Masažni salon Čista pozitiva - Bownova terapija

4.9 (50 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Masažni salon Čista pozitiva - Bownova terapija, masažni terapevt v mestu ljubljana.
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • ponedeljek 7.00 do 21.00
  • torek 7.00 do 21.00
  • sreda 7.00 do 21.00
  • četrtek 7.00 do 21.00
  • Petek 7.00 do 21.00
  • sobota 7.00 do 21.00
  • nedelja 7.00 do 21.00

Prikaz na zemljevidu

50 mnenj

Eine der besten Massagen die ich hatte, einfach nur top!

Thank you, welcome again 🌼


I was kindly welcomed. The music was really nice as well as the room. Tia did an amazing massage. Thank you very much! ☀️ Naima

Thank you, welcome again 🌼




As a professional athlete myself, I often get disappointed when I get a massage, but that was definitely not what happened here after I was treated by Ana! I am extremely happy and lucky that I found her, and I only wish that she lived in my hometown so I could see her at least once a week! Besides being very serious minded, social and friendly, Ana is very well educated in the anatomy, she has also done a lot of sports herself, so she has personal experiences as well of injuries etc. Don’t miss out on this chance in getting a great therapeutical hour for your body! Thank you a million times Ana, and I will see you very soon!



Thank you, welcome again🌈


I had a deep tissue massage and Anna was good


Toplo priporočam! Tu dobi stranka vse v paketu: prijaznost, toplino in razumevanje 🙂 Poleg tega moram reči, da je bownova terapija ena od redkih stvari, ki mi pomaga pri mojih težavah s črevesjem.




Ana je z masažo celega telesa poskrbela za popolno relaksacijo mojega telesa in uma, ki si jo bom zagotovo še kdaj privoščila! 🤗 Srčno priporočam njene storitve! 🥰


Had a great experience with Anna, much needed after a long trip to get to Ljubljana. The massage was great, she really knew how to work out my sore spots and apply the right pressure in the right places. Highly recommend you book here! In case it isn’t evident this place is inside of Hotel Emonec and is just off the street.


Delightful experience, highly recommend. We had a couples massage and both of us found it very relaxing.

Thank you, welcome again🌸


I was able to book a last minute massage over the phone (for the next morning) whilst on holiday which was great. The lady on the phone and the massage therapists spoke excellent English. However, apart from saying I wanted to book a couples massage, I wasn't actually asked what type or how long for on the phone which worried me a bit but we were able to tell the massage therapists what we wanted when we got there and they had space for an hour so it was all ok. We booked to both have deep tissue massages - my boyfriend was in one room and I was in another. I often find that massages aren't firm enough but this was a very firm massage so if you like a firm massage I'd definitely recommend this place! They do other kinds of massage or can adjust the pressure if you don't like it too hard. We were quite oily afterwards so I would recommend being able to go home/back to your hotel after the massage for a wash. I liked the music in the background as it was spa-type instrumental versions of modern songs which I thought was a bit different to the usual spa pan pipe stuff. The spa is in a great location in the centre of Ljubljana - specifically it's located in Hotel Emonec; the entrance to which is through a signposted alley off of Wolfova ulica and then up on the right.

Thank you,Welcome back🌼


Regularly get massages from Ana. She is amazing! I've noticed a huge improvement in muscles since I've started going to her and always feel like a new person after the massage. Also, the room has such relaxing vibes.




Ana was amazing! I have had a lot of pain and tightness recently and some very sore joints, came away from a deep tissue massage feeling like I could move freely again - wish I could go back again!




Svoji turistki sem napotila v ta salon in sta rekli, da je bilo odlicno. Isti dan sem dobila termin.


Amazing massage from Ana - been struggling with neck and shoulder issues for some time and it already feels so much better. Excellent service, highly recommend!


I’ve tried almost every kind of massage this salon is offering and honestly, it’s all worth it! From Bowen therapy, to classic massage, you will not regret it! The vibe of the rooms is also really inviting and feels like a vacation just being in there! Recommend to any and everyone☺️


moja novorojencica je imela krce, kar je bilo naporno zanjo in mene. ker nic ni pomagalo sem poskusila tudi bownovo terapijo. po 4ih dneh so krci v 95% izginili. Ker sem bila tudi sama v stresu in cistem neravnovesju hormonov, sem se terapije udeleIzila tudi sama. Draga Tajana hvala tisokrat za ljubeznivost in razumevanje ter resnicno izboljsanje tudi mojega pocutja. Priporocam vsem resnicno!!! Pomaga!!! Hvalaaaa ❤️❤️❤️


Great experience. Ive been on bowen therapy. I had pinched nerve in my left arm , just with one therapy it was gone. Ty again and i will see you soon again.


Sehr zu empfehlen. War die beste Ganzkörpermassage die ich hatte. Saubere Räumlichkeiten. Bequeme Liegen mit Schlaufen zum Ablegen für die Arme. Wir kamen leider zu spät zum vereinbarten Termin und wurden trotzdem höflich empfangen und geduldig aufgeklärt. Super Massagesalon👍


Z sinom sva gospo obiskala,ker je imel tako mocne kolike cez dan ter tudi cez noc,bili smo ze vsi zmatrani in obupani,predvsem pa on.Ko sem gospo kontaktirala nas je ze naslednji dan vzela ❤️Ker je bilo resnicno grozno kako je trpel.Povsod kjer koli sem klicala so rekli,,da je potrebno vec terapij,gospa je rekla,da je pri njej ponavadi zadostuje ena.Nalsednji dan sva se odpravila in je naredila terapijo,ko sva prisla domov sem celi dan cakala otrok enega krcka ni imel nisem mogla vrjeti sem rekla pocakam se noc in tudi noc niti enega in sedaj ze par dni po terapiji jih se zmeraj nima!!zelo zelo zelo sem hvalezna gospa ima zlateeee roke sem ji zelo zelo hvalezna!sedaj bom peljala se starejso hcerkico na podlagi hiperaktivnosti!resnicno sem prezadovoljna,ker nas je vse skuoaj prikrajsala za vse neprespane noci dneve in vseh bolecin🍀❤️se enkrat vam hvala kar ste naredili je nevrjetno!!

Največje zadovoljstvo je pomagati otrokom...rešiti jih bolečin je najlepša nagrada:)


after a long hiking days i reserve a massage. i took the 1.5 hour fool body massage - all was very proffesional, just great!




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