Rafko Bridge

5.0 (2 mnenj)

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Prikaz na zemljevidu

2 mnenj

Project description According to the Slovenian Government, represented by the Slovenian Motorway Association DARS, the Crni Kal viaduct, located between the Slovenian capital Ljubljana and Koper, is a landmark bridge. With a span of up to 140 m at the maximum height of 87.50 m, it is the biggest structure in Slovenia. In 2004, the Klanec-Crni Kal section was opened to traffic. Two separate lane structures carry the traffic over the bridge, which rests on eleven pillars and has a length of 1’065 m. It was a design priority to give the pillars a very aesthetic form. The construction project was implemented in order to minimize numerous traffic jams which occurred mostly during the summer months.




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