojo druzino iz Nemčije in moj otrok je nor na vodo samo žalostno da si ne more izkoristiti dovolj bazena.Žal mi je tudi ker sem v enem drugem hotelu v drugi državi bila,isto four points by sheraton,tam je bil spa popolno,lahko si zaspal v vodi in v ležiščih v bazenu.Upam da tudi v Ljubljani bodo kaj naredili za bazen,ket z veseljem bi spet prišla. :)

Behare Musliu, Najlepša hvala, ker ste si vzeli čas za deljenje vaših izkušenj z nami. Žal nam je, da ste doživeli neugodnosti glede temperature v prostoru in vode bazena. Vaše povratne informacije so za nas izjemnega pomena, saj nam pomagajo izboljšati kakovost vašega bivanja. Opravičujemo se za težave, ki ste jih doživeli zaradi nizke temperature v bazenu. Vaše pripombe smo posredovali naši tehnični ekipi, da bomo lahko čim prej ukrepali in zagotovili ustrezne spremembe. Razumemo, kako pomembno je udobno bivanje, in žal nam je, da vam naša grelna naprava ni zagotovil želenega udobja. Vaše opazke bomo upoštevali pri preverjanju možnosti zagotavljanja ustreznejših rešitev za naše goste v podobnih situacijah. Vaše zadovoljstvo je za nas ključnega pomena, in upamo, da bomo imeli priložnost, da vas znova gostimo in izboljšamo vašo izkušnjo. Če želite deliti še kaj ali se o čem pogovoriti, nas prosim kontaktirajte neposredno. Hvala, ker ste izbrali Four Points Ljubljana, in z veseljem pričakujemo možnost ponovnega srečanja. Z lepimi pozdravi, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


Sve naj bolje.

Poštovani Dragiša, Hvala vam što ste odabrali naš hotel za vaše putovanje. Veliko zadovoljstvo nam je što ste odabrali hotel Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana i nadamo se da ćete se uskoro ponovo vratiti. Pozdrav, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Dear Guest, The little things really make a big difference. We offer you our simple pleasures, meaning bringing the comfort of your home with you, with little indulgences. On behalf of all of our associates, I thank you again for your very nice feedback and we look forward to welcoming you back on your next visit! Best regards, Anja Hribar



Dear Stacy Proctor, Please let me thank you kindly for giving us the opportunity and trust for hosting you at our hotel and thank you for sharing your experience. We are very happy to know you enjoyed your stay and very proud of all your positive comments. We really try to go the extra mile whenever possible and I am very happy we managed to leave a memorable impression. On behalf of all of our associates, I thank you again for your very nice feedback and we look forward to welcoming you back on your next visit! Best regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Dear Finance, "It’s the little things that make big things happen." - J.W. Marriott Jr. Our dedicated team of professionals strives to provide exceptional service to all our guests, and we are delighted that you found our staff to be both wonderful and professional. We hope to welcome you back soon for another wonderful stay. Warm regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Spoštovana Ana, veseli smo, da ste se oglasili v Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana. Hvala vam za vašo povratno oceno. Vsekakor si želimo, da se gosti k nam radi vračate. Prijazen pozdrav, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


Prijetno, odličen ambient. Bi se še vrnil.

Spoštovani g. Majcen, naj se vam zahvalimo za vaš obisk hotela Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana. Vedno je spodbudno slišati pozitivne povratne informacije, zlasti če prihajajo od tistih, ki so najpomembnejši! Vaše povratne informacije smo delili z našo ekipo, da bi proslavili odlične izkušnje gostov, ki smo jih zagotovili. Cenimo, da ste si vzeli čas in delili svoje povratne informacije. Prijazen pozdrav, ANJA HRIBAR Marketing & PR Manager



Dear Petra, "It’s the little things that make big things happen." - J.W. Marriott Jr. Our dedicated team of professionals strives to provide exceptional service to all our guests, and we are delighted that you found our staff to be both wonderful and professional. We hope to welcome you back soon for another wonderful stay. Warm regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Dear Guest, Thanks in advance for sharing your experience at Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana. Although your experience was not entirely in keeping with your expectations we really hope that you have enjoyed your stay with us. We apologize for not being up to your expectations. I hope you can visit us again so we will be able to achieve or even exceed your expectations. Again I appreciate your feedback and I look forward to welcoming you again at the Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana. Best Regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Dear 7777MERZ, Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about your recent stay at our hotel. We greatly appreciate your positive comments, and I wanted to personally respond to express our gratitude. It is always encouraging to hear positive feedback, particularly from those who matter the most – you! We hope to welcome you again soon. Sincerely, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


Am oprit doar ca să încărcăm Tesla și să bem o cafea, dar hotelul este o construcție deosebită într-o pădure. Amenajările interioare și exterioare sunt cu adevărat inspirate!

Dear Daniela, we love the fact you liked our interior. We collaborated with the best designers in the hospitality industry and we are delighted our guests noticed our efforts. We are looking forward to hosting you again. Kind regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


Obavezno posjetit bar u lobbyu, osoblje je prekrasno, posebice Gaja koja nam je uljepšala boravak na baru!

Dragi Jakov, Želimo vam se zahvaliti na divnom osvrtu koji ste podijelili s nama. Raduje nas što ste imali pozitivno iskustvo tijekom vašeg boravka u našem hotelu, a posebno smo sretni što ste uživali u posjetu baru u lobbyu. Vaša pohvala osoblju, osobito Gaji, doista nas veseli. Trudimo se pružiti vrhunsku uslugu, i vaša povratna informacija potvrđuje da smo na pravom putu. Gaja će biti oduševljena čuti da je doprinijela vašem ugodnom iskustvu u baru. Vaši komentari su nam izuzetno važni, i motiviraju nas da nastavimo pružati najbolju moguću uslugu. Ako imate dodatne povratne informacije ili sugestije za poboljšanja, slobodno nam se obratite. Hvala vam još jednom na odabiru našeg hotela i na lijepim riječima. Nadamo se da ćemo vas ponovno ugostiti u bliskoj budućnosti i pružiti vam još jedno ugodno iskustvo. Srdačan pozdrav, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Dear Jan, "Customers may forget what you said, but they'll never forget how you made them feel." - Bill Marriott Thank you for your visit. We look forward to host you again. Kind regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


I odered a machiato and a beer, after paying they said they dont have cafe, and bring us an orange juice. Is this normal for a 4 star hotel???

Dear Márk, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to personally thank you for taking the time to share your recent experience at our hotel. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we continually strive to improve our services. I am sincerely sorry to hear about the inconvenience you encountered with your order. It is certainly not the level of service we aim to provide, and I understand how frustrating it must have been to receive an unexpected change to your order. I would like to extend my sincerest apologies for any disappointment or inconvenience caused. Please rest assured that I have brought this matter to the attention of our restaurant and bar staff to address any miscommunication or oversight that may have occurred. This is not reflective of our standards, especially in a 4-star establishment, and we are committed to ensuring such incidents are not repeated. If you have any further concerns or if there is anything else you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you again for bringing this to our attention, and we look forward to the possibility of welcoming you back for a more positive experience. Best regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Dear Gianluca Guerra, "Customers may forget what you said, but they'll never forget how you made them feel." - Bill Marriott Once again, thank you for your glowing review and for choosing to stay at our hotel during your visit to Ljubljana. Your feedback motivates us to continue providing exceptional hospitality. We look forward to welcoming you back in the future, and we hope your next stay will be even more enjoyable. Kind regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager



Dear tesic82, Our dedicated team of professionals strives to provide exceptional service to all our guests, and we are delighted that you found our staff professional. Thank you for choosing our hotel for your recent stay and for sharing such a positive review. Kind regards, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


Tesla super Charger wir waren in der Hotellobby. Super Lokation und mega freundliche Bedienung immer wieder.

Lieber Karl, Vielen Dank für Ihre freundlichen Worte und die positive Rückmeldung zu Ihrem Aufenthalt in unserem Hotel. Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass Sie mit unserer Tesla Super Charger-Station in der Hotellobby zufrieden waren. Wir legen großen Wert darauf, unseren Gästen moderne Annehmlichkeiten zu bieten, und es ist erfreulich zu hören, dass die Tesla Super Charger-Station in der Hotellobby Ihren Erwartungen entsprochen hat. Die Tatsache, dass Sie unsere Lage als "super" bezeichnen und die "mega freundliche Bedienung" hervorheben, erfüllt uns mit Stolz. Unser Team setzt sich stets dafür ein, einen herzlichen und zuvorkommenden Service zu bieten, und es ist schön zu wissen, dass dies bei Ihnen Eindruck hinterlassen hat. Wir schätzen Ihre Anerkennung und hoffen, Sie bald wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Wenn Sie weitere Anregungen oder Feedback haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns mitzuteilen. Herzliche Grüße, Anja Hribar, Marketing & PR Manager


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