Eurosender d.o.o.


3.3 (186 mnenj)

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Eurosender: Mednarodne dostavne in logistične storitve

Eurosender je vodilno podjetje na področju mednarodnih dostavnih in logističnih storitev, ki vam omogoča, da prihranite denar pri pošiljanju po celem svetu. Ne glede na to, ali ste posameznik ali podjetje, vam Eurosender zagotavlja enostaven in zanesljiv način za pošiljanje vašega blaga.

Select a service

Z Eurosenderjem lahko izbirate med različnimi storitvami odvisno od predmetov, ki jih želite poslati. Na osnovi vaše izbire predmetov, bomo izbrali najboljšega ponudnika za vašo izbrano dostavno možnost. Zavarovanje ob pošiljanju in varno plačilo so samoumevni del naših storitev.

How Eurosender helps you save up to 70% on shipping costs

Z Eurosenderjem lahko prihranite do 70% pri stroških pošiljanja po celem svetu. Registriranim podjetjem ponujamo ekskluzivne ugodnosti brez vezave ali registracijskih stroškov. Poenostavite svoje obračunavanje s prejemanjem enega celovitega računa za svoje pošiljke. Napolnite svoj Eurosender denarnico in pridobite dodatne popuste na specifične storitve. Sistem Eurosenderja lahko integrirate v svoj lastni sistem e-trgovine, s čimer avtomatizirate svoj proces pošiljanja in povečate učinkovitost.

Worldwide Shipping

Eurosender vam nudi tudi storitve dostave po celem svetu. Ne glede na to, ali želite poslati paket, dokumente ali tovor, vam nudimo najboljše možnosti za mednarodno pošiljanje. Izberite med različnimi dostavnimi možnostmi za Evropo, Severno Ameriko, Južno Ameriko, Azijo in Afriko.

Other logistics solutions

Poleg dostave paketov in dokumentov, Eurosender nudi tudi druge logistične rešitve. Ponujamo prilagojen prevozna sredstva, dostavo pošiljk s kombijem, dostavo paletov v Evropi in še mnogo več. Sodelujemo z najboljšimi kurirskimi podjetji in nudimo tudi storitve zbiranja paketov.

Začnite pošiljati že danes in se pridružite tisočim zadovoljnim strankam po celem svetu, ki se zanašajo na Eurosender za svoje mednarodne dostavne potrebe.

Powered by Eurosender SARL, 9 Rue du Laboratoire, 1911 Luxembourg

© Eurosender. Vse pravice pridržane. Vse navedene cene so v EUR in vključujejo DDV. Pogoji uporabe. Politika zasebnosti.

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

186 mnenj

I placed my first pallet shipment order with EUSENDER this week. The truck didn't come as scheduled. I am really surprised that EUROSENDER didn't send any update about the Pickup. No notification on about late pickup, no email for when will be next pickup. The worst is I cannot find any contact information for support in EUROSENDR website. The only help information I can found is asking customers to check with the courier. it seems this shipment has nothing to do with EUROSENDER...!!! Of course, I can cancel my order too. Terrible company ! STAY AWAY!!!


expédition parfaitement conforme aux prévisions








After exchanging quite a few stressful messages, they made sure the package was collected and it was transported to another country.




I have used Eurosender during these years a couple of times, no problems until this moment. I have sold a watch on Chrono24 (arround 1K , full watch price 1.4K), contacted Eurosender and paid an EXTRA insurance to keep my package insured up to 1400EUR. The package got lost and now I'm trying to get my insurance I got the answer from them that DPD Courier approved the reimbursement of the insurance just for 200EUR and EUROSENDER is not responsible for anything, because they use some insurrance companies like "ERGO versicherung" to cover the insurance cost. BUT (again) they won't pay anything because I don't have a proof that I HAVE BOUGHT the watch :) It's ridiculous! What about gifts people are selling? DO oyu ask them an invoice? And now they wrote that Eurosender doesn't cover JEWELRY loss , which a quartz watch is not... I'm a private seller, and I have sent them the legal document from Chrono which states the price on which I have SOLD the watch to the buyer. So, I've sent a legal document but they won't accept it as a proof :) Now I'm trying to get my Claim number in ERGO insurrance so I can get a lawyer. Before using their services, read carefully what's written under what's covered by insurance because Eurosender personally doesn't cover your packages loss!


Although we placed the order on Wednesday, November 23. and ordered the pickup for Thursday, November 24, and paid on time, before the cut-off, for which we also received a confirmation from Eurosender, the pickup was not done on the desired day. It wasn't done even a day later. To our inquiry, we were told that due to possible crowds and difficulties in traffic, there may be delays in the collection, and that the first available date is only next week, on Tuesday. At the same time, we were informed that we requested to change the date, because, allegedly, we were not at home for the pickup. No one contacted us from the delivery service. We did not initiate a date change, no one came to pick up the package on Thursday or Friday. This is not the first time that Eurosender is late in picking up our packages, moreover, every time there is a high chance that the package will not be picked up on time. With Eurosender's help, our service to our clients turned out to be extremely unprofessional.




Entrega rápida e sem problemas.


Open packages , missing items 😡




Good service, but very high prices. Also for the first order I was able to get proof of delivery, like sign from person who received package. For 2nd - delivery - not.




Avoid. No show for the collection despite confirming a few times. It made me panic as I was leaving the next day. They told me it’s scheduled the next day and blamed GLS for their technical issues. I called GLS and they didn’t have any collection scheduled nor did they have any technical problem. Given my departure, I want to schedule with another company but Eurosender won’t refund citing the t&c below. Everyone who was mistreated by this company. Let’s report Eurosender’s ad to Google and have them ban the ad account. I’m sure they are getting most of the traffic from Google search ads. (Simply search “send box europe”. Click on “…” next to the ad of Eurosender. report it as scam). About the cancellation and refund, I regret to inform you that your order was already processed and confirmed. This means that, according to our Terms and Conditions, a refund is no longer possible. After an order is placed, Eurosender is authorized to order transportation services with one of the partner courier companies. The customer expressly agrees to waive the right to cancel the Agreement with Eurosender once the order details are submitted to the selected courier services provider and confirmed for the chosen pick-up date.


very good service


Be careful. I am waiting a box since June and is imposible to speak with them. Finally I speak with them because I wrote to all workers in Linkedin, for social media but anybody tell me something


Did not pick up the package after 8 attempts and no refund. Scam place, stay away!


Jednostavno i brzo. Zadovoljan sam!


Van uit het buitenland een groot paket richting Nederland verzonden, geen problemen zeer goed en punctueel afgeleverd keurig gewerkt


14 dni po tistem ko sem že dobil paket, so mi zaračunali dodatnih 45€ in jih pobrali z dobroimetja. Ni možno, da je paket presegal 8kg kot so rekli. Katastrofa, nikol več






Hitro, varno, zanesljivo pošiljanje brez poškodb tovora


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