Prijeten ambient, otroški del knjižnice 👍🤗🌞, veliko knjig... 📚📚in razstava likovnih del
Slovenia has an awesome network of public libraries! All the classics and bestsellers are available for a minimal annual membership. Read people, read! You should all be reading! The road to purposeful and meaningful living is paved with books. In reality there's no such guarantee (the purpose and meaning part) but reading sure will make your life more interesting. Not only by broadening your (inner) horizons, nurturing your creativity, and stimulating your mental activity, but also by expanding your potential to think, see and act differently. A big thumbs up for public libraries, books and, of course, the authors who produce them.
Če greš po nakupih zgodaj zjutraj ob 9.00, je nakupovanje kar prijetno. Pa pazite, kam greste na kavico, saj so ponekod cene neopravičljivo visoke.