5.0 (2 mnenj)

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Preveri vsa mnenja, ocene, odpiralne čase ter kontaktne podatke za ASTARTA ROVINJ, nepremičninska agencija v mestu rovinj.
  • ponedeljek 9.00 do 16.00
  • torek 9.00 do 16.00
  • sreda 9.00 do 16.00
  • četrtek 9.00 do 16.00
  • Petek 9.00 do 16.00
  • sobota 9.00 do 13.00
  • nedelja Zaprto

Prikaz na zemljevidu

2 mnenj

Excellent and very professional property agency! Friendly and Knowledgable personnel who make the process of buying property easy and efficient.


I was more than suprised when I found out how well custom oriented this team is acting Communication as well as organisational talents are some among all things every serious business man could consider to learn from this excellent team


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