Berks County District Attorney's Office

2.1 (7 mnenj)

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7 mnenj

John Adams is a terrific and very active District Attorney. His office staff is also on the ball.


Horrible I can't believe how horrible the D.A is. The whole system is a joke and very sad for people that deserve to be heard and have RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. We the people have no rights unless you have money or you are White. Can't wait for real judgement day when they all rot in hell. Definitely not for the people. VOTE WISELY


I called the police to check on my infant granddaughter for what was possibly a life or death situation. Not only did the officer know this, he also knew (we did not at the time) his department had been called to the baby's home on multiple occasions by neighbors. Despite knowing all of this, the officer didn't bother asking to see the baby. Knocked on the door, asked if she was OK and left. A relative arrived and had to argue with him to go back and ask to see the baby. He refused for a time but finally relented and asked to see her. He then informed me she was 'perfectly happy and healthy'. My husband and I were banned from seeing the baby as punishment for that call. 2 months later, she was murdered. Her autopsy proved she hadn't been 'perfectly happy and healthy', she'd had multiple fractures the officer missed since he hadn't taken my call seriously. Conveniently, the public was never made aware of this. In addition the police and DA refused to speak to all witnesses. Reports were falsified and lies spewed. All to protect the officer who didn't do his job. The correct person is behind bars. But the public needs to be aware this office will not hesitate to lie, slander and falsify information regarding innocent people to protect their own. Dont' make the same mistake we did. Even if you're innocent, TAKE AN ATTORNEY WITH YOU TO SEE THESE CORRUPT INDIVIDUALS. Believe me, they'd throw their own mothers under the bus if necessary.


Looks like the Berks County DA stands up for WALMART instead of it's citizen's right.


This district attorney allowed a foster parent who killed a two and a half year old child walk with 5 years probation because they didn't present the evidence for the victim from the doctors of Hershey medical center and the investigative team of the Pennsylvania State Police and didn't let the family speak before sentencing and she said he fell down the steps yet he was so swollen beyond recognition he had to be flown his skull had to be removed in pieces and he had brain matter coming out of his ear and the lady walked with 5 years probation!!!! No justice!!!


As a reporter, I’m always disappointed when covering this District Attorney’s Office to my seven-figure audience on Facebook. One day I hope they get their act together but until then they’re straight out of the deliverance movie. Go watch it with Burt Reynolds if you haven’t seen it. Pretty much sums them up.




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