Grand Koper Hotel

4.4 (740 mnenj)

Napiši svoje mnenje
Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Grand Koper Hotel, hotel v mestu koper - capodistria.
Elegantne sobe in apartmaji, nekateri s pogledom na morje, v prestižnem hotelu z dvema restavracijama in kavarno/barom.
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Brezplačen zajtrk: Da
  • Plačljivo parkiranje: Da
  • Dostopno: Da
  • Bazen: Ne
  • Klimatizirano: Da
  • Storitev pranja perila: Da
  • Poslovni center: Da
  • Prijazno za hišne ljubljenčke: Da
  • Dostop do plaže: Da
  • Sobna postrežba: Da
  • Primerno za otroke: Da
  • Restavracija: Da
  • Bar: Da

Prikaz na zemljevidu

740 mnenj

Hotel decisamente a 3 stelle per la 4 mancano alcuni dettagli... La camera ci è stata consegnata alle 16 anziché alle15...nn esistono responsabili cui fare affidamento

Cara Barbara, grazie per la sua opinione. Siamo un hotel nuovo con i colleghi nuovi, quindi siamo consapevoli che alcuni servizi possono essere ulteriormente migliorati. Faremo del nostro meglio per darla una vera esperienza a 4 stelle la prossima volta. Buon viaggio e cordiali saluti!


Lokacija hotela 🔝

Hvala Ramiza ☀️




Super Lage, super nettes Personal - überhaupt an der Rezeption: sehr kompetent und freundlich....tolles Service! Ebenfalls super freundlich und sehr nett: das Servicepersonal - auch hier ein großes Lob!

Thank you for your lovely review. We are really happy to hear such a good impressions. Have a safe trip back and hopefully we’ll see you again in the future. All the best!


Prijazno osebje, čist in urejen hotel, dobra hrana.

Hvala za vaše mnenje, Gordana. Upamo, da nas kmalu spet obiščete. :)


Przyjemny, czysty hotel. Pokoje gustownie urządzone. Miła obsługa i smaczne śniadania(duży wybór). Hotel znajduje się w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie morza, a w zasadzie nawet portu i mariny.

Thank you very much for the review. Happy to hear you were satisfied with our service. Wish you all the best!


Najboljsi hotel v Kopru. Nahaja se v samem centru, ob rivi. Eleganten in kvalitetna storitev za 5 zvezdic.

Hvala za mnenje Robert, pridite kmalu spet kaj na obisk.


Hotel ben tenuto, pulito e all'avanguardia. Si trova proprio centralissimo rispetto al lungomare di capodistria, il parcheggio è garantito dall'hotel e questo è un grande punto a favore di questa struttura. La colazione è abbondante e ben servita, il buffet è disposto in modo elegante, vario e con prodotti di qualità. Le camere spaziose sono dotate di un dispositivo Tablet che permette di gestire tv, telefonate, il conto dell'hotel. Insomma al grand kooper si sta bene, migliorerei solo il rapporto personale /cliente che è forse l'unica nota stonata di un concerto ben eseguito.

Thank you very much for your review. Your opinion means a lot to us. We will try to improve regarding client / personal relationship. We are a still a new team, the hotel was opened at the end of May. Hope to see you again soon. All the best!


Odličen hotel, super osebje, skratka odličen oddih. Ocena 10/10 👌

Najlepša hvala za vaše mnenje! Res nas veseli, da ste se pri nas imeli lepo 🙏 Upajmo, da se kmalu spet vidimo ☀️




Moderno, razkošno in ne preveč drago.

Najlepša hvala za vaše mnenje. Se veselimo ponovnega obiska. Lep somčen dan želimo ☀️


Just perfect!!! Thank you for making my stay so comfortable. Next time I know where I book again :)

Dear Fabian, thank you very much for your lovely review. We are looking forward to seeing you again in the future. Have a safe trip, wish you all the best ☀️


Even though the hotel is undoubtedly brand new and upgraded from 3 to 4 stars, a few things were a little odd. In our room the air conditioning system was facing the bed with no possibility to set the temperature yourself, if you turned it off, it would restart automatically in the middle of the night, I do not know if it's the same in all the rooms. The lift would stop us on the first floor, we had two flights of stairs to reach out our corridor: not a problem in itself but a bit strange and not very practical when you carry a luggage. The hotel restaurant food is excellent, even if the menu could be a bit expended. All in all not a bad experience but there is room for improvement.

Dear Geoffrey, thank you very much for your review. Regarding the air conditioning system, it is indeed possible to set the temperature yourself (+/- 2 degrees). However, we set the upper limit automatically on 25 degrees, this is why it probably started working during the night. You can as well turn the system off if you would like to. We will try to explain better how everything works to our guests in the future to avoid unsatisfactory experience, so we really appreciate your comment. Regarding the elevator, we will see if there is something wrong with it, but you are the first to have this happen to him so far. Wish you a safe trip and hope to see you again in the future. All the best! 🌞










Ni veganske izbire pri zajtrku, kljub temu, da sem to prosila. Ne prilagajajo osebam. P.s. Cetudi pravite, da se ne razvijage v to smer, razumem, ampak Capra ji vec samostojna restavracija, pac pa hotelska. V ta namen, ce ne zelite diskriminirati gostov v "2021 glede na vrsto prehrane, predlagam, da se kar hitro usmerite v ponudbo okusnega sadja, zelenjave, kokosov jogurt in humus namaz, veganske rogljicke pa pravzaprav lahko nabavite v tusu sredi Kopra. Z malo truda, boste zadovoljili tudi tiste, ki ne jedo mesa in mlecnih izdelkov. " Sladko pecivo pri zajtrku srednje kvalitete. Veganska pica v piceriji slabo oblozena in suha, skopo glede na ceno 12,90€. (Ze drugic povrsti.) Receptor zelo prijazen. Bp. Ambient krasen, ob morju. Soba lepo opremljena, udobna postelja, dovolj prostora. Sobarice naj se bolj potrudijo. Slabo ociscen vodni kamen na armaturi v tusu, vectedenski prah na ploscicah pri umivalniku, dva madeza na rjuhi - rjav in crn, ki se nista odstranila s pranjem. Predlagam vam tudi l, da nalepite filc podloge na noge od posteljo, saj se pri prestavljanju postelj (ko dobis twin namesto zakonske) po ploscicah, slisi skripanje po celotnem hotelu. Lp! :)

Najlepša hvala za tako izčrpen review. Informacije bomo posredovali dalje vsem pristojnim in se potrudili, da naslednjič bolje zadovoljimo vaše želje in potrebe. Lep dan vam želimo ☀️




Krasno, lepe čiste sobe, udobna postelja, prijazno osebje AMPAK izredno neugodno za vegane. Imajo veganski šampon, v restavraciji pa ni nobene veganske hrane razen neka rižota ki sploh ni na meniju, ki je komaj za pojest. Razočaranje nad hrano.. 🥺🤷‍♀️

Hvala za lep komentar glede našega hotela, veseli nas, da vam je bil prostor všeč. Fokus naše restavracije v tem trenutku ni na vegetarijanski in veganski ponudbi. Bomo sicer kmalu ponudili prav poseben veganski meni; a konkretneje se v to smer v tem trenutku ne bomo razvijali, saj se osredotočamo na to, na čemer smo vsa leta gradili - kvalitetna ponudba okusov morja. Vam pa naslednjič z veseljem svetujemo, kje v Kopru vas čaka res slastno vegansko kosilo ali večerja. Pozdravček iz Kopra ☀️


Kedves személyzet és nagyon jó hangulatú szálloda. A reggeli bőséges és különleges. A parkolás nehézkes.

Thank you for your visit & the review dear Lilla. We are very happy to hear that you've had enjoyed your stay.


예약 사이트보고 기대했다가 실물외관보고 약간 실망했는데 내부 보고 아주 만족했습니다. 청결상태눈 매우 좋구요, 직원들의 영어는 유창했으며 친절했습니다. 호텔 주차장은 따로없지만 앞쪽 공영 주차장에서 여행자 주차권 1일 5유로에 구입가능합니다.

Thank you for your visit & the review dear Sophie, wish you a safe trip!




Prijazni, urejeni in strokovni.

Najlepša hvala za vaše mnenje Jelena, veseli nas, da ste bili s storitvijo zadovoljni. Upamo, da nas spet obiščete. Lep pozdrav!


Exelent! Highly recommended as a Koper city itself!

Thank you Agata! We are happy to hear you were satisfied and we'll be even happier when you'll come to visit us again. All the best!


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