Namaste Indian Restaurant

Namaste - indijska restavracija

4.2 (1414 mnenj)

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Namaste - Indijska restavracija

Doživite večno indijsko tradicijo orientalskega vzdušja, gostoljubnosti in gurmanskega užitka v restavraciji Namaste. Ponujamo vam kulinarične specialitete Velikega mogula, jedi kraljevskega okusa, iz severnih pokrajin Indije, kot so Rajhastan in Punjab. Poleg odličnih mesnih jedi imamo tudi široko izbiro vegetarijanskih dobrot. Naše jedi pripravljamo v indijski glineni peči, imenovani tandoor, ki ustvarja edinstvene okuse.

Specialitete Velikega mogula

V restavraciji Namaste vam ponujamo jedi Velikega mogula, ki vas bodo popeljale v novo kulinarično zgodbo. Naši kuharji s posebno pozornostjo pripravljajo jedi na odprtem ognju v tandoorju, kar jim daje edinstven okus in aromo. Uživajte v pristni indijski hrani, ki ponazarja bogato indijsko kulturo.

Okusi Indije

Indijska kuhinja je tako raznolika kot cel podkontinent. Vsaka pokrajina ima svoje specifičnosti pri uporabi začimb in lokalnih sestavin. Naša ponudba jedi zajema bogat nabor okusov, vonjav in začimb, ki vam omogočajo, da doživite pristno indijsko kulinariko.

Naročilo hrane za dostavo

Če si želite okusiti indijsko hrano kar doma, vam omogočamo brezplačno dostavo preko spleta. Spletna aplikacija Wolt, ki je navdušila uporabnike po vsem svetu, vam omogoča dostavo izvrstnih jedi in živil na dom. Lahko pa se odločite tudi za dostavo preko Glovo ali Halo PINKI, ki sta prav tako priznana ponudnika dostave hrane.

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- Telefon: +386 1 425 01 59
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Delovni čas

Ponedeljek - Sobota: 11:00 - 24:00
Kosila (ponedeljek - petek): 11:00 - 14:00
Nedelja: 11:00 - 22:00

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Za več informacij o naši ponudbi lahko obiščete našo spletno stran.
URL: spletna stran restavracije

Delovni čas

Ponedeljek - Sobota: 11:00 - 24:00
Kosila (ponedeljek - petek): 11:00 - 14:00
Nedelja: 11:00 - 22:00

Invalidom dostopna restavracija

V restavraciji Namaste smo poskrbeli za invalidom dostopne poti, da bodo lahko vsi uživali v naši izvrstni indijski kulinariki.

© 2022 Restavracija Namaste. Vse pravice pridržane.

  • Priložnostno: Da
  • Udobno: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Stranišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Sedenje dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Skupine: Da
Možnosti obrokov
  • Brunch: Da
  • Kosilo: Da
  • Večerja: Da
  • Ketering: Da
  • Sladica: Da
  • Sedeži: Da
Možnosti storitev
  • Zunanje sedenje: Da
  • Dostava: Da
  • Vzemi s seboj: Da
  • Hrana na kraju: Da
  • Sprejema rezervacije: Da
  • Dobro za otroke: Da
  • Visoki stoli: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Mobilna plačila NFC: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Alkohol: Da
  • Pivo: Da
  • Kava: Da
  • Močne pijače: Da
  • Hrana pozno ponoči: Da
  • Mali krožniki: Da
  • Možnosti za vegane: Da
  • Možnosti za vegetarijance: Da
  • Vino: Da
  • Bar na kraju: Da
  • Stranišče: Da
  • ponedeljek 11.00 do 12.00
  • torek 11.00 do 12.00
  • sreda 11.00 do 12.00
  • četrtek 11.00 do 12.00
  • Petek 11.00 do 12.00
  • sobota 11.00 do 12.00
  • nedelja 11. do 22. ure

Prikaz na zemljevidu

1414 mnenj

everything was nice and tasty they’re fast and food is very delicious


We had high expectations as we have already been to the express one. Unfortunately, we were disappointed with the overall experience. First of all the taste of all the food that we tried was great. So, full point for taste but the quantity was super small, specifically the rice. I mean the amount of rice was less than the amount of butter chicken. Also, what we noticed is that the price of all the items are a bit more than the other one (express) and we had no idea why. Basically we paid more for the same food. I would recommend the Namaste Indian express rather than this one.


Nice indian restaurant, lots of choices and interesting dishes. Not so spicy...


No topics. Disappointed.. Food was not good and lukewarm. Startes tasteless.




Went with my wife who used to stop here regurarly when she lived in Ljubljana. They serve a grilled cheese she loves and their mango lassie is also divine. I’m more for the simpler dishes like chicken curry, but it is great with some butter naan and the mango lassie.




Very good restaurant and very friendly waiters.


Super leckeres Essen


as evident on the photo, we left not a single trace of food because it was so good!! higly recommend


I tried this place, for an authentic chicken tikka masala. The food is very good, the taste was the right one, i might have liked not to feel the grilled chicken in the tikka masala, but it was good. The place is very nice, Indian style. Same as the smell hahaha. Service was quick, in 15 min we got the order. The stuff also was nice. We were allowed with the dog inside and that was even better. Recommend this for a Indian dinner.


We came to this restaurant without a reservation.. at the door, a sign asks guests to wait to be seated, which we did, however the older waitress was unfriendly and asked us to just seat anywhere at a small table without moving from her seat behind the counter, like if she was not aware of the sign at their door. Once seated, a younger waitress took our order and was courteous and professional. The food: totally overpriced, mostly inedible.. The mango lassi was good, the naan was also good but the main course was disgusting.. no flavour, no spices at all, the fish was not properly cleaned and tasted like frozen pangasius instead of the advertised catfish. I really would feel ashamed if i was serving that to anyone at all. I recommend that people don't waste their money and time in this place and go anywhere else, even the food stalls serving boiled hotdogs are worth their time more.


Service: There were two waitresses, a younger, friendly and professional one who deserves a 5 star rating and an older lady who seems to be unhappy to have to work this, or probably any, job. Very unpleasant person, not welcoming or friendly at all, partially babbling away in Slovenian so guests don't understand whatever she has to say. This person should not work with people, especially not in the service industry. Food: Based on most reviews, it should be good, except it isn't. What happened, did the chef go on vacation and prepared two weeks worth of food that they are now microwaving? It was absolutely revolting. Good is the naan bread and the lassi - that's the end of it, i had Lamb Korma as a main dish and it was inedible. The curry was a slimey, tasteless mess. I barely touched it. Completely bland, no flavour whatsoever, not even of cream or cashews, the supposed main ingredients. Priced at 20 euro, this is unacceptable. Especially for Slovenian price standards, where you would expect and extraordinary tasty dish for this amount of money. You can eat better for less in pricier countries and of course in Slovenia. Summary: This restaurant would make a good Kitchen Nightmares episode, if you happen to know that show. The unfriendly staff lady needs to be fired and the chef probably too. If he was actually cooking today. I've never been to prison but if they served this food in prison, there would be a revolt.










Loved the food. Great location, therefor a little more expensive than you would expect for Indian food.




Very NOT vegan friendly. I don't know how an Indian restaurant managed to be so unvegan friendly..., but somehow they managed. :( There was so much oil in the eggplant dish that I had to soaked it every once in a while with my napkin... There is not one vegan dish (which for those who familiar with Indian cuisine- it's crazy), but only a possible to remove cheese or cream. All starters were marked as non vegan, even the ones that were. Not recommend.




Odlična hrana, vredno prej poklicati zaradi rezervacije.






Amazing food and Indian is my #1 fav. People working there seem too busy and a bit wiped out. Always busy ….


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