I needed a battery for my car key. The problem is not even the high price, although it is €4 for a battery, which otherwise costs a good euro quite a lot, but the unfriendliness of the seller, who clearly does not value his customers, we will go elsewhere. I advise against it.
Matej J.
Made a duplicate key for the mailbox, miraculously prepared it in just over a minute, did half of the work "by hand". Came home and noticed the mess, I can't even put the key in the mailbox so 6 euros are thrown away. I advise against it.
Žiga Z.
Plaču 15€ za kopiranje 18 strani iz worda pa se 2 kopiji so narobe sprintal. Osebju se neda nič delati in so depresovni.
Anze T.
Vprašal sem če lahko zvežejo liste skupaj, ker so mi na informacijah rekli da to delajo. Po 1 uri in pol sem dobil liste zvezane v čisto napačnem vrstnem redu (vsi listi so bili predhodno oštevilčeni in v pravilnem vrstnem redu). In za to zelo slabo počasno delo sem plačal 15€