Spisek d.o.o.

5.0 (8 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

8 mnenj

Great service! Quality, flexibility and dedication to a specific business field that requires SEO love and attention - these are just some of the many positive attributes that I can mention in the context of working with Spisek.


Fantje zares vedo kako se dela s socialnimi omrežji, oglasi, optimizacijo spletnih strani, itd. Med našim sodelovanjem so nas pošteno opozorili na pomanjkljivosti na naši strani in nam prihranili kar nekaj tehničnih nevšečnosti. Rezultati so vidni in dokazljivi. Všeč nam je tudi, da smo na dodatna pojasnila vedno dobili odgovor in rešitev.


This was our first in what will surely turn out to be an ongoing experience of working with Spisek. Their contribution to analytical aspects of our dedicated hypercare support services provided for a large multinational company in the pharmaceutical industry has been instrumental. We were particularly impressed with their ability to see the bigger picture. Namely, Spisek completely revamped the client's Looker Studio dashboard, along with fixing the data recording process along the way. The dashboard is now branded to match the website and presents data beautifully. Most importantly, the client can finally track the conversion funnel across either one or all 10+ languages, even with the ongoing website migration. This allows them to gain valuable insights into user behavior and continuously optimize their marketing efforts for maximum impact.


We have been working with the Spisek team on several projects and we are very happy with their organized and systematic approach. It is easy to track what is getting done and most importantly, we had super awesome results. They did complete SEO (on-site, technical) overhaul, as well as PPC and social media consulting.


We were very pleased with the work of the Spisek team. They were quick to respond, the communication with them was clear, they took into account all our wishes and together we have completed our website, which is now user-friendly and practical for us to use. Thank you Spisek, you are great!


Spisek d.o.o. is an outstanding digital marketing agency. Their effectiveness, timeliness, responsiveness, and flexibility are truly impressive. They excel at multitasking, seamlessly handling analytics, SEO, social media, and copywriting. Highly recommended for comprehensive digital solutions!


Fast and professional service! I definitely recommend choosing Spisek d.o.o. for your business needs.




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