Gregor Jere - Čebelarstvo, nosilec dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji

Gregor Jere - čebelarstvo, nosilec dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji

5.0 (5 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za Gregor Jere - Čebelarstvo, nosilec dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji, medena kmetija v mestu ljubljana - dobrunje.
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5 mnenj



I bought the sparkling wine a few months ago, and actually decided to keep it for some special occasion! At Christmas I visited my family and decided to take the sparkling mead with me. Even though everybody was first questioning a wine made out of honey, they ended up loving it so much that the whole bottle was empty within the evening! As soon as I got home, I had to reorder! It truly is the best sparkling wine I have ever had.


I tried a few honey meads before in my life but this one is definitely my favorite! I tried the sweet mead and I can honestly only recommend it. I will definitely order some more!






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