APPROVED SLO d.o.o. Cycling

5.0 (11 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za APPROVED SLO d.o.o. Cycling, kolesarska trgovina v mestu ljubljana.
Možnosti storitev
  • Prevzem ob pločniku: Da
  • Dostava: Da
  • Osebni prevzem v trgovini: Da
  • Nakup v trgovini: Da
  • Parkirališče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • Brezžično omrežje: Da
  • Brezplačen Wi-Fi: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • Debetne kartice: Da
  • Kreditne kartice: Da
  • ponedeljek 10:00 do 17:00
  • torek Zaprto
  • sreda Zaprto
  • četrtek Zaprto
  • Petek Zaprto
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

11 mnenj

Zadovoljstvo strank jim je na prvem mestu in ne gre samo za prodajo. Odlično svetovanje 👌


I tested the Atem Silkroad 3.8 carbon wheels at Approved Cycling and was impressed with their performance. Anže provided excellent customer service and was very knowledgeable about the product. I highly recommend both the wheels and Approved Cycling for their quality products and service.


Great quality sunglasses—stylish and comfortable. I recommend sunglasses Cherries ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


I highly recommend Approved Cycling store. Their products are top-notch, and they have a deep understanding of what they sell. They respond quickly, and their prices are very competitive in the market 👌


super izkušnja, priporočam.


Smart & professional!


The moment I stepped into the shop, Anze introduced himself and shook my hand, setting the tone for a unique customer experience. The vibe was like chatting with an old friend who was giving me advice, rather than someone just trying to make a sale. I ended up purchasing some Assos bibs and left the shop with not just a great product, but also a tone of information. I highly recommend this place to anyone looking for quality products and top-notch service.


Approved is truly a great boutique bike shop where you really feel welcome. Anže is super friendly, approachable, and always ready to help with useful advice. They have an excellent selection of cycling gear, from equipment to accessories, so there's something for everyone. If you're looking for a shop where they'll treat you like a friend and help you find exactly what you need, Approved is the perfect place for you. :) Approved je res prava butična kolesarska trgovina, kjer se resnično počutiš dobrodošlega. Anže je super prijazen, prijateljski in pripravlje pomagati s koristnimi nasveti. Imajo odlično izbiro kolesarskih stvari, od opreme do dodatkov, tako da vsak najde nekaj zase. Če iščeš trgovino, kjer te bodo obravnavali kot prijatelja in ti pomagali najti točno to, kar potrebuješ, je Approved prava trgovina zate. :)


Bought Sunglasses, bottles and a kit off from them. Top products. definitely recommend




I think you deserve one piece of feedback because you are excellent. Let me mention first the delivery, which was extremely fast. Your clothes, helmets and glasses are of an excellent standard and I am glad that I chose you. I would also suggest the glasses in a smaller version, for those of us who are like me :) Keep up the good work! I am a fan. Big Love <3


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