Eurosender d.o.o.


3.4 (181 mnenj)

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Eurosender: Mednarodne dostavne in logistične storitve

Eurosender je vodilno podjetje na področju mednarodnih dostavnih in logističnih storitev, ki vam omogoča, da prihranite denar pri pošiljanju po celem svetu. Ne glede na to, ali ste posameznik ali podjetje, vam Eurosender zagotavlja enostaven in zanesljiv način za pošiljanje vašega blaga.

Select a service

Z Eurosenderjem lahko izbirate med različnimi storitvami odvisno od predmetov, ki jih želite poslati. Na osnovi vaše izbire predmetov, bomo izbrali najboljšega ponudnika za vašo izbrano dostavno možnost. Zavarovanje ob pošiljanju in varno plačilo so samoumevni del naših storitev.

How Eurosender helps you save up to 70% on shipping costs

Z Eurosenderjem lahko prihranite do 70% pri stroških pošiljanja po celem svetu. Registriranim podjetjem ponujamo ekskluzivne ugodnosti brez vezave ali registracijskih stroškov. Poenostavite svoje obračunavanje s prejemanjem enega celovitega računa za svoje pošiljke. Napolnite svoj Eurosender denarnico in pridobite dodatne popuste na specifične storitve. Sistem Eurosenderja lahko integrirate v svoj lastni sistem e-trgovine, s čimer avtomatizirate svoj proces pošiljanja in povečate učinkovitost.

Worldwide Shipping

Eurosender vam nudi tudi storitve dostave po celem svetu. Ne glede na to, ali želite poslati paket, dokumente ali tovor, vam nudimo najboljše možnosti za mednarodno pošiljanje. Izberite med različnimi dostavnimi možnostmi za Evropo, Severno Ameriko, Južno Ameriko, Azijo in Afriko.

Other logistics solutions

Poleg dostave paketov in dokumentov, Eurosender nudi tudi druge logistične rešitve. Ponujamo prilagojen prevozna sredstva, dostavo pošiljk s kombijem, dostavo paletov v Evropi in še mnogo več. Sodelujemo z najboljšimi kurirskimi podjetji in nudimo tudi storitve zbiranja paketov.

Začnite pošiljati že danes in se pridružite tisočim zadovoljnim strankam po celem svetu, ki se zanašajo na Eurosender za svoje mednarodne dostavne potrebe.

Powered by Eurosender SARL, 9 Rue du Laboratoire, 1911 Luxembourg

© Eurosender. Vse pravice pridržane. Vse navedene cene so v EUR in vključujejo DDV. Pogoji uporabe. Politika zasebnosti.

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

181 mnenj



Should've already closed their doors.




Vrlo loše iskustvo! Naručila sam slanje paketa za EU i dobila obavijest da će DPD pokupiti paket za 2 dana. Sve sam uredno pripremila za slanje, ali taj dan nitko nije niti došao pokupiti paket niti me obavijestio zašto prikup nije izvršen. Odmah sam kontaktirala dostavnu službu, ali su mi tek idući dan odgovorili na reklamaciju. Rekli su samo da služba nije zaprimila zahtjev te sam dogovorila novi prikup paketa za taj isti dan. Naravno niti taj dan se nitko nije pojavio niti nazvao zašto se nije pojavio. Tada sam morala naručiti hitno slanje preko druge kurirske službe jer je bilo očito da se s ovima mogu danima natezati, a morala sam poslati paket u nekom razumnom vremenu. Od Eurosendera sam zatražila povrat novca za očito ne izvršenu uslugu, ali su mi odgovorili da nemam pravo povrata novca jer su oni svoj dio izvršili (to što su obavijestili DPD, a očigledno ih nisu obavijestili jer su barem oni tako rekli prilikom reklamacije). Pitam se tko je lud u toj cijeloj priči. Nakon cjelodnevnog dopisivanja s njihovom korisničkom službom saznala sam da bih imala pravo na povrat novca treba uplatiti njihovu dodatnu fleksibilnu izmjenu slanja paketa. Što znači da vi ne morate biti nimalo krivi (normalno naručite i čekate da vam dođu po paket, ne mijenjate adresu slanja i datum), ali zbog osiguranja da njihovim nemarnim ponašanjem slučajno ne prođete kao i ja, trebali biste dodatno platiti puno veći iznos nego što bi bilo gdje dalje platili da bi recimo bili sigurni da će se netko od njih ukazati i pokupiti vam paket ili da budete sigurni da će isti biti dostavljen primatelju. Koliko vidim tu na recenzijama, jako puno ima ne zadovoljnih ljudi, te je očito ovakav način poslovanja koji je legitimno upitan njima prihvatljiv. Kada ukupno zbrojite koliko ima sličnih situacija skupi se tu fina svota novca koju si ostave jer očito istu nemaju praksu vratiti nikome. Savjetujem da ih izbjegnete u širokom luku jer ćete samo potrošiti vrijeme, novac i živce, a usluga neće biti izvršena.


Totally unreliable service. First I payed extra for shipment to be collected on the same day and delivered in 5-6 days... than, when I payed and contacted their local DPD contractor it turned out the shipment will be collected next day... now the dates of delivery are postponed for 5 more days meaning the parcel will be delivered in 12 days not 5-6. When giving service it would be advisable to check the real delivery situation and not offer and charge service that is completely not possible in a way described. I will avoid Eurosender in future.


Never again. Worst service ever.


Absolutely poor service !! Absolutely poor service !!! Need my personal things to be sent over from Uk to Czech Repúblic as I am relocating , only option that Eurosender would give me was a express service , which I’ve paid a lot of money for it for a 24 to 48 hrs delivery , at no point was given the right info to make appropriate papers for customs apart from a proforma invoice , now slapped with massive cost on top as handling fees etc , and adding big fee charged from eurosender already for a express delivery!!! , And now to top it all off have to wait week to get my items from the courier company they sent is not able to cope with delivering !!!Disgraceful!!! As usual Eurosender is blaming brexit for a utterly poor service , one week after I still not received my belongings, one lie after another , costumer service is none , after over 20 mails , between myself and them , and more mails with courier company they send , charged me a fortune and yet no solution to my missing belongings. Disgusting and poor service , been charged for a expensive express service that they can’t provide and yet a costumer service with so much disrespect for any consumer rights .


Worst experience ever! I would rate 0 stars, if I could. Very slow, unprofessional, bad quality, driver doesnt help you. In one word - garbage. Dont waste your time and money with this company.


Katastrofa. Zelo slaba odzivnost, definitivno NEBI PRIPOROCALA!


Package was not picked up and they dont offer any refund. YOU WILL NOT GET YOUR MONEY BACK


The courier from this company did not meet up at all. One thing for sure, this company is good at giving lame excuses when the company fails. If you experience the same, don't expect to get a refund. Due to my bad experience I recommend to keep away, and choose a company that actually knows what what they are doing.


katastrofa... drzi malo denarja malo muzike!






Enostavno naročanje prevoza, točnost, prijaznost voznikov in pa tudi cena.


The single worst company I have ever dealt with in my life. I would throw my package into a burning house before I would ever deal with them again. They lie constant and just stop replying when you show proof of this. This leaves you moving from agent to agent. They've admitted that it's easy for them to avoid insurance claims so, whatever happens to your shipments, it's not their problem. "London-based" Eurosender has one guy in a shared office with the rest in a call centre in Eastern Europe. AVOID AVOID AVOID. Edit- Actually, no, they don't maintain a single desk at Level39 so I guess they are London-based in the sense the kid who runs the company went on holiday once


Used them 4 times, 3 times parcel was lost, once delivered 6 weeks late. Avoid them as much as you can!




I have huge issues about my parcel to my address in Ireland. When I called them you can only speak with some customer service person who can't help you. Delivery time are 3 times longer than they announced on their website. Their courier was very rude, unprofessional and he shouted at me.


KATASTOFA ... MILOREČENO!!! ŠALABAJZERJI 1. KLASE!!! PS: pa kako je možno da taka firma sploh obstaja?? Take cvetke, bi morale kazensko odgovarjat!


Absolut nicht vertrauenswürdig! Hatte die Abholung eines Paketes beauftragt, da es für mich ohne Auto zu schwer war, es selbst zur Post zu bringen. Als Lieferzeitfenster wurde für den gebuchten Tag 9 - 18 Uhr angegeben. Also freigenommen und den ganzen Tag zu Hause gewartet. Bis 16 Uhr war noch niemand gekommen, um das Paket abzuholen, daher den Kundenservice von Eurosender kontaktiert. Dieser hat mich nur an die (kostenpflichtige) DPD-Hotline verwiesen, wo man mir mitteilte, dass noch jemand kommt. Ist natürlich nicht geschehen. Also am nächsten Tag wieder bei Eurosender angerufen, die von nichts wussten. DPD teilte mir mit, dass die Abholung aufgrund von Zeitmangel nicht mehr möglich war. Toll, dass ich extra eine Abholung für diesen Tag gebucht hatte und niemand es für nötig befunden hat, mich zu informieren. Mir wurde jedoch versichert, dass am Folgetag das Paket abgeholt zwischen 9 und 18 Uhr wird. Selbes Spiel von vorne: bis 16 Uhr noch niemand da, Eurosender und DPD angerufen, "ich solle mich gedulden, es würde schon noch jemand kommen". Nichts da! Fazit: zwei (!) vollkommen sinnlos verprasste Urlaubstage, die ich komplett in der Wohnung verbringen musste, ohne dass das Paket abgeholt wurde. Habe in der Zwischenzeit DHl beauftragt, die das Paket innerhalb von 3 Stunden zuverlässig abgeholt haben. Nie wieder Eurosender. Absolut unzuverlässig und unseriös!


Eurosender advertise 2-3 days delivery time. As you can see our 2 packages are not even close to be delivered. We do not know when or will we get our stuff... Edit: as you can see on the photos one of the packages should be hopefully delivered today and the other one is in other country... they work with gls the worst “company” ever!


Although I was mad at them because of the bad service I must admit that they are great at unbeatable prices! the package was delivered home in 4 days!


The worst delivery service in Europe. I sent the package to Spain through Eurosender who in turn passed my delivery to DPD who then passed my packages to SEUR Spain. They "lost" the packages in Barcelona, ALL Customer services for all 3 Companies have not replied to my inquiries, they asked me for parcel number countless times and probably they will do it again in the reply to my comment but only for others to think they actually care. They don't. I am filling complaint with Czech and European authorities. The packages have returned to Czech Republic in the worst shape possible.. ripped and opened and with missing items. The delivery man didn't even helped me carry them to the first floor because he was in a "hurry". This will not end here, I will not stop until me and my friend who was supposed to receive the packages will get justice!


They will give you a headache instead of making your move easier! So let us start with my 1 month experience with Eurosender! I wanted to ship 4 boxes from Croatia to Greece, so like all of you have went to their website made all the steps scheduled the pickup day (all details set correctly worth mentioning) First episode: Pickup day, I asked my friend to wait for them from 9 am until 7pm! YES THEY NEVER SHOWED UP, we called they at 5pm the customer care blamed GLS and said ah they might be bit late after 6 or TOMORROW (since we do not have life or jobs and can stay at home waiting for them another day), their excuse the courier did not find the address it should be easily found on google maps, FOR YOUR INFO I COPIED THE ADDRESS FROM GOOGLE MAPS, LAIR! Second episode: I am tracking my boxes everyday, great they arrived no! what "Delivery/Collection Obstacle" email received informing me the boxes will be SENT BACK TO SENDER, what! I immediately contacted customer service, they said they are on top of it and will check with GLS (yes put all the blame on the courier, why I booked your service again?!) anyway after 3 days, i get a call from courier am coming to deliver your boxes (2/4) I contact Eurosender, guys where are the other 2 boxes, very rudely she request me to contact GLS "here you go their contact number fix it yourself", GLS said contact Eurosender! Anyway I received two boxes, sent the customer care GUYS MY OTHER 2 BOXES ARE ON THEIR WAY BACK, ah no this is normal they are late, GUYS I CAN SEE THEIR JOURNEY THEY ARE GOING BACK, oooops we are sorry we can not do anything!!!!!!! just wait when they arrive to Croatia tell the sender to refuse them then they will come again to Greece!!!! CONCLUSION, -THIS COMPANY KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT CUSTOMER SERVICE -THEY NO NOTHING ABOUT SHIPPING OR LOGISTICS -NOT WORTH PAYING THEM A CENT


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