M M Luxary Studios Ljubljana

1.6 (60 mnenj)

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60 mnenj

Stay away from this scam, we booked 1 night through Booking and apartment level wasn't even close to those on photos. It looked like it was still in construction and it was an absolute mess. Imagine having light switch outside of the room and that's just one of the ridiculous things u can get there. I guess 5 stars opinions are bought.


SCAMMERS!!!! The place looks nothing like the pictures nor tge description, they are scamming people by providing misleading information. We paid 270 euros for a "luxury" room. They send us the instructions to enter the building via message. We enter and it's a small dirty room with holes in the walls and a broken window. There is no AC and it3a million degrees inside. The balcony is shared with another room and the! Unclean) bathroom shared with other 6 rooms on the floor. We try calling and messaging and they refuse to answer, so they force you to pay the stay anyway. FRAUD, SHAME ON YOU


Booked via AirBnb. I wonder, if the owner changes name, and relist it on AirBnb - bacause there were no feedback there when I booked it. I wish I read the feedback here on Google first... In short: Not worth the money. Shared shower/bath, with 5 other apts. Drain full of hair, not cleaned during three days. No shower curtain = wet floor. Seats in apt in terribla shape, TV defect, furniture partly broken, and fixed with duct tape. And building not finished. Common citchen. Even common room-keys, meaning absolutely no security. 10 - 15 minutes walk to the town said the advertisment. 28 minutes to go downtown, says Google Maps. 25 minutes for me in my pace. Residential area, so rather quiet surroundings.


Pro's: Cheap and perfectly working airconditioning system. Nice view from the room and the parking space was well organized. Cons: Very misleading name and advertising. Not finished hostel. Yes you read it right. I see this as a hostel for young people. Shared bathroom toilet and kitchen. No shower cover in the bathroom so you'll get a wet floor. Also our room and sharing spaces where not very clean. Our fridge was not turned on and smelling like @#%$! Even worst was the lack of security. Where do I have to start with this... Everyone can enter the building from outside, climb up the stairs and just join you in the kitchen or terrace. The elevator works with a code but you can simply bypass this by taking the stairs. Only one key to is there to lock your room, that's it. This really concerns me and I have to admit concidering the low price: Take the safety part seriously and fix it! Also make sure the building is finished before you accept guests in your hostel. Oh and please clean the place.


It was not possible to stay in such conditions, so we just left. Full price was charged and +fee for cancellation! Not acceptable. Room was awfully dirty, main door was not closed, anyone could come to the building. Common shower where door was not closing and super poor light. Can't believe that place functioning




Pessima esperienza. Locali non sufficientemente puliti. 40 minuti fuori ad aspettare che qualcuno aprisse il cancello, senza risposte a chiamate telefoniche e SMS. Servizio inesistente. La mattina dopo esserci svegliati abbiamo trovato un messaggio di cancellazione della prenotazione nonostante sulla carta di credito avessero già prelevato i soldi.


Het hotel is heel erg lastig te vinden. Telefoon word niet opgenomen en je moet alles via sms regelen. Van buiten ziet het er goed uit maar zodra je binnen komt is alles vies, smerig, veel schimmel en niet afgewerkt. “Luxury studios” past er totaal niet bij. Veel te veel geld betaald voor een nacht!!!! Zie bijgevoegde fotos! BOEK JE OVERNACHTING NIET HIER!


Le falta un repaso a casi todo


Struttura pessima, la pulizia lascia molto a desiderare, stanze sporche, cucina sporca, cattivo odore, sono camere affittate dentro un appartamento. Letti e cuscini scomodi, le federe e le lenzuala stropicciate e sporche sicuramente non cambiate prima del nostro arrivo. Rubinetti del bagno rotti, niente shampoo o sapone.|La porta della stanza era aperta quando siamo arrivati, pensiamo che qualcuno ci abbia dormito prima di noi gratis visto che le porte sono tutte aperte...|No assistenza, ospite totalmente abbandonato.


Praticamente un affittacamere, le camere non corrispondono assolutamente alle foto che si vedono sugli annunci dei siti più famosi.|Sporco, brutta struttura, brutta camera.|Letto e cuscini sporchi.|Cucina inutilizzabile perché sporca.|Troppa confusione nell'appartamento, la camera ha una porta "normale" si sentono gli altri ospiti presenti che entrano e escono o che sono in cucina a mangiare o parlare, impossibile dormire.|Nessuna assistenza in loco, non vedrete nessuno, per eventuali rimostranze nessuno farà niente.|Struttura assolutamente da EVITARE.|


"una truffa" statene alla larga, stanze che non corrispondono a quanto pubblicizzato, sporche e squallide, rubinetti rotti, letti e cuscini scomodi e sporchi, non erano stati sostituiti/puliti, prese elettriche rotte, polvere ovunque, zanzare e mosche in camera e puzza in tutta la struttura. Per dormire ho dovuto mettere degli asciugamani miei sul letto e sui cuscini perché il letto e i cuscini erano sporchi, una cosa schifosa ||Sono stanze dentro appartamenti con altri ospiti che sono liberi di girare per la palazzina, porte tutte aperte e bagni condivisi.||La cucina del nostro appartamento era sporca, spoglia, condivisa tra gli ospiti, con un frigorifero che puzzava, credo che non sia mai stato pulito.||Al check in e al check out nessuno si è presentato, danno un codice via email per aprire il cancello esterno e lasciano la porta della camera aperta che con tutte le persone che girano per il palazzo libere di entarti in camera. Visto lo schifo appena arrivato solo dopo più di 30 minuti sono riuscito a parlare con un referente della struttura che alle mie dimostrazioni si è difeso dicendomi solo che il giorno dopo sarebbero state fatte le pulizie e niente più.||Di notte c'è un via vai di persone che entrano e escono che ti passano davanti alla porta della camera, nessun tipo di assistenza in loco e zero sicurezza.||È stato un incubo purtroppo non c'erano altre strutture disponibili e sono dovuto rimanere una notte, ho perso i soldi della seconda notte perché sono riuscito a trovare un albergo 4 stelle (vero) a 90 euro a notte.||Per questo schifo ho pagato più di 300 euro per due giorni una vera e propria TRUFFA.


Very bad service. Nobody answeres the phone. Bad security. People complain if u smoke cause u share the terrace and their only window/door is towards our terrace. One night is acceptable but a whole vacation would be horrible and unenjoyable. Spend some more cash for a normal hotel. Looks new from outside but inside is bad and the kitchen is dirty.


9er WG mit unfreundlichen Nachbarn. Keine Privatsphäre! Dreckige Wohnung… Nicht weiter zu empfehlen.


Very bad experience, my booking got cancelled 2 hours before arrival, apparently due to credit card issue, even if my card had issues with no other places. After trying to call the place 7 times, the owner tells me he prefer to discuss with text messages. Finally tell me that my booking is cancelled and that the room is not available anymore. I had to find a place to stay for the same day in Ljubljana, would not recommend.




0 stars! We got there & met other people who booked there. It's a scam! The number 24 doesn't exist, there is no hotel, just private apartments! Nobody answers the phone within days!


Nice, clean and nice service. I recommend the place for you. It's not far from the Center too.


Это жуткое место не верьте фотографиям. Комната плохо пахнет, внутри комнаты находиться невозможно. Не рекомендую это место!!!!!!! Персонала нет. На телефон не отвечают. На почту отвечают через 3 часа.


The pictures are completely misleading. Rooms are not clean and when we tried to complain they canceled our stay after our stay was over. Despite the low price, it's a scam.


Огромен недостатък общата баня и тоалетна






Zero stars. The place is still under construction, which was not visible in the pictures on booking, a used condom in the toilet, cigarette stumps in the drinking glasses, dirty floors, stained blankets, doors without handles, every key can unlock every door, humidity and mold in the walls, random pipes coming out of every corner, no toilet paper. I complained to the owners and they canceled the booking so that I cannot rate the place on booking.com anymore. Feel free to view the pictures.




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