Never ever even think about applying here to work. Highly toxic infested workplace (you will literally get sick from the stuff you're dealing with in the factory).
Worst people on earth work there (from the owner, administration, to the regular workers, except a few Nepali guys)
Nothing is true from the job application. You're working for minimum wage (800euros minus rent for apartment -130euro), it's not 5 working days a week, it's 6 days mandatory, working on holidays, they make you do overtime etc.
If you read the application and thought this seems too good, yes it is. There is a reason the applications are forever open to apply.
Stay away and save yourself.
Sve najgore o ovom poslodavcu. Higijena je niula, imaju lice koje je odgovorno za zdravlje radnika, prljavština, hemikalija svuda u pogonu a zaštitnih sredstava gotovo da i nema. Skoro 80 % radnika na liniji ima posledice u vidu alergije. Rade prekovremeno a radnicima plaćaju pola preko računa a pola na ruke. Mašine jesu nove ali su zapuštene, servisi se rade neredovno pa su i kvarovi česti. Radnici se u proseku zadržavaju po par meseci i odlaze pa je zato konkurs za prijem novih radnika non stop otvoren. Uslovi konkursa u vezi plate se dosta razlikuju naravno u korist poslodavca a na štetu radnika. Kantini defiluju miševi.
Bežite od ove firme.....