
4.7 (921 mnenj)

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Kava za vsak okus

Pri Cafetinu vam ponujamo najokusnejše kave z vsega sveta, ki jih lahko zlahka naročite in dostavimo vam jih kamorkoli želite. Naša ponudba vključuje različne vrste kave z edinstvenimi okusi in aromami, ki bodo navdušili ljubitelje kave.

Izbirajte med različnimi vrstami kave

V naši ponudbi imamo široko izbiro kav, ki jih lahko naročite po svojem okusu. Izbirate lahko med praženo kavo, ekološko pridelano kavo in kavami z različnimi aromami.

Kava Cena Podrobnosti
Kopi Luwak 46,00 € za 100g Najdražja kava na svetu!
Ecuador Galapagos 7,60 € za 100g Močna kava s polno, slajšo aromo.
Kava z aromo - Lešnik 3,40 € za 100g Sestavine: pražena kava, aroma
Rwanda Nyamasheke 3,80 € za 100g Temneje pražena kava z intenzivno aromo in mehkim okusom.
Cafetino Espresso Organic 3,40 € za 100g Naša lastna mešanica kave z močnim telesom in bogato, sadno - čokoladno aromo.

Zakaj izbrati Cafetino?

Pri Cafetinu se zavedamo pomembnosti kakovosti in okusa kave. Zato sodelujemo z vrhunskimi proizvajalci in natančno izbiramo najvišjo kakovost kave za naše stranke. Poleg tega vam zagotavljamo tudi varen nakup preko naše spletne strani in hitro dostavo naročenih izdelkov.

Obiščite nas tudi v naši kavarni na Starem trgu 5 v Ljubljani, kjer lahko uživate v kavi v prijetnem ambientu.

Za več informacij nas lahko kontaktirate na telefonsko številko 01 / 422 29 50 ali nam pišete na

Ocene zadovoljnih strank

Več let prihajam v Cafetino, tudi dvakrat na dan. Življenja si ne predstavljam brez majhne kavarnice iz stare Ljubljane, ki mi polepša še tako turoben dan. Srečen sem, da imam Cafetino! - Luka

Ko sem prvič poskusila kavo v Cafetinu, je bilo to TO! Še po dobrem desetletju se vsakodnevno vračam, ker res vedno vse "štima". Odlična kava, prijazne punce, prijeten ambient in edinstvena glasba. Cafetino mi tako že leta pomeni tisti lepi del dneva, ki se ga vedno znova vnaprej veselim. - Karmen

Prvič sva prišla v Cafetino zaradi odlične kave, sedaj pa se redno vračava tudi zaradi prijazne postrežbe in ušesom prijaznega glasbenega ozadja. Samo s Cafetinom je dan popoln! - Alja & Martin

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© 2024 Cafetino d.o.o. Vse pravice pridržane.

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  • Udobno: Da
  • Dostop za invalidske vozičke: Ne
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Ne
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  • Prijeteljski do LGBTQ+: Da
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Prikaz na zemljevidu

921 mnenj



Unfortunately this café ruined our Ljubljana city trip for us. I ordered an iced coffee and when I received it the coffee glass broke in my hand, all over me: my T-shirt, my new and white shorts (!), my new bag and my shoes. All my things are ruined. Luckily no one was hurt from the broken glass. First reaction of the waitress that had brought the glass was laugh, when she saw me coming in with the coffee all over me. The other waiters were nicer, but still a bit helpless. That is okay, I was very helpless myself, in my wet white clothes that were stained with big big coffee marks all over me; overwhelmed and desperate as I could not stay in these clothes all day, having only this day to explore Ljubljana and the hotel being too far away to go change clothes. They offered to call the manager to ask for help. These things can happen of course, but the question is how you deal with it, make up for what happened. I understand that it did not happen on purpose. Best thing was the manager’s reaction though: His offer was to give me sparkling water to poor over me to get the coffee out (good idea, it did not work and you could see my underwear through my white clothes now). Not to help find a place to wash the clothes, offer to cover the damage or to find something new to be able to continue the day in the city somehow. When I asked him exactly that he said this was my problem then. The complete conversation he was in a very impolite manner right from the start, at the end he was even shouting at me. Thanks for nothing! I don’t blame the waiters, they were nice and helpless, but the manager / owner should have acted differently and owned the businesses fault and stood up for it and offered some kind of compensation to cover the damage. So no, I definitely cannot recommend this place. There are many more nicer places out there to discover, and probably also with nicer owner’s. Don’t support this one, better choose another one :)


Kaffe war ausgezeichnet. Cappuccino wurde mit Wasser serviert und man konnte zwischen ca. 20 verschiedenen Bohnen wählen. 2,70€ für einen mit selbstgewählter Bohne und 2,30€ für Standart, sehr angemessen.




Great coffee, very nice staff, best choice of gin I ever seen!


Nice Turkish coffee.


I liked the concept that you can choose your coffee beans and they prepare your coffe from them, nice terrace and cosy in the inside




류블랴나에서 아이스 아메리카노 찾다가 갔어요! 류블랴나 성에서 내려오는 길에 한 잔 했습니다. 와이파이는 없었지만 직원분 친절하고 원두 골라 마시는 곳이라 커피 맛있었어요!!




Mi café favorito en Ljubljana. Buenísima calidad, nada más entras ya puedes oler el café recién molido, y ver los granos naturales. Ofrecen una gran variedad de cafés de todo el mundo y otras bebidas. El personal siempre ha sido muy atento y agradable conmigo. El ambiente es muy bueno, tanto dentro como fuera, ya sea para trabajar con tu ordenador o tomarte un café de camino. Lo recomiendo mucho.


Visited almost every day (on some days, twice even) during our 11 days in Slovenia. Such a wide range of coffee beans to choose from, not just to buy home but to have a cup of within the cafe itself. So we cld sample the variety before buying a whole bag. Would definitely be back if we get the chance to visit Ljubljana again.


Horrible service 👎


Pretty good coffee and an ok strudel. I had however chosen this spot in the hope I could work away on a laptop for half an hour or so. I sat upstairs to be out of the way but was rudely, and very swiftly, approached by the staff to say that laptops are not allowed. I appreciate not wanting people on laptops in their cafe but perhaps some signage politely informing this and a more friendly approach would go a much longer way. A 4 for the coffee, downgraded to a 2 for the telling off 😳




Dopo molto girovagare in centro a Lubiana alla ricerca di un cornetto ci siamo imbattuti in questo locale: ottimo il caffè ed il cappuccino e buoni i cornetti. Ci siamo sentiti quasi come a casa.




Für Kaffeeliebhaber genau der richtige Ort. Man liebt hier alles, was sich aus der Bohne zaubern lässt und bereitet mit großem Sachverstand zu, ohne jemals den Kunden aus dem Blick zu verlieren. Die Auswahl ist super, hier bekommt jeder den Espresso, den er sich schon immer gewünscht hat. Und dazu noch zu wirklich angemessenen Preisen. Super Strudel übrigens!


You can pick from various types and get a perfect coffee ❤️




So far the only place in Ljubljana where you can't do some work on your laptop and drink coffee because the tables are very delicate. And the place was almost empty.


El listado de cafés en el menú es largo con granos de todo el mundo.


The waitress was so rude I didn’t even wait to try the coffee




Kahvenin muhteşem aroması harika ambians yalnız Türk Kahvesi soğuk su ile hazırlanır sanki sıcak su ile yapılmış gibiydi.


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