Storija weddings, Petra Starbek s.p. organizacija porok

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Poskrbimo za tri neprecenljive dele poroke - sproščenost, lahkotnost in spomine, h katerim se bosta vedno znova rada vračala. Organizacija luksuznih porok.
  • Parkirišče dostopno za invalidske vozičke: Da
  • ponedeljek 9.00 do 18.00
  • torek 9.00 do 18.00
  • sreda 9.00 do 18.00
  • četrtek 9.00 do 18.00
  • Petek 9.00 do 18.00
  • sobota Zaprto
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

65 mnenj

Od prvega do zadnjega srečanja sva se počutila, kot da sva na kavi z dolgoletno prijateljico in ne z nekom, ki ga ne poznava. Petra ima talent, da vnaprej ve, kaj si želiva, tudi in predvsem tiste stvari, ki jih nisva znala ubesedit. Karkoli sva si zamislila, nama je uresničila in tudi ob najbolj nepričakovanih zapletih se je vse uredilo (zaradi požara smo 2 meseca pred poroko menjali lokacijo!). Poroka je bila pravljična, kot bi vzela podobo iz najine domišljije.


Petra is one of our favorite vendors to work with, since eveything she touches turns out amazing! She always has a plan A, B and C for everything and we've seen her perfectly handle many difficult situations. We absolutely recommend her to everyone that wants to have a beautifully planned and executed wedding! 10/10!


Sodelovanje s Petro je, kot da bi zraven sebe imeli najboljšo prijateljico, ki vas odlično pozna in točno ve kaj v tistem trenutku potrebujete. Njene bogate izkušnje, organizacijske sposobnosti, občutek za ljudi ter odlično oko za detajle, naredijo dogodek brezskrben in izpeljan točno tako, kot ste si ga zamislili.


Without Petra, our day would not have been so perfect. She is really nice, goes the extra mile and makes sure, that everything goes according to plan. Best money ever spent.


It’s a day you are going to remember for the rest of your life. It’s special! There is no one better than Petra who is going to make this possible for you. I’m from India and my husband from England and despite the distance between us and Petra all the planning went flawlessly and so did our wedding. Petra is amazing. She is patient, kind and knows what she is doing. She is someone you want on your team because she will make all your wedding dreams come true. My husband and I are super thankful to Storija Weddings team. We had a splendid wedding that was within our budget with full transparency. You don’t have to think twice, just go with Petra, your wedding is going to be amazing.


S pomočjo Petre je bil najin dan popoln. Vzela sva delno pomoč pri organizaciji poroke, kar pomeni, da sem se nanjo vedno lahko obrnila, ko sem jo potrebovala pri organiziranju, na poročni dan pa je poskrbela za vse od A do Ž. Ko sem imela pri pripravah kdaj občutek, da je vsega preveč, sem jo poklicala in me takoj pomirila, da je dovolj časa in bo vse ok. Usklajevanje je bilo enostavno in ko sem potrebovala pomoč pri izbiri ponudnikov je vedno imela na zalogi priporočila za top ekipe. Še teden dni pred poroko smo imeli tezave glede pleten, Petra je vse uredila in je šlo na dan poroke potem brez problema. Na dan D sva z ženinom lahko uživala v nepozabnih trenutkih, saj sva vedela, da ima Petra vse pod nadzorom - od časovnice, usmerjanja gostov, pogrinjkov… zaradi česar je bil dan popoln. Hvala ti. Če bi se morala še enkrat odločati bi ponovno izbrala njo in resnično priporočam pomoč organizatorke, da je nevesta na dan poroke brez skrbi.


As I am not Slovenian and most of our friends are from 15+ countries, we had a completely international wedding, which carries its challenges. My husband is from Slovenia so we hired some vendors as our friends or acquaintances but we needed a bit more guidance into 'what is available' and 'who is an expert'. That is why we hired Petra and thank god we did! Planning of weddings matches her personality and strengths so well that it is almost unbelievable. Petra was so helpful especially in the days leading up to the wedding as well as on the wedding day. Many people told me to try to enjoy my day because it would go by really fast and thanks to Petra, I really could. I never had a feeling that I have to rush anywhere or deal with something 'unimportant'. We were there, fully present with our family and friends and that is the biggest gift Petra could gave us. We even had enough time to get tattooed 😅Thank you for giving us a day to remember so fondly! ❤️


WOW! Where to even begin to try to describe how amazing Petra and her company Storija Weddings is. We just finished our four day fairytale wedding at Lake Bled and it truly can only be described as absolute perfection. Petra planned and executed an event with 70 guests from the US, more than a dozen vendors, five locations and complex logistics. One fact about Petra is that she will go above and beyond to address any issues that may arise on your wedding day and they will be addressed without you even knowing. She is a true professional and incredibly talented at what she does. Even more so, Petra is kind, fun, and so easy to work with and has become a friend that we plan to keep in touch with for the rest of our lives. Our friends only spent a few hours with Petra but absolutely loved her and brought her out to the dance floor which was just incredible. We couldn’t more strongly recommend Petra for your wedding or event planning needs.


Petra deserves more than 5 stars for flawlessly organizing our dream wedding in Brdo, Slovenia. Her meticulous 12-month planning and attention to detail made our remote planning stress-free, even from New York. The day was executed seamlessly, from the breathtaking venue setup to managing logistics with multiple vendors. Petra's warmth, professionalism, and dedication (answering our Whatsapp messages any time of day) created an unforgettable experience for us and our 100+ guests. She turned our vision into reality, surpassing all expectations. We wouldn't change a single thing. If you're seeking a top-tier event planner, Petra is an amazing choice!


Unparalleled Perfection: Petra Made Our Dreams Come True! Petra was an absolute lifesaver throughout our wedding planning journey. As a highly experienced wedding planner with a wealth of knowledge in organizing weddings for both domestic and foreign couples, her expertise was invaluable. Planning a wedding from the UK for an event in Slovenia could have been daunting, but Petra's guidance and professionalism ensured that everything went smoothly. Her extensive experience in weddings in Slovenia was of paramount importance. She recommended the best local providers and left the decision-making in our hands, allowing us to customize our day to perfection. From the first meeting to the final farewell, Petra's attention to detail and incredible organizational skills were evident. Every aspect of our special day was flawlessly executed, surpassing our wildest dreams. We can't thank Petra enough for her dedication and hard work in creating a wedding that was nothing short of magical. Our day was filled with joy, love, and cherished memories, all thanks to her meticulous planning and thoughtful touches. If you're looking for a wedding planner who can turn your vision into reality and deliver unparalleled perfection, we highly recommend Petra without hesitation. She made our dreams come true!


Petra is the best wedding planner we could have asked for! From start to finish, she was detailed, knowledgeable, and most importantly passionate about us. The time zone difference made it difficult to chat with her but she was always flexible, being available late into the night and early in the morning. She was able to recommend the best vendors and coordinated with all of them and make sure all of our wishes were met. We especially liked how she had her professional opinions and gave us advice on a lot of things. Her ability to execute during the day of our wedding was especially awesome. We didn't need to worry about a single thing - all the vendors were in place, she explained every little detail to us and our guests so we were never lost, and she even carried heavy umbrellas with her all the time in case of rain. The most remarkable thing was that she had a small accident but came back from the hospital after 2 hours to make sure the rest of the day went smoothly. Thank you, Petra for helping us plan the perfect wedding and make it happen!


Če mislite, da ne potrebujete pomoči pri organizaciji poroke, verjemite, da jo! Najin dan bi si težko predstavljala brez Petrine pomoči, ker ona misli na VSE. Res je oseba, ki so jo želiš imeti ob sebi na dan-d. Vsi najini gosti so pohvalili odlično organizirano poroko, do najmanjših detajlov, kar pa brez Petrine pomoči ne bi bilo mogoče. Še enkrat hvala in toplo priporočam :)


Petra je več kot upravičila vsa najina pričakovanja. Že od začetka organiziranja nama je dala super nasvete in bila vedno na razpolago za vsa najina vprašanja. Že na prvem sestanku je delovala, kot da res obvlada svoje delo, kar je kasneje v celoti potrdila. Res sva ji hvaležna, da je najin dan naredila še bolj čudovit in predvsem brezskrben!


Draga Petra, ni besed, ki bi opisale tvojo srčnost, predanost, toplino in zavedanje, kaj pomeni stati ob strani v vsakem trenutku načrtovanja in realizacije najlepšega dneva, ki sva si ga zamislila. Ti si nama omogočila, da je vse steklo gladko, brez obremenjevanja in skrbi. Brez tebe dan ne bi bil tako sproščen in preprosto brezskrben, saj si poskrbela za vse. Hvala ti za vse iz srca, hvaležna, da sva te našla in si bila prav ti najina najboljša organizatorka čudovitega dneva - najin steber podpore ❤️ Tea & Rok


Molto professionale


What can we say, it was just perfect. Petra was more than just a wedding planner, she was a coordinator, which on the day you really don't appreciate how much you need someone to do that. She remembered everything and added so many finishing touches that we just didnt expect. Honestly, if you want to get married in Slovenia, use Petra, it really is as simple as that, shes just fantastic.


If you are looking for an energetic, friendly, charismatic and over the top wedding planner, Petra is the one! We had our wedding this summer in July and she helped us above and beyond wjth everything. Petra became our right hand and assisted with everything especially when it came to juggling different cultures (latin american/slovenian). The day of the wedding Petra was on top of everything and her energy was transmitted to our guests. We had an amazing time and can't even imagine a better wedding planning experience than with Petra!


When my husband and I decided to have a destination wedding in Slovenia, we picked Petra as our wedding planner due to her impressive credentials and radiating personality that she displayed in our introductory meeting. We had both been to Slovenia before, but we knew nothing about the wedding industry there, how things are planned, or what vendors to book. Petra's recommendations for vendors and the venue proved to be exactly what we were looking for. It was one of the best days of my life, and Petra played a huge part in making it happen. While there was anxiety involved leading up to the event, on the day of the wedding everything came together perfectly. Petra was there with us to coordinate and she was always there when we needed her. It was a perfect day. Thank you, Petra!


When you’re getting married, you're dealing with the event you’ve (hopefully 😊) never dealt with before and, therefore, can’t imagine all the details that go into it. Even if you have a very hospitable and helpful location, they are usually not the ones who will help you find the band or make sure your veil looks good in the pictures. With this in mind, it’s clear - having a wedding planner makes sense. We wanted Petra to be our planner since our wedding was in a rather new location and she has soo many experiences in very different settings, so we were calm she will know how to tackle a new one. In addition to all of that, Petra adapted to our personalities, was always ready to help and never pushy, and always with a good attitude. And boy, we needed that; we were so (un)lucky with the weather and the wind, that we totally turned the wedding around to a Plan C and moved it to the next day. This change happened 3 days before the wedding and was only possible with Petra’s help, all the contacts and good relationships she has with the people in this field. In the end, the event was even better than what we imagined. 💛 Looking back, what we cherish the most is that Petra truly gives herself in what she’s doing and she’s doing it with a big heart. You can immediately spot this in her smile, and it shows with all the attention to the details and the energy that also the guests are sensing.


It is almost one year anniversary, since my husband and I married. Looking back it feels like it was an absolute dream really!! A day that could not have been more perfect. We had a smaller wedding (80 people) but we wanted it perfect and for us stress-free. Up until today our friends and family talk about our wedding day, how amazing it was - simply flowing with amazing energy and in great harmony. One particular person gets credit for that, and that is our wedding planner, Mrs. Petra Starbek. If you are getting married and are considering weather to get a planner or not to help, trust me, planner like Mrs. Petra is definitely an indefinite YES!! She is seriously worth your budget! Having her around for the process of planning and event itself was the best decision we took! We were so stress-free and could really enjoy the whole process and especially the day itself. You must be thinking that you can also do it yourself (trust me we also thought so) but all together there are so many things that at some point you will loose your mind doing it yourself. She has a great circle of contacts and will absolutely help you save budget on many aspects. Most importantly what makes Mrs. Petra the absolute best is her personality. She is so professional at what she does and that is very hard to find. On our wedding day she blended in but stood out just the right amount when needed. She made sure everything was going smoothly and by the plan and no one had a feeling of stress and really NOTHING went wrong. Also to mention, even the guest (and we had a worldwide guest pallet) were amazed by her input. My husband and I often talk about if we were anyone else deciding for a planner or not, with Mrs. Petra, decision is so simple. You definitely need her. We would have rather compromise on anything else than be without Mrs. Petra on our wedding day. We are happy also for Mrs. Petra to share our contact with you if you would like us to share more of our experience with her. With best wishes, JB 2021


We had a perfect wedding thanks to Petra😊she is such an amazing person,ful of energy and love❤️if you need help with the wedding,don’t hesitate to call her😊


❤️❤️❤️ Best wedding planner ever ❤️❤️❤️ 😁 Zelo sva bila zadovoljna s Petro. Imela je čez planiranje do poroke in koordinacijo na dan poroke. Ko sva premišljevala če rabiva organizatorko poroke sva se z našimi prijatelji (že poročenimi pari) pogovarjali če so oni imeli ali ne. Večina jih ni imela ampak so rekli da če bi eno stvar lahko spremenili bi vzeli "wedding plannerja" ker je organizacija v lastni režiji prinesla veliko stresa in vzela veliko več časa kot pričakovano. Vesela sva da sva jih poslušala in nama niti približno ni žal stroška organizatorke. Petrine izkušnje in odzivnost sta nama privarčevala veliko časa in stresa v pripravah in na dan poroke. Na dan poroke nisva rabila razmišljati na nič drugega kot se imeti fajn ker sva Petri zaupala vse. Vsekakor priporočava 🙌🏻 Hvala Petra!


Zbirala sem besede, kako bi najboljse opisala Petro. Lahko recem da pri njej zgleda use tako preprosto, use tako enostavno, vedno nasmejana, pozitivna. Ampak ves da je v ozadju ogromno ur ulozenega dela, stresa, truda, neprespanih noci. In prav to mi je pri Petri najbolj usec, ta njena zagnanost in ljubezen do tega kar pocne. Zares olajsa cel proces, saj ves da tudi ce kaj nebo slo prav, bo ze Petra poskrbela da bo use top. 😄 Najini pogovori so bili sprosceni, nasmejani use je potekalo zelo gladko, kot bi klepetala s prijateljico. Nevem kaj bi brez nje! Moj tata je rekel: “ce Nina govori o nekom v superlativih, potem res ves da je dober” 😄 Se enkrat hvala iz srca da si najin dan speljala najboljse kar se da!❤️ Nina&Matija


Če iščeta odličnega organizatorja poroke, je Petra Starbek za vaju. Svoje delo opravlja profesionalno, vendar s svojim nasmehom in pozitivno energijo v prostor prinese sproščeno vzdušje. Z njeno pomočjo bodo priprave potekale tekoče in brez zapletov, saj vedno najde rešitev za vse težave, ki nastanejo. Z njeno pomočjo bosta dobila svoj popoln dan, tako kot sva ga dobila midva. Petra, hvala. B&P


Draga Petra in Andrej, iz srca hvala, da sta nama pomagala pri izvedbi najine poroke in potrpežljivo krmarila skozi zaplete in nepozabni veliki finale. Redko kdaj prepustiva nekomu vajeti, ob vama pa sva se brez kančka dvoma prepustila nasvetom in organizaciji. Izjemna profesionalnost in zanesljivost. Ostanita takšna kot sta, srčna, topla in pozitivna. Iskrena hvala za vse!


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