Residence Meljska

3.3 (87 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Residence Meljska, hotel v mestu maribor.
Preproste sobe v preprostem hotelu z vrtom s teraso, kuhinjo in parkiriščem.
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Brezplačen zajtrk: Ne
  • Bazen: Ne
  • Primerno za otroke: Da
  • Fitnes center: Ne

Prikaz na zemljevidu

87 mnenj

This message is for Erasmus students who are planning to stay in this residence for a long time! I definitely recommend staying there! I contacted the dormitory management months before coming there and received very fast and good attention. Not having to make any payments or sign a contract before staying there provides flexibility and confidence to potential guests. Since Maribor is a very small city, the dormitory is a 15-minute walk from the city center. There are Lidl and Jager supermarkets 5 minutes away from the dormitory. The train and bus stations are also 10 minutes away from the dormitory. It is also 10-15 minutes away from the city's largest cinema and gym. The neighborhood where the dormitory is located is very quiet and clean. First of all, the photos on the website fully reflect reality. There is no misleading information. Since the door and Wi-Fi password was shared with me before arriving at the dormitory, I had a very easy and fast check-in process. If I were to comment on the room I stayed in, my room was for two people and was quite sufficient in size. When I arrived, I found my room generally left clean. Bed linen, pillowcases, toilet and floors were clean. I never felt cold in my room because the temperature of the rooms was increased when it got very cold in winter. There was always hot water. A contract is prepared for guests who will stay there for a long time, like me, and all of the general rules are the same in every contract. The price naturally varies depending on the size of the room you will stay in, the duration of your stay, how many people you will stay with, etc., and this is the only difference in each contract. Contracts are never canceled arbitrarily or unfairly. As long as you respect the dormitory security and the peace of the guests staying in the dormitory, you will never have any problems with your contract. Dormitory management is always there to help you if you find something missing in your room or if there is a problem in the common areas. In the early days, a janitor used to come once a week and clean common areas such as the kitchen, laundry and corridors. Later, the janitor started to come three days a week because some guests constantly left the common areas dirty. There are washing machines, dryers, and a dishwasher in the common areas. I have never had any problems using the machines. The kitchen has a sufficient amount of every equipment possible. It was a nice detail to even have a coffee pot to make Turkish coffee. Almost all the equipments were new and quite useful. There is a cleaning list stating that one person is responsible for cleaning the kitchen every day. When it's your turn, all you have to do is put the cleaned kitchen equipment in their place after use. There were those who could not fulfill such a simple responsibility, and therefore some days it was not good for hygiene to have the kitchen sink full of dirty pans and plates. Therefore, more effective and constructive measures can be taken in this regard for the good of everyone. It is a much more affordable place in terms of price and peace compared to Maribor University dormitories or other private dormitories. It is a place where you can study comfortably, have fun with other students and make good friends. As is the case everywhere, some students can be uneasy here, but overall I was satisfied with the dormitory environment. There was a friendly and natural environment. I was always comfortable in this dormitory and made valuable memories. It was very nice that the dormitory management personally took care and helped me when I needed to give my address to the local municipality in the first days of my arrival. When I left the dormitory, the gift I received from the dormitory management was a very nice gesture. Of course, there are some shortcomings, but I am sure they will be resolved over time. If I come to Maribor again, this will be where I stay again. Thank you very much for providing me a comfortable place to stay and close attention you gave me!


En primer lugar, la residencia está bastante lejos de la zona de ocio de Maribor, pues se encuentra a las afueras de la ciudad. En esta residencia, no hay privacidad, hay cámaras grabándote a cualquier hora del día en todas las zonas comunes. La cocina está muy sucia, no hay higiene. Todo el material como platos, sartenes, ollas... está sucio y oxidado. No dispone de tazas, vasos, horno y apenas hay sartenes, y si las hay, es imposible cocinar en ellas porque toda la comida se queda pegada. Las lavadoras muchas veces están rotas, y la secadora no seca a la primera, sino que tienes que poner otro programa más (lo que supone pagar más). El baño de la habitación huele bastante mal y retiene mucha humedad, dejando los techos negros. El contrato tiene cláusulas muy abusivas, explicando que el propietario te puede expulsar de la residencia sin ningún motivo. Además, cada habitación posee un contrato diferente. En la habitación albergan todo tipo de bichos: arañas, mosquitos, chinchillas... Por último, en la página web puedes ver como ofertan un restaurante con su terraza y un sótano. Pues bien, ambos espacios no existen, ya que están cerrados con llave y no puedes disfrutar de ellos.

We appreciate each review, which enables us to improve our services, but when we get rate 1, we ask ourselves what are the reasons for such opinion, and from whom its the review. Lara was in charge of group, of which: party, disrespecting others, terrorizing and making noise were top priority. Before opening the space, which generations used for parties said from eye to eye, that because of security reasons of our guests, we can't allow entrance of strange people, Lara's group did exactly that. They have damaged garden doors, smoked inside building and with that making in jeopardy the whole building and students inside. First day of their arrival, we informed them, that we have video-supervision on hallways and kitchen, because of security reasons. Some friends of Lara even stole some food to other students, and we used camera to detect who the tief was. They even suggested by themselves, that we control who doesn't wash after themself in kitchen with the use of camera. Lastly, they were the ones, who didn't respect daily kitchen cleaning list and didn't clean their used kitcheware. Disrecpect of house rules and leaving dirty kitchenware was by rule from this exact group of people. When it was their turn to turn on the dish-washer (once in 50 days...when they came on turn at kitchen cleaning list), they just signed the paper and didn't do nothing to make kitchen clean or laughed about it jajaja...They waited on someone else to do their job instead of them. At that time we eliminited the amount of new pans, since they didn't wash them after usage and we could not think on what mean more to encourage them to be hygine. We bought at least 70 cups and glasses already in September 2023. Concerning the spiders, mosquitoes which in winter time normally don't exist, but they are in Lara's imagination with the only purpose to present tings in the badest light possible. Luckily we don't have bed buggs, what everyone can also confirm. Also Lara the same as Javier left her friend alone with going away from us, once we cancelled his accommodation contract, because of violation of house rules, and stayed in her beautiful, cosy and bright room for continuing 4 plus months until the end of semester, in this unbarable conditions she describes... Duplicity not alike. And good luck to you as well Lara.


NO COMETAN EL ERROR DE VENIR Sinceramente este mensaje va dirigido a todos los españoles que estén pensando ir a estudiar o quedarse en Máribor, preparaos. Empezando por las habitaciones, son un desastre, la pintura se cae a cachos y los baños desprenden un hedor que se transmite a toda la habitación. Las zonas públicas son una simple cocina cuyos útiles son prehistóricos y las arañas y demás bichos son animales de compañía en meslkja; en cuanto a lavadoras, se inundan y te revientan la tela, además has de pagar 3€ por lavadora, un sin sentido. La ubicación no puede ser peor está a 45 min del centro, puedes pensar eso no está mal, pero cuando en invierno sean -5 grados te acordarás de mis palabras, es pésimo lo mal ubicada q está. El servicio es una señora eslovena de mal genio q limpia 1 vez a la semana por donde ve la suegra, y q hablar de los dueños son personajes, no respetan ni la intimidad ni nada parecido. Se creen en derecho de entrar a las habitaciones cuando les de la gana y mantienen grabaciones constantes de los residentes durante todas horas por cada rincón, pasillo, cocina, entrada… por lo que desde que entré un no huésped empieza a llamarte para decirte que lo eches o simplemente si te ve con el te asocia y al día siguiente te manda un correo diciendo que en 1 semana has de abandonar la residencia, lo digo por experiencia (6 compañeros míos). Además el dueño es un gracioso o se lo cree, que sabe que no vas a llamar a la policía por qué estás en Eslovenia y abusa de poder y en muchas ocasiones amenaza con expulsarte o cerrar la cocina u otras cosas. Hemos de añadir q maribor no tiene mucha vida nocturna y de haberla cuando salíamos para ir eran 45 minutos y luego volver de madrugada te quedas roto, lo mejor de Eslovenia los cupones de comida y el trato de los profesor de la universidad.

Answer from the owner of the Residence Meljska Our Residence is open for already 10 years with Erasmus generations, we have spent nice time together mostly with Spanishs, had fun and enjoyed the barbecue. The above content its written from the person, which looks in your eyes and lies to you. We can not allow ourselves, that someone, who after we cancelled his room-mate accommodation contract, because of not respecting house rules with not-announced organised party after 10PM with outside strangers in our common rooms, destroying garden doors, endangering fire security with inside smoking and violation of house rules, writes such bad words only because of revenge. Worst of all its, that after we gave his room-mate cancellation, he stayed in this »unbarable« room conditions as he says for another 4 months, and he didn't left with him as a true friend. Room in which Javier lived has 30m2 with private bathroom, floor heating, recuperation system, big bright windows, we have elevator, sun collectors, on general - a modern building. Becasue of fire security each room has fire detectors and most modern fire prevention central, building is also under video-supervison of common places, because we want to offer our clients best security and safety, prevention of thefts and to control unregistered entries of people in our Residence. Common kitchen by Javier words »prehistoric« is equipped with everything what you need for cooking, from kitchenware, microwave, induction plates, toaster, water heaters, electric grill...all equippment is less than 1 year old. Our kitchen purpose its for cooking and not parties, since we are not a club. Everyone must clean the dirty dishes after himself, we have also dish-washing machine for those who don't know how to do that. Javier probably woke himself too late, to see that the cleaning lady cleans 3 x per week common places, including the kitchen. Laundry room has 3 washing machines and professional dryer Speed Queen. It can happen as to each house appliance, because of over-use or not respecting the correct usage broke, but we repaired it in fastest time possible. We have also returned the money, in case the token was lost and it was a problem from machine. I don't know, if Javier lost his orientation that he needed 45 min to center of town, since we are located in the center of town and not periphery. We are 5 min from central bus staion on FOOT and 10 min to strict city center Franciscan church. Please check this fact on Google Maps, that there won't be any doubt or untrue fact. We don't allow terorizing our students, with inviting strangers to house over night, endangering fire security with smoking inside, throwing cigarettes on floor, making loud noise, despite students asked them to be quiter, because they need to study or sleep, destroying Residence inventory, not washing their kitchenware after their usage, such people are not welcome at our place. We are very happy that Spanish people return to us, after years they spent their Erasmus at our place they still visit us, to say hello and think on good memories they spent here and we are happy also when persons as the writter above leave, if he can not understand that his norms differ from 80% of other student population who stays at our place. Each year we are open for socializing and gathering of students from all across Europe and wider, Residence Meljska students, not strangers from outside. I look forward to next generation, and I belive that it will be SUPER! And good luck to you J.E.!




La stanza presente a mucchi di polvere non c'era la TV. Però la receptionist era davvero brava

Rooms are cleaned by professional cleaning service, so this argument can’t be true. Secondly, usually our guest come to our place for sleeping not watching TV.


Słaby pokój z jeszcze słabsza łazienka. Budynek niby nowy ale jakis niedokończony na jedną noc się nada ale naprawdę słabo z czystością




Kollégiumban kiadó szobák. Max 1 éjszakára ajánlott.




Hotel 3*. W pokoju nie posprzątane. W łazience w kabinie prysznicowej zużyte żele jednorazowe do kąpieli.... Czyli nikt tam nie sprząta na to wygląda. Listwy nie przymocowane, brak kubka i czajnika żeby sobie kawę zrobić. Łóżka ok ale materace niedopasowane do rozmiaru łóżka. Obsługa ok.












Levná ubytovna na jedno přespání. Úsporný a střízlivý režim nám obyčejně nevadí, ale tady to je příliš hippie. Pokoje nejsou vůbec odhlučněné, takže slyšíte i čurání z vedlejšího pokoje. Měli jsme strašnou smůlu na vedlejší sousedy, skupina uřvaných Poláků obsadila tři pokoje a dělali neskutečný bordel. Navíc přitáhli v půl čtvrté ráno nacamraný z centra a dělali bordel další hodinu, než usnuli. V koupelně příšerně smrděly odpady. Obsluha na recepci byla velmi milá a příjemná. Příště se tomuto místu už vyhneme a nemůžu doporučit.


it seemed to me the sheets weren't changed as i found hair on the pillow, much longer than mine




Locație curata, dar minim de utilitate, varianta ieftina pentru o cazare decenta.










This is the best residence you can find in Maribor. Residence Meljska is a perfect place if you are a student. It is 15min from the city center, but it has its own green garden and peacefull neighbordhood. The rooms are quite big, clean and good lightened. There you can have a comfortable room with private bathroom for low price. The kitchen is common for everyone and it is a place where people can meet eachother, have fun and make the best party. The cleanliness in the kitchen depends of people who are using it and it is well equipped. Meljska offers good balance between studying and party. The owners are really kind always helpfull. I recommmend this residence to any student planning to stay in Maribor.

Thank you very much Angel😇. We appreciate it💕




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