Gami Ex-Factory Lofts

Gami Ex-Factory lofts & studios

4.3 (346 mnenj)

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Gami Ex-Factory Lofts & Studios - Unikatna doživetja v Ljubljani

Doživite edinstveno bivanje v Gami Ex-Factory Lofts & Studios, ki se nahaja v nekdanji tovarni cigaret, znani kot Stari Tobačni. Ponujamo vam nadstandardne apartmaje različnih velikosti, ki so bili premišljeno obnovljeni s strani našega arhitekta in so opremljeni z moderno galerijo, ki dodaja poseben čar.

Nudimo vam raznolik izbor apartmajev, ki vas bodo očarali. Številni apartmaji so opremljeni s savno ali jacuzzijem, kjer se lahko razvajate in sprostite po napornem dnevu. Vsaka enota je edinstvena in obsega različne število spalnic, od enosobnih do apartmajev s tremi spalnicami.

Naša lokacija vam omogoča, da raziščete muzej našega območja, kjer se lahko poglabljate v lokalno zgodovino. Prav tako smo ugodno locirani v bližini glavnih znamenitosti in atrakcij Ljubljane, kar vam omogoča enostaven dostop in raziskovanje mesta.

Nekaj naših najbolj priljubljenih enot:
Gami Ex-Factory Lofts
- MAGIC - Ap. Superior s savno (2+1) - PREŠEREN - Apartma dve etaži (2) - JULIJA - Ap. Superior s savno (2)
Gami Ex-Factory Studios
- COPPER - Studio (2) - STEEL - Apartma s teraso (2+2) - AQUA - Apartma Penthouse (2)

Ne glede na izbiro enote, vam zagotavljamo udobje, kakovostno opremo in prijazno osebje, ki vam bo na voljo skozi celoten bivanje.

Lokacija / Parkiranje

Gami Ex-Factory Lofts & Studios se nahajajo na Tržaški cesti 2 v Ljubljani. Objekt ponuja parkirna mesta za naše goste. Lokacija vam omogoča hiter dostop do centra mesta in glavnih cestnih povezav.

Kontakt / Pogoji

Za več informacij o rezervacijah ali kakršnih koli drugih vprašanjih nas lahko kontaktirate na telefonsko številko +386 64 253 453 ali po elektronski pošti na Strokovno in prijazno osebje vam bo z veseljem pomagalo.

Smo licencirano podjetje Gami Ljubljana d.o.o. z matično številko 7094922000 in vsi naši apartmaji izpolnjujejo pogoje za 3 zvezdnične apartmaje.

Doživite nepozabno bivanje v Gami Ex-Factory Lofts & Studios in se prepustite edinstvenim doživetjem v samem srcu Ljubljane!

Prikaz na zemljevidu

346 mnenj





Arriviamo ci viene assegnato un appartamento, che dire scadente è dire poco, sporco con muffa e polvere e peli sulle lenzuola del letto, ci rifiutiamo di pernottare in quella stanza, chiediamo il cambio di appartamento ci viene negato, chiediamo la restituzione dell’importo speso 500 euro non ci viene restituito, non ci rimane che andare via e pernottare in un altro albergo, atteggiamento vergognoso da parte dell’host.




Simpatico, nuovo, a 15 ca. dal centro. Personale qualificato. Va bene.


The rooms at this venue are renovated from office places from old tobacco factory, hence the name "Tobačna". The rooms are small, but well equipped for travellers who are on a budget. The wifi is available everywhere and the kitchen and rooms are cozy and have a modern look. However the rooms aren't very big and the suits are divided into stories because of very high ceiling.








Exposed wiring in the bathroom above shower head. Dodgy cable jointing above washing machine. Wi-Fi was terrible poor coverage. Shower was filthy with black mould in the shower seal and brown grease in the shower tray. People running up and down corridors and a horrible smell of that strong tobacco they smoke. Walls were paper mashe and could hear full conversations of next door. Would not recommend stay away at all costs.




Prijatan smestaj blizu centra Ljubljane.Apartman duplex ima sve sto je potrebno.Odnos cene i usluge odlican.Ima svoj parking.Moderan enterijer.Mozete sami kuvati ima sve sto je potrebno.Krevet udoban.Cisto i toplo.Kupatilo vrlo dobro. Wi fi dobar.










Disaster, we literally entered the room that wasn’t cleaned after previous guests. Creepy place in the old factory, I couldn’t sleep all night. Plus it smells really bad.










I think for the price It's really worth it. The distance really is 15 minutes of a nice walk with many bars and Restaurants on the way. The appartment was small but really really great equipped! We had small issues like towels that were left from previous guest and we missed some very minor thing, but it was not a problem because the person in the reception helped us with everything and was amazingly nice, even though it was past 21:30. He also helped us find the parking and was super patient. There were some small things that were not perfect, but again, for the price It's good in my opinion.




We rented for 4 persons an appartment for 6 guets. I would expect in an appartment for 6 a coffee machine. And on hint on this not an answer like „we did not mention a coffee machine in our description and there is a vending machine outside the appartment“. Seriously, breakfast with coffee from the vending machine??? Plus: - not even one wardrobe, - no hangers - not even one hook in the whole appartment - not water stop in the sink - one sleeping room so small that could not open a suitcase beside the bed. And that in a room with absoluly no storing possibilities, not evena chair Just to mention the mainpoints besides the fact that the appartment had approx. 50 m2 and only cheap furnituring. But I forgot one thing: there is a sauna in - for what ever you might need it. Customer orientation is something different.

dear Jochen you rented an apartment for travelers. people that travel light not with loads of luggage like you. you booked via airbnb and you can see the description and all the photos before you book and then decide if that is ok for you. we didn't put the coffe machine in the apartment because there is one on the hallway 10m from the apartment and it makes coffe out of freshly grinded coffe beans. you can also check the size of the apartment BEFORE you book and decide if you are ok with the size. Did you also buy a car and then complained to the vendor that the car is to small?! some people are just never happy with anything :/


Muy muy bien, céntrico y la recepcionista super amable.


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