Eurosender d.o.o.


3.4 (181 mnenj)

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Eurosender: Mednarodne dostavne in logistične storitve

Eurosender je vodilno podjetje na področju mednarodnih dostavnih in logističnih storitev, ki vam omogoča, da prihranite denar pri pošiljanju po celem svetu. Ne glede na to, ali ste posameznik ali podjetje, vam Eurosender zagotavlja enostaven in zanesljiv način za pošiljanje vašega blaga.

Select a service

Z Eurosenderjem lahko izbirate med različnimi storitvami odvisno od predmetov, ki jih želite poslati. Na osnovi vaše izbire predmetov, bomo izbrali najboljšega ponudnika za vašo izbrano dostavno možnost. Zavarovanje ob pošiljanju in varno plačilo so samoumevni del naših storitev.

How Eurosender helps you save up to 70% on shipping costs

Z Eurosenderjem lahko prihranite do 70% pri stroških pošiljanja po celem svetu. Registriranim podjetjem ponujamo ekskluzivne ugodnosti brez vezave ali registracijskih stroškov. Poenostavite svoje obračunavanje s prejemanjem enega celovitega računa za svoje pošiljke. Napolnite svoj Eurosender denarnico in pridobite dodatne popuste na specifične storitve. Sistem Eurosenderja lahko integrirate v svoj lastni sistem e-trgovine, s čimer avtomatizirate svoj proces pošiljanja in povečate učinkovitost.

Worldwide Shipping

Eurosender vam nudi tudi storitve dostave po celem svetu. Ne glede na to, ali želite poslati paket, dokumente ali tovor, vam nudimo najboljše možnosti za mednarodno pošiljanje. Izberite med različnimi dostavnimi možnostmi za Evropo, Severno Ameriko, Južno Ameriko, Azijo in Afriko.

Other logistics solutions

Poleg dostave paketov in dokumentov, Eurosender nudi tudi druge logistične rešitve. Ponujamo prilagojen prevozna sredstva, dostavo pošiljk s kombijem, dostavo paletov v Evropi in še mnogo več. Sodelujemo z najboljšimi kurirskimi podjetji in nudimo tudi storitve zbiranja paketov.

Začnite pošiljati že danes in se pridružite tisočim zadovoljnim strankam po celem svetu, ki se zanašajo na Eurosender za svoje mednarodne dostavne potrebe.

Powered by Eurosender SARL, 9 Rue du Laboratoire, 1911 Luxembourg

© Eurosender. Vse pravice pridržane. Vse navedene cene so v EUR in vključujejo DDV. Pogoji uporabe. Politika zasebnosti.

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

181 mnenj

Horrible! worst customer service in the world! Horrivel! Pior serviço de intermediaçao do mundo. Orribile! Non sono venuti a ritirare i colli, non ci tornano i soldi e ci hanno chiesto ADDIRITTURA di lasciare i colli al supermercato o da qualche parte per strada per fare il ritiro 3 GIORNI DOPO!!!!


Used Eurosender to send my luggage back to Greece after erasmus. The service was cheap and everything went smooth. Really helpful customer support


I used the service for moving my things and it's really great that all is in one place for a good price. The driver came and collected my parcels and delivered them to my address. I didn't have to stress about my shipment.


Fast shipping and very responsive customer support!


Very quality service. Their support gave me very fast and exact answers.


Great and efficient customer support. The shipping was smooth and in the estimated time.




WARNING!!!! DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE TO SHIP ANYTHING IF YOU WANT TO SEE THOSE THINGS EVER AGAIN!!! The ABSOLUTE WORST shipping company I have ever used. Great customer service in the beginning, even when there was an issue with the pickup. Once the packages were picked up, they simply seem to have lost any interest in being helpful. My order was cancelled by the carrier, GLS, AFTER the pickup and Eurosender did nothing to help. Just said "you can file a claim after 30 days." 30 days came and went and one (out of three) of my boxes never arrived. I emailed Eurosender and they sneakily tried to have me sign a form waiving them of responsibility under the guise that it was to allow them to help with the claim process. Luckily I didn't sign it. Later they emailed me saying because GLS didn't give me a collection receipt, I cannot file a claim. I spoke with GLS and that isn't true, but GLS did say I must go through Eurosender to file a claim since they are the ones that brokered the shipment. Eurosender just simply stopped replying to my emails and will not return my calls. They are completely ignoring me. I lost 1/3 of my physical posessions in my move within Europe and they don't care at all. Money will not replace what I lost, but at least I could get something out of the miserable experience. I would strongly advise not using this service. Deal directly with the shipping company who will actually take your business seriously and you will be able to file a claim if there are any issues.


The experience with Eurosender was overall quite good. Unfortunately the chosen company (GLS) for the delivery was not so great. The postal code of the address was wrongly printed, although correctly inserted into the system. The phone address of the receiver was also not printed, making it impossible for the driver to contact for direction. After many phone calls to GLS they finally picked up and said they didn't know where the location to deliver the package was, even though it was explained to them. In the end the person receiving the package had to do an almost 2h drive to pick up the package from them.


I had a really bad experience with this company, they do not stick to their promises. No service, instead of 3 days delivery i had to pick up the parcel by myself after 10 days, the parcel was also damaged. They work with the cheapest and badest parcel companies, in my case DPD. Never ever again, i am really disappointed.


2 Guitars from Italy to Germany - no problem! I had to send a package with two guitars back to Germany from Italy. For the shipment to Italy I had used GLS, which was not possible for the way back. Eurosender to the rescue! Booking on the website was extremely easy and fast. I received a confirmation mail and packed my parcel. What irritated me at first was that I didn't receive a label to put on the parcel. Turns out this was not necessary. GLS turned out to be the courier consulted by Eurosender - nice surprise. They showed up at the pickup location in Puglia on time and I could easily track the parcel through the websites of GLS Italy as well as The promise of 2 days for delivery wasn't really kept, but that didn't matter to me. The parcel showed up today at my home in good condition. Everything fine. Since Eurosender offers shipping options you don't get when you try to book via the couriers directly (in terms of weight and size) I can only recommend it. A good service!


Prevozniki uničili paket, odgovornosti ne prevzame nihče! Obup!


Eurosender lost my bag, which contained a lot of my clothes. The claim procedure with the insurance company, however, went smoothly and I got some money for the lost bag.


Una vez aproveché de servicios de Eurosender y estuve muy contenta. Todo el equipaje llegó a tiempo, sin daños ni problemas. Ahora he pedido otro envío y estoy tranquila que mi maleta venga a su lugar.


Horrible experience, unreliable service, avoid it at all costs! The pick up failed twice, with the carrier claiming not to be able to find us in spite of Crystal clear instructions and a phone contact that they never bothered to call. Finally it took two weeks to have the packages, vs 2 days estimated delivery time. Customer support is just useless. Via email the average response time is more than one day. We spent several hours on the phone (which is also costly because you need to call Slovenia) and, at the end, the support agents would never be able to tell us what was going on. Door to door does not really describe the service I received. At pick up my neighbour handing over the packages made it working by chasing the truck on the street at the third time (it was passing by without stopping, again). At delivery the driver rang my bell, dropped the packages outside the building and left in no time.


This is my second time using Eurosender to move between two cities in France. The first time, my father was originally going to come and help me move, but he fell sick and couldn't make the trip out. I was devastated about the condition of my father and also alone for my move. My dad sent me a link to Eurosender. I couldn't believe the prices and the rapidity it took to reserve my suitcase pickup. I was definitely relieved to know I didn't have to lug around 3 suitcases or do several back-to-back trips. I am only spending 60 euros which is much cheaper than moving the luggage myself. When I received my bags, I wasn't expecting to get them so quickly! It arrived in just one day. I had all my things with me on my first day in my new flat! It was great. Highly recommend, 5/5!


First time I used it and never again. Didnt pick up the delivery and cannot even get their service hotline number right in the email communication.




Simple and quick. Good price. Friendly customer service.










The website is customer friendly. The price is fair and it was very practical to use. Always when I need something from home... this is the best way to get it.




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