Shanghai Summer School

5.0 (6 mnenj)

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6 mnenj



My summer in Shanghai with Shanghai Summer School was one of the best times of my life. Not only that I got to improve and practise my Chinese in real life, I met so many wonderful people from all around the world as well. This summer school truly moved me. The programme gives you a thousand options of spending your time - whether you want to study Chinese at Donghua with the nicest native speakers, or you prefer spending days and nights with other international students exploring the city or maybe you like yourself a little nightlife, the choice is yours. The whole organizer's team was very professional and helpful but super friendly at the same time. And in general, I would highly recommend anyone to go and explore China (especially Shanghai!). It's truly a whole new world. If anyone hesitates to sign up, don't. You will get the most amazing memories for a lifetime. Just go for it and thank me later!


Best option for invitational students visiting China for the first time. Together with around 50 other students (mostly aged somewhere around 18-23) you live at the Donghua University Campus, have Chinese lessons in the morning and activities to discover Chinese culture in the afternoon. In the evening there will be plenty of opportunities for partying (probably more than is good for you). Being part of the community of the SS helps you to orient yourself in Shanghai very quickly (concerning stuff like maps, VPN, Metro Card, usefull apps, ...). The people form the SS are very careing and will the around to help you out any time.




You will travel to the other side of the world, but you will feel like you've come. Yes, the buildings will be taller, the food will be spicier and there will be a lot of people. Like a lot, a lot. But the feeling you will get when walking down the Shanghai streets, that feeling will get under your skin. You will fall in love with a dynamic mixture of old & new, western and eastern, exciting days & lively nights! When the time comes will not want to leave. But when you do, you'll have some unforgettable memories too look back too, new friends and a changed view of the world. Because Shanghai Summer School is a place where fun and culture meet in one epic summer.




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