Marko - rafting, Marko Hladnik s.p., športne dejavnosti

5.0 (29 mnenj)

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29 mnenj

We had a very amazing rafting experience with Marko! It was our last day of the vacation and it was just us (my boyfriend and me). We had no idea yet of what it would be. Because of the timing in the season, we were able to do the upper and the lower part, which apparently doesn't happen very often. The upper part was beautiful, we had lots of scenic moments, which we were able to capture through Marko's Gopros. The rafting itself was active but chilled at the same time. Getting to the lower part is where the excitement began. It was very cool and thrilling. Marko is a very skilled and experienced guide that manoeuvred us very swiftly between all the rocks and has great knowledge of the area. We received some very amazing videos and photos at the end, which were free of charge :). A really amazing experience to finish our vacation in Slovenia. We would very much recommend to go rafting with Marko!


I recently had an incredible rafting experience with Marko, and I felt compelled to share my thoughts—not because I was asked, but because it truly deserves recognition. Marko was our guide, and from the start, it was clear we were in excellent hands. His equipment was brand new, and he gave very clear instructions, ensuring that everyone, including our kids, felt confident and safe. What really stood out, though, was the atmosphere Marko created. He brought such a fun and positive energy to the group, making the entire experience enjoyable for everyone. Unlike the larger rafting companies, Marko’s approach was much more personal and tailored. Communication was effortless, and you could tell he genuinely cared about making the trip special for each participant. Marko is such an easy-going and friendly guy, and he had our daughters, aged 12 and 14, smiling and laughing in no time. If you’re looking for a memorable rafting adventure with a personal touch, I highly recommend Marko. We had a blast and will definitely return! Thans you Marko and cu soon.


Best experience! Arranging the appointment went smoothly via sms. Marko is a great instructor, trustable guide and funny person. Enjoyed every moment on beutiful Soča river. At the end there was no need to carry raft - we use a special trolley to push - great! He shared gopro photos and videos of our trip. We will definitely repeat this trip on Soča River with Marko Rafting.


Marko ist eine sehr gute Wahl! Er spricht sehr gut Deutsch und kennt die Soca im Detail, er hat das Boot super navigiert und uns toll angewiesen, so dass wir uns sehr sicher gefühlt haben. Wir waren zu sechst im Boot und hatten viel Spass beim Rafting, rutschen und springen. Die Strecke ist die Standardstrecke Srpenica-Trnovo, seine Preise sind Standardpreise. Marko's Base ist nahe Srpenica, so dass wir den Rafting Trip mit individueller Anreise direkt aus Srpenica starten konnten. Für uns war dies ein riesen Vorteil, weil mein Mann zeitgleich individuell die gleiche Strecke Wildwasser fahren konnte.




Hallo Marko, an dieser Stelle nochmals vielen Dank für die tolle Raftingtour. Uns und unseren drei Kindern hat die Tour super gut gefallen. Wir hatten sehr viel Spaß und haben uns zu jedem Zeitpunkt gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Auch die Organisation war perfekt. Wir können Marko nur weiter empfehlen. Viele Grüße Familie Marpert




Vrhunski rafting! Zelo bi pohvalila odlično organizacijo in vodenje! Ob vsakem času je bilo Markovo vodenje jasno in hkrati zabavno, ob čemer se počutiš varno in se lahko prepustiš vsem doživetjem. Kombi nas je pripeljal direktno do vstopne točke, kar je res super, da ni dolge vožnje v mokrih oblačilih. Oblačila so bila suha in čista. Odlicno tudi za družine z otroki. Vrhunska izkušnja v vseh pogledih!


Odlično doživetje. Super vodenje. Marko res naredi vožnjo zabavno in zelo varno. Priporočljivo tudi za otroke. Vso opremo, ki je suha in čista dobiš direkt ob Soči in takoj po opravljeni vožnji tudi oddaš. Torej vso "matranje" z neprijetnim in mokrim neoprenom v kombiju odpade, kar je odlična prednost. Bravo Marko, super je bilo! Zagotovo še pridemo!


Mit einer besten Dinge, die wir im Soca-Tal gemacht haben. Neben dem Spass und der Abkühlung, sieht man Orte die man sonst nicht sehen kann. Marco spricht auch Englisch und Deutsch und erzählt während der Fahrt etwas über die Region. Alle Infos auf seiner Website.


Great guide, great fun, professional approach, very safe. Recommend 100%


Top notche! So much fun, top guide, top driver, top experience! 😃


Rafting with Marko was so much fun! He's got it very well organized so you can begin the journey directly in Srpenica. The river Soča is beautiful with its crystal clear water and you get beautiful views during the whole trip, while being accompanied by Marko who is a great and very experienced guide. I can only recommend rafting on Soča with him! :)


Izvrstna izkušnja! Našega vodnika Marka bi vsekakor priporočala vsakomur. Bilo je odlično! Vrhunsko izkušnjo bomo ohranili v lepem spominu. Zagotovo bomo prišli tudi prihodnje leto.


Marko rafting is great👌🏻 We had a lot of fun. Soča river is beautiful 🤩 I can recomend it also for rafting with kids.


Super vožnja, še boljši vodič


Super dogovdiscina. Super vodic iz Dol.


Vom Equipment bishin zur persönlichen Leitung von Marco war es ein rundum perfektes Erlebnis, nur zu empfehlen!


Vrhunska usluga, vodic, sigurnost, zabava, potpuno nova oprema. Sve preporuke


Super iskustvo. Marko je za svaku preporuku.


Super organizacija, vrhunska nova oprema, odlicno vodenje! Priporocam


Odlicno dozivetje!! Toplo priporocam.




Super vodič, in pa edinstvena zaprisega 😅 super je


Top zadeva! Voditelji zabavni, prijazni in vestni! Organizacija vrhunska!! Imeli smo tudi opcije izbirati bolj adrenalinske podvige ali bolj mirno plovbo. Zagotovo pridemo še!!👏👏👏


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