Capercaillie Croatia - Photo hunting

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Capercaillie Wildlife Photography Tours in Croatia

Capture the Majestic Capercaillie! The only one in Central Europe, we organize unique wildlife photography tours of the Capercaillie. The Capercaillie, with its impressive size and striking plumage, is an icon of the forested wilderness. These charismatic birds display intricate courtship rituals and are a true spectacle to behold. Join us to witness their extraordinary displays and create stunning photographs that tell their story.

Our tours are suitable for photographers of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced pros. Whether you're looking to enhance your wildlife photography skills or simply admire the beauty of nature, our tours are designed to cater to your interests. We are able to tailor our offer to your wishes and requirements and organize visits to the natural beauties and sights in the surroundings. We also organize accommodation with meals in the immediate vicinity (Tršće).


The village of Prezid (5 km) is located near the Slovenian-Croatian border. When visiting, please make sure you announce yourself.

Latest News

  • Capercaillie Goran and Kvarner were released into the open air
  • The Capercaillie is not hunting game in Croatia
  • Annual Award of Primorsko-goranska County (PGŽ) assigned to the founder PhD Ivica Križ
  • Silver plaque of the city of Čabra awarded to Association "Capercaillie"
  • National Geographic Award in 2021 received by Association "Capercaillie"


Young male capercaillie Female and male capercaillie
Five years old male capercaillie Four-year-old female capercaillie


You can book your photography session or get in touch with us using the following contact details:


Phone: +385958185583

Follow us on social media:

Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Google


All pictures, promotional material and texts are © copyright of Ivica Križ, PhD. All rights reserved. You may NOT use, copy or modify images, promotional material, texts or content from this site without the permission of the author. You must send an inquiry to the following email for permission:

Privacy Policy

For information about our privacy policy, please visit our Privacy Policy page.

Terms & Conditions

For information about our terms and conditions, please visit our Terms & Conditions page.

Book your photography session now! Contact us here and reserve your capercaillie photography session.

  • ponedeljek 10:00 do 17:00
  • torek 10:00 do 17:00
  • sreda 10:00 do 17:00
  • četrtek 10:00 do 17:00
  • Petek 10:00 do 17:00
  • sobota 10:00 do 17:00
  • nedelja 10:00 do 17:00

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