I took the Scar and Stretch Mark Camouflage 2-day training with the 22 Institute in Toronto, Canada.
The training was truly one of a kind! Day 1 was filled with new and interesting theory and day 2 was hands-on, where every student had a model to work on and we got to learn some new and interesting camouflage techniques.
It was a pleasure to meet Tatjana and her colleague Nataša and learn from the masters! They were both very approachable, helpful, engaging, sharing their knowledge and support with their students. May I add, that the 22 Institute camouflage pigments and products are so innovative and second to none! Can’t wait to put them to work!
Thank you, Tatjana and Nataša for sharing your knowledge and techniques with us! If you’re coming to Toronto to teach again, I’ll be the first one to register!
I am very pleased with my training with Tatiana and Natasha. Excellent women and professionals in their field! I am very pleased and think that their training should cost more! If you asked me if I would come to study again - definitely yes ♥️
Ne bi mogla bit bolj zadovoljna s tečajem, profesionalnostjo in prijaznostjo! Ogromno sem se naučila, zelo podrobno smo obdelali popolnoma vse, kar je potrebno, da znam za nadaljno samostojno delo. Nikoli lačna ali žejna, zelo lepo poskebljeno za tečajnice. Hvala 22institute! ❤️
Katastrofa. Kot prvo: vas zelo težko dobim na telefon, kot drugo: sem bila deležna zelo slabo opravljene storitve. Vaš team očitno ne ve kaj počne in žal sem to storitev tudi plačala, ampak povračila denarja nisem dočakala. Kličem lahko cel ljubi dan in nič. Lepo, da skupaj držite, ampak če končni rezultat ni takšen kot bi moral biti, dajte vsaj iskreno priznati. Ne priporočam!
Zelela bi pohvaliti celotno ekipo 22 instituta, njihov customer service je fenomenalen! Z veseljem pomagajo, odgovorijo na vprasanja, nic jim ni tezko in res so zelo hitri z odgovori. Sem bila na tecaju PMU in res sem se ogromno naucila, Andjelina mi je predala vse svoje znanje, vse pohvale za njo in seveda za Nataso! Ambient je bil tako prijeten, da so mi tiste ure letele kot minute. Ce se razmisljate kam na tecaj jih toplo priporocam! Ne boste se zmotili. Hvala punce 22 instituta za tako lepo izkusnjo ☺️